View Full Version : Inappropriate or criminal?

25-Jul-2007, 05:54 PM
I love how this little twirp is all smiles like he hasn't got a care in the world...


Call me a prude but the only people I want slapping my ass is my boyfriend and even then there's a time and a place for that. I think personally as a female who's been ass slapped by strangers and pals alike its offensive because its not like a handshake where I get to reach out my hand to accept another persons. With an ass-slap-hello you're not really giving a person the choice to receive it. I've seen girls do it to guys but I presume men might dig that kind of attention.

While I dont think the boys should have to register as sex offenders because thats a bit too extreme I do think that their week in jail and probation would be sufficient punishment. It is inappropriate but by doing nothing beyond saying its bad manners and a simple school suspension its like saying try not to get caught next time.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 06:28 PM
I think that's a touchy subject with alot of gray area. I'm not that far removed from my teen years and we did alot of dumb things that when i look back on them i'm like "what was i thinking?" The link you posted won't show anything for me but i'll comment anyway.

First did they know each other and have that type of relationship where he was comfortable doing that?

Was it merely a slap on the ass or did he feel her up/grope her? There is a huge difference.

Personally i have a daughter and i would be enraged. Either way no one has a right to touch anyone, period. I don't want anyone, let alone some hormone driven young punks treating my little girl like a piece of meat, which unfortunately is the cool thing to do nowdays. Females even refer to themselves as bitches and ho's. They have to start with some self respect for themselves first and then the majority of people will follow suit and see that sh'es not that type of girl. Misogyny is a real problem in our culture. However, females are complicit in it as well. They must carry themselves the way they would like to be treated instead of feeling that they are entitled to be treated like ladies regardless of their behavior. People see how you act, make a judgement and then treat you accordingly. Respect themselves as well as others. You give what you get. It's the same thing i would tell my daughter.

25-Jul-2007, 06:38 PM
well it may not be exactly poltically correct but im more into the chivalry of opening a door for a lady or pulling out there chair, but ass slapping, hell no, to be honest im pretty damn shy when i first meet new people, not my normally "hes cool...in small doses" self adn there is no way i would even have the guts to do that, adn if i did i still wouldnt ,if you do that why not make them act as a footstool and stuck out cigarettes on there ass:rolleyes::mad:

sex offender is a little strong, but sexual harrasment, totally.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 06:48 PM
sex offender is a little strong, but sexual harrasment, totally.

agreed. Although i'd like to know more about this particular story before commenting further. Sexual offender is a strong label and should not be tossed around lightly. It leaves a stigma on someone for the rest of their lives.

25-Jul-2007, 06:56 PM
all i know is that guy (channels mz over crystal ball) hobnoviously did not own a top hat OR play guitar hero 2, cus everyone knows if you dont have either your a pervert;)

25-Jul-2007, 06:56 PM
I can't comment as of yet,
my comp is being an a**,
it won't let me pull up the thread

Chic Freak
25-Jul-2007, 07:18 PM
I wouldn't consider someone who inappropriately slaps someone else's ass a sexual predator, just a rude, ignorant f*cking idiot.

25-Jul-2007, 07:20 PM
preach it girl! *equality five!*:D

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 07:20 PM
I can't comment as of yet,
my comp is being an a**,
it won't let me pull up the thread

Yeah, the link mj posted is not working. It seems to be a link to something on this site though, not an actual article. :rockbrow:

25-Jul-2007, 08:34 PM

hope that link works...

Whats galling to me is that a boy/man would do that and expect not to get a swift kick in the jewels. If a guy actually tried to shake my hand hello it awes me to this day it makes him look chivalrus and like he has honorable intentions.

To answer your questions Dlo in case the link doesn't work...

Two boys were involved but the main problem is the one boy who reportedly also touched a young girls breasts at school. He and his friend ass slapped hello a few girls ...some of whom felt uncomfortable at school about it. The boys defense was that its like a 'secret handshake' the kids at the school have and that the girls have been reported as having done it too. It is to be noted that it is unclear as to whether the girls who reporedly felt uncomfortable did the ass slap as well but I imagine the girls who didnt complain to teachers about it were the ones who also ass slapped. Because its junior high i'm going to also imagine the girls who said it was okay perhaps could have been afraid of being ostracized for saying no we dont like it. Perhaps the girls that are more social and much 'easier' than the rest.

It was a slap on the ass where they felt the girls buttocks and depending on whether they were wearing skirts or pants who knows exactly how extremely violating that was.

