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24-Jul-2007, 06:40 PM

I'm going to hazard a guess that since he had the chips for two weeks and for a week since opening it perhaps the mouse just crawled into the bag and died from the unhealthy food lol

24-Jul-2007, 06:42 PM
yea but how'd it get deepfried?

I don't care, as long as they don't touch my beloved doritos i'm okay with finding dead stuff in chips...I hate bbq anyway..

24-Jul-2007, 06:59 PM
maybe it was mousing through trash and got covered in oil.. and got fried from the hot texas sun... and then found its way into his house :D

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:04 PM
Alot of times things like this are scams concoted to make money. I'd like to see what they turn up through their investigation.

24-Jul-2007, 07:06 PM
Yeah like the lady who found a finger in her Wendys chili... eeeuw... and then turns out she did it before... I just wonder where she got the finger from and if she killed two people for one finger each or one person and cut off all ten fingers and vaccumsealed 'em for use at her convenience?

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:23 PM
Yeah like the lady who found a finger in her Wendys chili... eeeuw... and then turns out she did it before... I just wonder where she got the finger from and if she killed two people for one finger each or one person and cut off all ten fingers and vaccumsealed 'em for use at her convenience?

To me it would make more sense to do the latter. It would dra too much attention to kill another person everytime you needed a digit. You could store them next to the ben and jerrry's.

24-Jul-2007, 07:25 PM
Nah you wouldn't store them next to the ben n jerrys or even in the freezer... depending on whether Wendys uses frozen meat... you wouldn't want the tell tale signs of freezer burn on a finger you put into your chili for a bogus lawsuit... however i'm not sure if you could refridgerate the body because a decomposing finger in chili would surely raise questions... hm... what is a a person to do...

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:28 PM
That leaves a person intent on committing fraud with no other option but to chop off somebody's minutes beforehand.

24-Jul-2007, 07:32 PM
Well I wouldn't rush to that judgement maybe the Wendys chili is made at a processing plant and shipped out to its stores weekly... so perhaps it should be a several-day-old finger

24-Jul-2007, 07:35 PM
Maybe she had a partner. Split it 50/50 with you if you
give me one of your fingers :)
I actually opened a box of Mac and Cheese once,
found cockroaches inside. Dead, of course but
still, uuggggh,

24-Jul-2007, 07:37 PM
if someone lobbed off their finger to give for a scheme like this it should be 80/20

24-Jul-2007, 07:37 PM
Connections to the medical industry, even a low-level one, could net you a finger.

24-Jul-2007, 07:39 PM
yeah but that would be kinda discrediting

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:40 PM
Maybe she had a partner. Split it 50/50 with you if you
give me one of your fingers :)
I actually opened a box of Mac and Cheese once,
found cockroaches inside. Dead, of course but
still, uuggggh,

And you didn't sue!?! :stunned:

Connections to the medical industry, even a low-level one, could net you a finger.

The real money's in kdneys. :D

24-Jul-2007, 07:41 PM
we're all very special aren't we?

24-Jul-2007, 07:48 PM
we're all very special aren't we?

Of course we are :elol:

As for suing, you know it never crossed
my mind at the time. Course this happened
in the early 90's when suing wasn't the "In" thing.

Give a kidney, you could still live.
Before applying for bankrupcy, sell a Kidney :elol:

24-Jul-2007, 07:52 PM
no way declare bankruptcy THEN sell your kidney... you'll need some money to start over with

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
no way declare bankruptcy THEN sell your kidney... you'll need some money to start over with

I hear that a fresh kidney can go for as much as $100,000. Get that ice and bathtub ready!!

24-Jul-2007, 09:09 PM
Say with that I could buy some....
Nah, never mind.
It's too bad their are crooks around who will sue at the
drop of a hat.
Happened here a few years ago, lady was at a Xmas party for work,
she got drunk. Her boss and friends tried to stop her from Drinking and
driving. She got in her car, got into an accident and then turned
around and sued her boss and the company.
She got millions from the company, saying they didn't act
responsible enough towards her.
Hello, who the hell was it that drove drunk.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 09:13 PM
There is actually precedent for lawsuits like that in various states. It depends on the jurisdiction but private citizens as well as companies have been found to be responsible for stuff like this when it happens.

24-Jul-2007, 09:18 PM
To be fair i'm all about suing bars and restaurants or even companies that over-serve or allow over-serving to be done. While I know it may well be one persons desire to drink too much limiting their access to that beverage while they are out for a night on the town or celebrating is any business establishment and homeowners responsibility. People often dont know their limit or overestimate their ability to drive after having a few drinks. As both a bartender and a human being I can attest that people often dont know their limit and when someone works for tips they'll overserve you to try to get more money from you regardless as to whether you're impaired or not and knowing full well you may be driving yourself home. Its just wrong. As for her company I'm not sure if it was a serve yourself situation or if they sprung for a bartender but either way they shouldn't let one of their employees get inebriated at all or drive home. A lesson for the kiddies out there.

