View Full Version : blair witch project...

24-Jul-2007, 04:25 PM
what do you guys make of this film?? ive just got it on vhs altho i have seen it 2wice b4.

24-Jul-2007, 05:04 PM
theres been other threads on this a couple o times and im one of the few people who likes it. Its one of my all time favourite films in fact, more than dawn of the dead...almost. i like the idea its a recording of an event, thats what made it stand out, if it had been shot like a normal horror film it would have sucked balls...and probably starred dean-im living a lie-cain.

25-Jul-2007, 03:59 PM
I thought it was great low-budget filmmaking.

I could've done without it's sequel, "Book of Shadows", though.:confused:

25-Jul-2007, 04:08 PM
once again (though i aint as big a fan as ghostbusters as you) we haev the same taste in movies, book of shadows sucked balls, THERE WASNT EVEN A "BOOK OF SHADOWS" IN THE FILM!?!

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 04:55 PM
Great atmosphere. I wasn't a big fan of the shaky cam though.

25-Jul-2007, 07:06 PM
Great atmosphere. I wasn't a big fan of the shaky cam though.

You're pulling thoughts out of my head again darth :lol:

Actaully I did like it, thought it was an interesting concept to do
a story from the characters POV, but like darth said,
the shaky camera and zooming in and out of focus
began to get on my nerves after awhile.

25-Jul-2007, 07:08 PM
then you might dig the last broudcast a little more, its interjected fps footage over a similar event with a fake documentary, its pretty good, not as good as, purely cus the ending switches to the....

yknow what, just get it off ebay for a buck and make your own mind up on the ending.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 07:37 PM
then you might dig the last broudcast a little more, its interjected fps footage over a similar event with a fake documentary, its pretty good, not as good as, purely cus the ending switches to the....

yknow what, just get it off ebay for a buck and make your own mind up on the ending.

I thought blair witch was a great concept as well. It was a pop culture phenomenon and spawned legions of copycats. However, i would have liked it better if it didn't make me dizzy every 5 minutes.

I'll try and check that film you suggested though.

25-Jul-2007, 07:42 PM
i reckon youll dig it, great twist but the ending, its the marmite of cinema.:|

27-Jul-2007, 01:42 AM
good film, great atmosphere, fantastic marketing campaign.

BAD sequel though, dont care what Dawg says :lol:

28-Jul-2007, 09:31 PM
Eh, I really really liked the idea of it and the way they marketed it, but the fact that they said f*ck every other word (I'm not one who won't watch a movie simply because of cussing, but that's just overkill) and the acting just didn't do it for me.

It's just my opinion though. My dad said it was the scariest movie he'd ever seen, so to each their own.

28-Jul-2007, 11:00 PM
I remember when it first came out,
the publicity spews all over the place
tried to claim that it was all real,
that the tapes were found and
Blair Witch really happened.
LOL, guess it was a good marketing
strategy, got some people believing it

28-Jul-2007, 11:48 PM
Scared the living crap out of me and a lot of people who i went to see it with. Was totally drawn in. I wasn't really aware of it or the marketing campaign before i saw it, just had heard/read good things about it. The guy made to stand in the corner at the end when you only get a glimpse of him is one of the most haunting images i've ever seen on film.

29-Jul-2007, 04:17 AM
I still remember the feeling I had at the ending, and relive it everytime I see the movie. IMO one of the scariest moments in movie history. Great movie.