I totally agree that some girls/women put out there a vibe of willingness to accept and engage in this type of behavior and it deeply sickens me that women would pander themselves to men in such poor taste for social acceptance or even for affection. However because several complaints were made about these two boys both on ass slapping and once for feeling a classmates breasts its apparent that perhaps girls who dont put off that vibe were also harassed in such a manner.

How we determine the girls who are asking to be treated like that is another thing. Some girls dress with skirts so low and thongs so high you can see their business and they may well think they should be treated like ladies but to anyone with half a brain they're asking for trouble and dressing like a tranny prostitute. I think a lot of blame can rest in their families permitting them to dress like that by giving them money for those clothes but then again there's ways around that anyway. A lot of it could have to do with how its somehow been made trendy to be easy and to sleep around and dress like you're willing to give it away but I think a lot could also have to do with how you were brought up. Some girls have a low self worth due to lack of attention from their families and because of that they'll seek attention any way they can from any one willing. Its sad but that's where we live today.

From my experience in high school (and I sure have changed since then) when I went to private school part of the time everyone there behaved with a real sense of decorum and respect. There were prolly 2 boys and 1 girl in the school who behaved like jerks but eventually they were kicked out for their bad behavior. I think more schools should take the stance that if you participate in such behavior you're obviously so low class you're only going to wind up working at McDonalds so you may as well be lobbed outta school and get a head start on learning how to sell fries with every order. Perhaps then students would step up. If after a year of working for minimum wage the students believe they can benefit from education and are willing to behave like gentlemen and ladies then they can submit to an interview and if their intentions seem genuine then they can be allowed back in.

I dont know what sickens me more... the kid smiling on his way out or his parents attitude like its no big deal. This could easily be a precursor to more sexually agressive bad behavior in their future and so it shouldn't be dismissed as a slight problem. Also while they shouldn't have to register as sexual offenders I feel that all sexually related crimes from a persons past should never be expunged from their record because it could be a sign of things to come and could play an important role in a future trial for another sexually related offense.

25-Jul-2007, 08:40 PM
that reminds me of something that happened when colege started.
this pretnetious as hell dude (a drama major:rolleyes:) who was the bleached hair, sunglasses and hawain shirt type sat opposite me and allways acted liek he new everything. and not bragging, no really its part of the story, i was top of my film class so i answered every question i could adn whenever i got somethign right and he didnt he gave me the filhtiest looks ive ever seen, needless to say i didnt like the guy,
So im off with the flu for a week adn come bck adn after a while notcie hes been mising more than i have, i ask why and it turns out he was chatting up a girl and talked about how smart he was, and she mentioned, to my own pride, that she thought "that long haired kid danny was the smarter of the two".
aparently he whent ape **** on her adn was caught later in the parking lot trying to "force himself upon her". He actually had the balls to blame it ,and his failing grades in other classes on me making him feel "inadequate" and tht the girls mentioning me made him feel like less of a man
and got off with jsut explulsion adn not sex offender charges

seriously, when it comes to guys and gals some people are ****ing insane.:mad:, adn i dont care if i sound old fashioned with all the open a door ,enevr hit a lady stuff but if you force yourself on a girl you most definatly aint a man, your a ****ing child with a mental disorder.

25-Jul-2007, 08:53 PM
I dont think a friggin 13 year old slapping an ass is any reason to give him a felony, a sex offender's status, and even a minute in jail
Hes a KID. You tell him if he does it again he's going to get screwed. You cant put every kid who does something stupid or rude in jail/
JAIL is NOT the answer to everything.

Young boys are awkward and stupid. They so awkward stupid things. They get yelled at and embarrassed they usually stop.

That kids Not in high school. Hes BARELY in junior high!

Not a criminal until the fascist reactionary prosecutor made him so.

When I was really young I slapped a couple asses. I got yelled at and humiliated and never did it again. I was young and stupid and didnt really see it as the big deal it was. But not a big enough deal to send me to f**king prison.
Christ. People need room to grow and make a mistake without the threat of prison for every dumb thing someone does.

I got MY ass slapped by Chicks and even my knot grabbed a couple times. Should they go to prison?

25-Jul-2007, 08:54 PM
wow ... that's crazy... men just freak me out sometimes...

I dont think a friggin 13 year old slapping an ass is any reason to give him a felony, a sex offender's status, and even a minute in jail
Hes a KID. You tell him if he does it again he's going to get screwed. You cant put every kid who does something stupid or rude in jail/
JAIL is NOT the answer to everything.