However a bogus lawsuit is one my godmother dealt with where a man went to a restaurant and ordered a sandwich which had a toothpick that broke off and he bit into it and of course suffered some internal minor oral injury. Another bogus suit she didn't handle was one where a man was injured while doing something and instead of seeking immediate medical treatment his first stop was to the nearest local attorney to sue his company. If that doesn't scream bogus what does?

On the other hand a minor friend of my brothers won a lawsuit for lobbing off his finger at work because where he worked the safety mechanism on the machines they used were often faulty or just taken off for ease of work. He was able to figure out how it would be easy for himself to cut off a portion of his finger and make easy money and did just that. While I agree in principle he should have won because I mean safety measures should be working and in place but knowing how shady he was and seeing him admit to me that he did it on purpose I felt he should've gotten bubkus.

24-Jul-2007, 09:29 PM
At work lawsuits are the worst.
I've seen people abuse this to the hilt,
they break a fingernail they want compensation.
Then when a person who is really injured needs it,
they get so hasseled or they don't get it at all.
I suffered back injuries from work, I didn't get
any compensation cause they're excuse was
that no one was around to witness the accident.

24-Jul-2007, 09:40 PM
My mom had a lawsuit against her last employer which she won after a 2 year legal battle but to be honest she should have been able to sue for any number of things. Her boss repeatedly belittled her in front of her customers and coworkers for absolutely nothing. She was told to empty the truck every single time it came in and to do it alone (at 60 years old no easy feat) when they were supposed to all share in that chore because they relied on comission to make their salary. And her boss even told her not to take customers and would go out of her way to take a customer from my mother to a sales agent she liked. This woman went out of her way to treat my mother like ****. And when my mom got injured after falling in front of a customer she was in such pain she couldn't get up (they had marble floors) and the customer went to get help and asked the manager to call for a medic or something and her manager actually said you're not hurt now get up. Needless to say that woman was a witness for my mum. And throughout the litigation my mother was given a job where she just sat down and did nothing and was eventually fired for no reason.

Fortunately she won her workers comp suit but damn... most people couldn't afford to take a lawsuit to court. For two years she was unemployed and seeing a doctor three to five times a week for the constant pain and to establish what damage had been done to her during which time she got workers comp monthly payments that wouldn't be enough to support a puppy.

In addition to everything else they tapped the phones where she worked and recorded every conversation you had on their phone lines. Whether any of thats legal or not who knows.

And I personally felt I should be able to sue my former employer for the constant sexual harassment but hey... who has the money or time? And before that my employer was blatantly racist and cheated their employees but none of them dared to sue the company for fear of losing their jobs. Its all so damn riddick.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 11:09 PM
Companies that stiff people out of money that they rightly deserve is just as bad as people making frivilous lawsuits. It sucks but there's really no way to mediate things. It's gotten to the point where we have people suing dry cleaners for $54,000,000 for a lost pair of pants. The end truly is near.

24-Jul-2007, 11:50 PM
Yeah I loved the dry cleaning lawsuit I mean COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNN... we all hate dry cleaners... they 'lose' things and they dont help things and sometimes they ruin things... but I wouldn't sue them for millions... its all guesswork... Its like suing Maytag when my clothes bleed in the washer or overcook in the dryer...stuff happens

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 12:21 AM
Yeah I loved the dry cleaning lawsuit I mean COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNN... we all hate dry cleaners... they 'lose' things and they dont help things and sometimes they ruin things... but I wouldn't sue them for millions... its all guesswork... Its like suing Maytag when my clothes bleed in the washer or overcook in the dryer...stuff happens

I think that nowdays people just want to get rich quick without having to work for it. The litigation process gives them the means to do that. It's a temptation that not many can resist.

25-Jul-2007, 12:27 AM
Yes, things got a little too wacky huh.
Recently a man sued the Toronto Blue Jays
because one of thier fly balls smacked him
in the head and rendered him unconscious.

25-Jul-2007, 06:13 AM
Yeah like the lady who found a finger in her Wendys chili... eeeuw... and then turns out she did it before... I just wonder where she got the finger from and if she killed two people for one finger each or one person and cut off all ten fingers and vaccumsealed 'em for use at her convenience?

You know, it actually came out that she got it from a guy who worked with her husband, he lost his finger in an accident so they bribed him for it saying they would share the money they got.

I think she may be in jail now, but I quit following that story a long time ago.

25-Jul-2007, 04:18 PM
On the one hand I think she should be in jail but on the other hand with the prisons being so overpopulated and her being obviously not smart I figure what harm is she to the public and to companies anyway? Perhaps she should be forced to pay restitution to the police department and any investigation that took place over her claim and let it be done.