View Full Version : How does everyone feel about job outsourcing?

25-Jul-2007, 04:23 PM
I was thinking today about the illegal immigrants we have here and how they're taking 'our jobs' and was just wondering... how do people feel about job outsourcing? Its basically like hiring illegals because you're handing over jobs people in your own country could do (not to mention considering the unemployment in our country we could use those jobs) to people they have to train to speak English just to deal with you?

25-Jul-2007, 06:58 PM
If you start me in on that Miss J,
I'm afraid you won't be able to shut me up.
All I can say is, it isn't fair that these people
come here and get jobs while we have people
freezing to death in the streets and starving.

25-Jul-2007, 07:05 PM
If you start me in on that Miss J,
I'm afraid you won't be able to shut me up.
All I can say is, it isn't fair that these people
come here and get jobs while we have people
freezing to death in the streets and starving.


25-Jul-2007, 07:11 PM
outscourcing aint allways to immigrints, like call centres in india, sure the accents a little thick, but for a second language they should be given some leway, 'specially since unlike the old u.s call centers we used to have THEY ACTUALLY HELP WITH THE PROBLEM.
which ill gladly take that outscouring rather than a callcenter recpetionist called "tiffanee" asking me if my mointors plugged in when its displaying the windows was unable to start properly message, adn then when you get pissed puts you on hold:mad:

25-Jul-2007, 08:03 PM
I think it sucks. It takes good paying jobs away from skilled people and it doesn't make for lower prices just higher profits. When people state that "it's good for the economy" they're referring to the CEO economy, not that of the working class.

25-Jul-2007, 08:46 PM
You said that so aptly Max. It doesn't drive down the price for American consumers it only drives up the profit for the companies that take part in outsourcing.

I personally would like to see a website set up that alerts American consumers about any and all companies that spend time outsourcing and breaks down how much the companies stand to make from the outsourcing and how much it costs Americans to pay for other countries to take over their jobs.

Unfortunately I kinda feel like outsourcing is amost entirely the same as Wal Mart merchendise (and a good lot of stuff we sell in any store) is made almost exclusively in other countries. While we support the world economy I can't help but feel that we let ours suffer. But I hope those executives at HP rest assured in the event of another depression era that they wont be effected by the depression... their consumers will.

Whats funny is this thread started after yet another call to HP customer support where yet again I couldn't understand the man from India on the other end. He just couldn't ennunciate American style and if he's having me type stuff into that black screen on my laptop I dont want to f up. When I asked to speak to an American representative because I couldn't understand him he called me racist and hung up. Conveniently that phone call recording was 'lost' when I called to complain. To think I dropped $1500 bucks for support like that. F*@#$%s!

25-Jul-2007, 09:03 PM
Yeah, love those calls when I have problems.
Someone told me that all calls made to companies
like that, are fowarded to these people in Indian and all
that, where they answer and help you with your problems.
That is why you hear a lot of forigeiners when you make
a call to help centers.
CEO's like Max said, wanna save money best way to save money,
pay these people sitting in another country a lot less instead of
hiring someone in your own country.
It angers me to see this happen.
Really angers me when these people from other countries,
come to live in ours, have jobs, money, clothing and
a good education for their kids, then they turn around and
complain about the country or the weather., or some
other *&$^#^$ so I tell them GO HOME if you don't like
it here. I'm talking about the spongers now, not the professionals
who might come here and actually bring something to
our countries.
Okay rant and rave over.
Takes a deep breath.
Who wants my soap box next

25-Jul-2007, 09:13 PM
I think it is a give and take situation. Many countries outsource their jobs to America. The popular stance is to rage out outsourcing, but I think it is for the common good and helps nudge us into a more global economy.

25-Jul-2007, 10:49 PM
I think it is a give and take situation. Many countries outsource their jobs to America. The popular stance is to rage out outsourcing, but I think it is for the common good and helps nudge us into a more global economy.
Until they truck YOUR industry to Bangladesh:eek::eek:

Food for thought, is all