Young boys are awkward and stupid. They so awkward stupid things. They get yelled at and embarrassed they usually stop.

That kids Not in high school. Hes BARELY in junior high!

Not a criminal until the fascist reactionary prosecutor made him so.

When I was really young I slapped a couple asses. I got yelled at and humiliated and never did it again. I was young and stupid and didnt really see it as the big deal it was. But not a big enough deal to send me to f**king prison.
Christ. People need room to grow and make a mistake without the threat of prison for every dumb thing someone does.

I got MY ass slapped by Chicks and even my knot grabbed a couple times. Should they go to prison?

the kid was smiling! it wasn't like he felt like he did anything wrong!

25-Jul-2007, 09:02 PM
the kid was smiling! it wasn't like he felt like he did anything wrong!
I thought about that. Than I realized that maybe he was very happy to be OUT OF JAIL. That would put a smile on anyones face. 5 days in jail for a boy who maybe couldve never been in trouble before is a really long time.

25-Jul-2007, 09:07 PM
While I too thought he could be smiling because he's exiting jail he should be concerned about his future and whether he may be signed on as a sex offender and facing further jail time.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:13 PM
The thing is that this reportedly wasn't the first time that this boy was involved in this sort of behavior. Knowing as many teens as i do i'm almost positive that he felt he got away with something. That's the problem, these penalties aren't severe enough. Teens feel, and rightly so, That they can get away with certain types of behavior because they know that the apologists for them will come out of the woodwork with things like "he's just a kid" or "boys will be boys.' They know nothing's going to happen to them. The overiding concern here should be intent and if the person knew what they were doing was wrong. I believe that they did. I'm aware that kids do stupid things. The thing is i remember being that age and most kids know what they're doing in wrong and choose to engage in the activity regardless. How many times have we said to ourselves as kids, " my parents will kill me if they find out?" That statement denotes the awareness of the wrongdoing one is engaging in.

25-Jul-2007, 09:16 PM
Yeah but how do you prove he knew was he did was wrong and proceeded to do so anyway? Maybe he grew up in a barn and didn't know any better. I can understand when a young person or person of any age with a mental retardation goes and slaps someone doesn't know any better... but if you're not mental you know better. Its common human decency.

I've said soooooooooooo many times man my parents will kill me if they found out lol

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:24 PM
Yeah but how do you prove he knew was he did was wrong and proceeded to do so anyway? Maybe he grew up in a barn and didn't know any better. I can understand when a young person or person of any age with a mental retardation goes and slaps someone doesn't know any better... but if you're not mental you know better. Its common human decency.

I've said soooooooooooo many times man my parents will kill me if they found out lol

Because there's a thing called personal resposibility. Following that logic anyone can get away with serial murders because they didn't know beter. The real question is at what age should one be expected to be resposible for their own actions. It's definitely before age 16. And before you answer remember that we punish children who are very young. If they didn't know what they were doing then what's the sense in punishing them?

25-Jul-2007, 09:27 PM
Now now... i'm not unreasonable... a junior high school student certainly knows reasonable behavior... before that however who knows... certainly at sixth grade and fifth grade but the punishment should vary depending on age... I wouldn't suggest children from elementary school should be locked up that would be insane and i'm just not that crazy.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:30 PM
Now now... i'm not unreasonable... a junior high school student certainly knows reasonable behavior... before that however who knows... certainly at sixth grade and fifth grade but the punishment should vary depending on age... I wouldn't suggest children from elementary school should be locked up that would be insane and i'm just not that crazy.

Yeah that would be kinda nuts. But seriously this country needs a serious debate on what the hell is going on with our youth and what we need to do about it. It's geting to the point where stories like this are commonplace and don't even shock you anymore. we've come to expect this kind of behavior from them and that is unacceptable.

25-Jul-2007, 09:32 PM
Dang! Now I know that this is all about.
That kid that did the slapping, you think he
doesn't know what he's doing. Sure he does,
and he got away with it. He got his kicks out
of it and hung up his reasoning on a lame
excuse that it's the way to say howdy,
pleeeaaassseee, kids today get away with so
much crap it makes me cringe at the thought
of what they'll be like when they're adults.

25-Jul-2007, 09:33 PM
he was a kid and what he did was wrong but there is worse

in todays paper the story of how a man and woman were walking down the street. another woman approached them and asked for a cigarette. the first woman siad "thats my husband dont be disrespecting me" the two women started to fight and the second woman pulled out a knife and stabbed the first woman. the reason the first woman attacked the lady who asked for a cigarette? she told police "she was offended that the other woman talked to her man"

this was last night at about midnight
no arrests were made
this kid spent 5 days in jail

balance it out

25-Jul-2007, 09:34 PM
True but even when I was in high school over 7 years ago some boys behaved that way. Hell i'm still sick over half the things that went on at my public high schools throughout the years. I had a guy lick the back of my neck and ear and tell me something that makes me cringe to this day and nothing was done about it besides a one day in school suspension. And that was in class in front of the teacher and everything.

I was looking up a old school mate of mine yesterday and had to go through 80 pages of Katie Browns and there was a 15 year old girl who had a picture posted of herself on her bed splayed out in Victorias Secret. Whats wrong with people? Can we ever fix this?

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM
this was last night at about midnight
no arrests were made
this kid spent 5 days in jail

balance it out

Well if they had common sense they wouldn't be politicians now would they. It's ironic that the ones who are the most electable are the most ill suited to actually write legislation.

Whats wrong with people? Can we ever fix this?

The first step in fixing a dilema is to admit that there's a problem in the first place. As of yet this has not happened.

25-Jul-2007, 10:36 PM
While I too thought he could be smiling because he's exiting jail he should be concerned about his future and whether he may be signed on as a sex offender and facing further jail time.
Thats because
not thirty!
Wow. I guess some of you popped out of your Mom fully formed. Thats very fortunate of you to have known everything you know now your whole life. When I was 13 i was still considering if I wanted to still play with my Micronauts and what was that wierd stuff that came out my ding dong occasionally at night.

The thing is that this reportedly wasn't the first time that this boy was involved in this sort of behavior. Knowing as many teens as i do i'm almost positive that he felt he got away with something. That's the problem, these penalties aren't severe enough. Teens feel, and rightly so, That they can get away with certain types of behavior because they know that the apologists for them will come out of the woodwork with things like "he's just a kid" or "boys will be boys.' .
I didnt see anything in the posted article about repeat behavior. Did I miss something?
Btw, I highly doubt he will be slapping assess any time soon. I dont think I am an apologist by any means. You can charge a child with an adult sized penalty, but they are still children and that should always be a consideration. He wasnt caught raping babies or chopping up hoboes.

Dhung up his reasoning on a lame
excuse that it's the way to say howdy,

Yeah that is a lame excuse. What does he think he is? Thirteen? Grow up, dammit.

You guys all forget Kids were sh*tty when I was 13 in 1980. Nothings changed. In a lot of ways, around here, its gotten WAY BETTER. Sure Kids are rude dicks. But it bothers me more because Im older and I want those damn kids off my lawn.
And you cant have your ball back. It went in my yard so its MINE!!!!

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 10:48 PM
When i was 13 i was playing but it wasn't with my micronauts. :elol:

Like i said earlier there is a debate that needs to be had. Even like what we're doing now. Dialogue is good. That way we can get everything out in the open and hopefully move closer to solving the problem.

About him doing it repeatedly i could have sworn i read earlier in this thread that it was a common practice that they engaged in. Perhaps i was mistaken.

25-Jul-2007, 10:54 PM
okay..okay let's all relax here.

I was 13 in 1985, never crossed my mind to
do this sort of thing to any of the girls I knew.

I'm just saying that it seems as time wears on, things that
were once unacceptable when we were kids,
seems to be more acceptable to this
generation and that is just bad behaviour.

25-Jul-2007, 10:55 PM
Hey kids today grow up faster than they did back in 1982 or haven't you noticed?

25-Jul-2007, 10:58 PM
Hey kids today grow up faster than they did back in 1982 or haven't you noticed?
They know stuff about sex etc. But grow up faster? Im not so sure about that. People said the same stuff about my generation when I was a kid. Kids boned, Got high and shot each other than too, y;know. I was there. Its true!:).

25-Jul-2007, 11:01 PM
Well hell if they're old enough to shoot each other and old enough to bone then they're also old enough to know not to slap a girl on the ass to say hello and they're old enough to know they've erred and could face a fudgepacker in juvy for being a complete and total cad. Kids at 13 aren't THAT stupid. They should throw the book at him to make an example.

25-Jul-2007, 11:02 PM
When i was 13 i was playing but it wasn't with my micronauts. :elol:

About him doing it repeatedly i could have sworn i read earlier in this thread that it was a common practice that they engaged in. Perhaps i was mistaken.
Yeah I was whackin it then to Pics of Candy Samples in Old Huslers and watching My super 8 reel of Deep Throat. And Playing with Micronauts. Didnt realize then you could have both:p

By repeat I thought you meant he got in trouble and kept doing it. Apparently his first offense of juvenile buttslapping is greater than an actual sexual assault.

Well hell if they're old enough to shoot each other and old enough to bone then they're also old enough to know not to slap a girl on the ass to say hello and they're old enough to know they've erred and could face a fudgepacker in juvy for being a complete and total cad. Kids at 13 aren't THAT stupid. They should throw the book at him to make an example.
Some kids git high etc. Doesnt make them grown up. I was just pointing out that you are saying the same thing people in 1920 probably said about the previous generation. I just dont think its true.

My opinion. is he is a child and you and the DA are REALLLY over reacting. Im sure you have done a few unsavory things, as we all have, and Im sure prison wouldnt have done anything but damaged you. Im sure if it was some obnoxious thing you yourself did you would have a different opinion. I cannot stand violence against women but due to the "offenders" age it doesnt meet the criteria in deed or in motive.

So the penalty for bad manners is a few years of being raped by a gang of 20 year olds? thats totally retarded.

26-Jul-2007, 05:12 PM
I was talking to lou about things like this earlier. Although we were talking about racial profiling, and other PC bull****, this kind of is in the same ball park. The US and the State governments have gone apesheeet with this sexual predator BS. If has gotten so far out of control that little kids in the 1st grade are getting suspended for singing the K I S S I N G song. If you think I am joking... I have a co-worker who was called to the school because his little girl got in trouble at recess. A teacher was sexually offended because his little girl, and two others were singing the kissing song about a boy playing near them.

Now when he gets to school they actually have a police officer there (His words) ready to charge the children with sexual harassment. He flies off the handle (this I know for sure happened, I have seen him do it at work) and goes on a tirade of how 30 years ago we all did the same thing. The principal ended up agreeing and drops the issue while the ****ing teacher continues to press the school board to expell the child for unwanted sexual conduct.

Here we have to pre-teen/teen boys doing stuff everyone in school does and they are getting made examples of... Honestly WHTF happened to this country? It is getting to a point where if you so much as fart you can be arrested? Honestly american people, grow the hell up and think before you comment or act on something stupid like this, honestly it is a waste of judicial monies and courts time. I am sick and tired of living in this PC infested pussified version of the american I once knew.


darth los
26-Jul-2007, 07:06 PM
I was talking to lou about things like this earlier. Although we were talking about racial profiling, and other PC bull****, this kind of is in the same ball park. The US and the State governments have gone apesheeet with this sexual predator BS. If has gotten so far out of control that little kids in the 1st grade are getting suspended for singing the K I S S I N G song. If you think I am joking... I have a co-worker who was called to the school because his little girl got in trouble at recess. A teacher was sexually offended because his little girl, and two others were singing the kissing song about a boy playing near them.

Now when he gets to school they actually have a police officer there (His words) ready to charge the children with sexual harassment. He flies off the handle (this I know for sure happened, I have seen him do it at work) and goes on a tirade of how 30 years ago we all did the same thing. The principal ended up agreeing and drops the issue while the ****ing teacher continues to press the school board to expell the child for unwanted sexual conduct.

Here we have to pre-teen/teen boys doing stuff everyone in school does and they are getting made examples of... Honestly WHTF happened to this country? It is getting to a point where if you so much as fart you can be arrested? Honestly american people, grow the hell up and think before you comment or act on something stupid like this, honestly it is a waste of judicial monies and courts time. I am sick and tired of living in this PC infested pussified version of the american I once knew.


Well said dj. It's gotten to the point where You have to watch everything you do and say out of fear that the p.c. police will ruin your life. How and when this hapened? I can't put my finger on it but it's definitely within the last 20 years. You can't even make true statements out of fear that you will offend some group and lose your livelyhood or someother outlandish penalty.

I will say though that of course it's rediculous to penalize elementary school kids for stuff like that. However i think we'll all agree that kids are growing up way faster than we did. There doing things now at 11 or 12 that we were first getting into at 15 or 16. The laws and penalties need to reflect that as well.

On a side note: this is hurting us in the war we are now in. You can't even say that muslims are more likely to committ terrorist acts against us even though eveyone knows it's true. Do it and see if you don't have half a dozen p.c. groups up your ass with a microscope. I don't recognize this country anymore either. It makes me wonder what nonsense lies in the years ahead.

26-Jul-2007, 08:27 PM
I wouldn't say this is a PC violation because he slapped a girl on the ass. Its a rude and disgusting behavior and in no way compares to singing a kissing song. While it is stupid and riddick to even attempt to punish first graders or children at any age with singing that song it isn't stupid to punish these kids for slapping girls on the asses considering several of the girls complained about the behavior obviously not wanting to be violated in such a way. A slap on the ass isn't appropriate at school, at work, at church and is never appropriate if its an unwanted. They should make an example of these boys but not to the extent of permanently labeling them sexual offenders. However they're displaying what could be signs of future predatory behavior.

I love that people want to write off this behavior as being even mildly acceptable... have more respect for females.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:30 PM
A slap on the ass isn't appropriate at school, at work, at church and is never appropriate if its an unwanted. They should make an example of these boys but not to the extent of permanently labeling them sexual offenders. However they're displaying what could be signs of future predatory behavior.

I love that people want to write off this behavior as being even mildly acceptable... have more respect for females.

I totally agree that this behavior can't just be written off. But i think jailtime is a bit much. There has to be a sensible way to deal with this.

26-Jul-2007, 08:45 PM
Community service? School suspension? Wow what punishment that would be. I'm not saying lets lock 'em up for a year or several months but two weeks in the pokey wouldn't hurt. They've already spent several days but perhaps another week might solidify that what they did is not and never will be acceptable behavior. And of course follow it up with probation.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:48 PM
Community service? School suspension? Wow what punishment that would be. I'm not saying lets lock 'em up for a year or several months but two weeks in the pokey wouldn't hurt. They've already spent several days but perhaps another week might solidify that what they did is not and never will be acceptable behavior. And of course follow it up with probation.

If it stains their records i don't think that probation is the right way to go. It could ruin their future prospects and that's not cool. But some sensitivity classes wouldn't hurt. They need to see how their actions make other people feel and how they would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. I think that they can be helped. Probation wouldn't do much to advance that goal.

26-Jul-2007, 08:56 PM
Yes, give them some community work man,
especially on the weekends when it's their
time to be free. Suspend them, make them
examples and have them apologize to the
girls they offended.
A few weeks at hard labour would surely open
thier eyes and maybe, just maybe help them
think twice before they do something so disrespectful again.

26-Jul-2007, 08:57 PM
Probation is a necessity to make sure they dont re-offend ...its essentially a measure to see if they learned from their time in incarceration. I dont think sensitivity courses would help... I can just see two teenage boys sitting in listening to how women and girls feel after they get sexually harassed and going home together making fun of them or something. These kids dont care how their actions make people feel just like their parents obviously never taught them how to behave. You can't change 13 years worth of training with a class and a 'stop that' ...they need an actual punishment and a period to see if they figured out what they were doing was wrong.

Kids are like prisoners before the parole board... they know what they did was wrong and they talk a good game about how they feel so so bad for doing it... they tell you what you wanna hear so you'll say okay you've learned your lesson ... go out and play cookies and punch at 5pm sharp! I mean come on... give credit where credit is due... they're not that stupid.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 10:28 PM
Probation is a necessity to make sure they dont re-offend ...its essentially a measure to see if they learned from their time in incarceration. I dont think sensitivity courses would help... I can just see two teenage boys sitting in listening to how women and girls feel after they get sexually harassed and going home together making fun of them or something. These kids dont care how their actions make people feel just like their parents obviously never taught them how to behave. You can't change 13 years worth of training with a class and a 'stop that' ...they need an actual punishment and a period to see if they figured out what they were doing was wrong.

Kids are like prisoners before the parole board... they know what they did was wrong and they talk a good game about how they feel so so bad for doing it... they tell you what you wanna hear so you'll say okay you've learned your lesson ... go out and play cookies and punch at 5pm sharp! I mean come on... give credit where credit is due... they're not that stupid.

That's what i've been saying all along. I'm not that old and i remember. Kids that age definitely know the difference between right and wrong. However, the recidivism rate for people on probation/parole is very high, so one can infer that it's not much of a deterent at all. If they're going to reoffend they're going to do it regardless. I'd go for probation and if they stay clean until they're 18 it gets expunged from their records. Having something like that can really mess up a person's future. Let's atleast give them a chance. Once they are given that chance and they throw it away then the hell with them. We can atleast say we tried to help them. They'd have no one to blame but themselves.

26-Jul-2007, 11:08 PM
I agree they should have probatin til they're 18 but I dont think it should be expunged from their record. It should be kept private unless in the future they are arrested for sexual harassment or what have you so that the court sees okay... they were arrested, served a week, got probation for five years, didn't learn... this man could be a problem he can't learn from past mistakes. A sexual offense isn't like a bruise or a broken bone someone gives you. It doesn't heal. Granted this is a weak sexual crime but hey... serial killers start small with killing animals but we will never know that about serial rapists because their records could have been expunged... we have to take sexual offenses seriously to better track these crimes and understand the mentality of the people who commit these offenses. Its essential to learn if they can be rehabilitated.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:29 PM
I would normally agree with you but it has yet to be determined if this was a sexual crime or not. I mean, what does the statute say? Is the butt now a sexual organ? These are questions that must be answered. It is most definitely inapropriate but it has yet to be determined if their acts were sexual in nature or intent and the law is all about intent.

31-Jul-2007, 08:33 PM
I love how this little twirp is all smiles like he hasn't got a care in the world...


Call me a prude but the only people I want slapping my ass is my boyfriend and even then there's a time and a place for that. I think personally as a female who's been ass slapped by strangers and pals alike its offensive because its not like a handshake where I get to reach out my hand to accept another persons. With an ass-slap-hello you're not really giving a person the choice to receive it. I've seen girls do it to guys but I presume men might dig that kind of attention.

While I dont think the boys should have to register as sex offenders because thats a bit too extreme I do think that their week in jail and probation would be sufficient punishment. It is inappropriate but by doing nothing beyond saying its bad manners and a simple school suspension its like saying try not to get caught next time.

if a girl consents to having her sexy little ass slapped then thats okay, but in society, you just cant go touching people in a sexual manner,if you dont want to be touched then you have the right not to be touched. so they deserve getting done.simple.if i walked past you miss jackson in the street and grabbed your tits what wud you do? keeping in mind i dont know you? id get arressted!! now having your girlfriend bent over with her pantys pulled half way down her legs,and giving her a good spanking, providing she agrees, then thats ok.

02-Aug-2007, 12:04 AM
"It's like a handshake we do," one girl said, according to the police report.

How can you truly expect those boys to know right from wrong if the girls don't respect theirselves as well. They thought it was in some way acceptable due to the girls being accepting of it. They know that is not the case now. They've spent 5 days in jail (too much already). They have learnt.

For Cory Mashburn, that would mean he couldn't be left alone with his younger siblings.

That would make things very difficult for his family. It's unnecessary and an example of nanny-state philosophy where all misgivings are severely punished.

It wasn't just their mentality that brought about this, but the mentality of the kids as a whole. Making an example of them is just going on a witchhunt.

02-Aug-2007, 12:31 AM
castrate the kid
and cut his hands off too

and put an electrode in his head so if he thinks
something that is unacceptable he will get a lobotomy

how dare he smack a girl in the bottom

this is how charles manson started

02-Aug-2007, 10:40 AM
Oh good they ARE still illegalizing being a young male. Good for a second there I thought they were going to let them off light and stop all the drug pushing on young boys and making them feel out of place. The feminazi agenda marches on!

Yeah that would be kinda nuts. But seriously this country needs a serious debate on what the hell is going on with our youth and what we need to do about it. It's geting to the point where stories like this are commonplace and don't even shock you anymore. we've come to expect this kind of behavior from them and that is unacceptable.

Its a couple of 13 year old boys getting yucks slapping girls asses. They should get in school suspension for a week.

You know what will solve this? When one of these brain surgeons slaps a girl on the butt and her boyfriend breaks their asses in return. Everything else is BS.

Thats because
not thirty!
Wow. I guess some of you popped out of your Mom fully formed. Thats very fortunate of you to have known everything you know now your whole life. When I was 13 i was still considering if I wanted to still play with my Micronauts and what was that wierd stuff that came out my ding dong occasionally at night.

I didnt see anything in the posted article about repeat behavior. Did I miss something?
Btw, I highly doubt he will be slapping assess any time soon. I dont think I am an apologist by any means. You can charge a child with an adult sized penalty, but they are still children and that should always be a consideration. He wasnt caught raping babies or chopping up hoboes.

Yeah that is a lame excuse. What does he think he is? Thirteen? Grow up, dammit.

You guys all forget Kids were sh*tty when I was 13 in 1980. Nothings changed. In a lot of ways, around here, its gotten WAY BETTER. Sure Kids are rude dicks. But it bothers me more because Im older and I want those damn kids off my lawn.
And you cant have your ball back. It went in my yard so its MINE!!!!

For sure, I think i was a pretty mature 13 year old, and I was still playing video games and football and not much else. I didnt really know much else.

02-Aug-2007, 10:53 AM
all i know is that guy (channels mz over crystal ball) hobnoviously did not own a top hat OR play guitar hero 2, cus everyone knows if you dont have either your a pervert;)
*goes all glassy eyed during the channelling*

Damn, I must be a perv then, cos I don't have a top hat, nor Guitar Hero 2. I do have STALKER - so that makes me really freaking cool. :p:D

Sounds like these kids are just social retards, kids do daft things. There's a difference between a slap on the ass (especially if the "social hello" thing is true) and a slap which goes:

*fingers tickle where they shouldn't be tickling
*hand slides off

In other words, the pervert's ass slap...

Here in the UK this week there was a Channel 4 reporter in Oxford doing a piece to camera about the flooding and some bloke came sauntering up from behind (clearly a cheeky chappy who was a bit pissed, was carrying a beer in one hand) and as he passed by he pinched her ass.

She was a total professional though, barely noticed it and kept going, now that's professional reporting right thar.

They're trying to track the guy down, but she isn't pressing charges.

Some cocky, drunk bloke sees a camera and decides to act the fool, it's not the first time it's happened and it's not the last time either.

02-Aug-2007, 12:52 PM
For sure, I think i was a pretty mature 13 year old, and I was still playing video games and football and not much else. I didnt really know much else.

You also think you're a pretty mature 26 year old.......:rolleyes:

02-Aug-2007, 06:39 PM
You also think you're a pretty mature 26 year old.......:rolleyes:

Hey nice troll attempt. shouldn't you be seething with hatred over your upcoming loss of liberal power in 08? I want you to stare at a picture of Bush for 5 minutes today and fill you heart with hate ok?

02-Aug-2007, 06:42 PM
shouldn't you be seething with hatred over your upcoming loss of liberal power in 08?

What???? Dont you mean the loss of GOP power in 08?

Surely you dont think the rethuglicans will win 08.....surely??? :lol::lol:

02-Aug-2007, 10:11 PM
dmb, Khardis - either step away from, and ignore each other - or the thread will end up getting locked.

Stick to the thread and leave the personal bitching at home, nobody else cares to see it.

Thanks. :)

03-Aug-2007, 12:15 AM
dmb, Khardis - either step away from, and ignore each other - or the thread will end up getting locked.

Stick to the thread and leave the personal bitching at home, nobody else cares to see it.

Thanks. :)

Why the hell are you telling me? He started flaming me, not the other way around.

03-Aug-2007, 01:35 AM
I observed from the photo some interesting things :the boy is( as most have stated ), laughing like hes going to disneylard.
Coma said its, "getting out of lockdown relief."He is right.
I would smile too , but much later after the guilt and shame wore off a few months later.
I was taught very early to respect others, not to be indulgent with other peoples personal space.
The boy is wearing a shirt so wrinkled, it looks like it was shat out of cows bum.His mom is crying in the background, maybe just maybe its lousy parenting?
His father (not to be too jugemental) looks to be the type that would humiliate just about any woman he could , and might pay a hooker once in a while to let him.
The wrinkled shirt, hmmm.You would think his mum or dad would've brought him an ironed button down shirt to appear in court. Its common sense, I am sure it seems pedantic, but the kid has not a worry in the world.
Its like he is thinking to himself,"Where more girl-butt to slap?"
It is a parents responsiblity to guide a child.They cant blame anyone but themselves, and the kid, for what happened.
Being physically familiar with a girl that is not your sweetheart, is repugnant.
But thier parents may be caught off gaurd, " We didnt know to tell him to be respectful of other peoples personal space." Bollocks!(sorry to borrow that)
A kid tripped my 12 year-old daughter a few months ago, I was on the back porch and saw it .
I asked the kid if he believed in God, he said "uh I dunno."
I said , "Make peace with him, cause what you do to others is gonna come back and bite you." I talked with his mum & dad and they were so apologetic and were smaking the kid , then I felt kinda bad but no body fvcks w/ my child.
My daughter says he is terrified of her now.

03-Aug-2007, 10:22 AM
I told both of you, as you both bitched at each other, I don't care who started. There's someone to start, and someone to return the ball.

Issue closed.

03-Aug-2007, 12:13 PM
Loud and Clear, sir!!

You can expect full compliance out of me! Never ever would I question the mods or ignore thier warnings. Nor would I b!tch about what they have asked me to do.

Thank you for keeping the boards clean, thank you for keeping me in line.