View Full Version : Got my 28 Weeks Later costume prop

25-Jul-2007, 08:11 PM
I'm pretty pleased with it too. Anyone have an ideal prop/costume that they would like to own from a favourite film?
I always wanted a SWAT costume from Dawn Of The Dead but that wont happen. I also own a severed arm from Land Of The Dead :D

"We're gonna f-fu-f-fu-fu-f@*k him up"

25-Jul-2007, 08:20 PM
But wait, what was the costume prop in question that you got from 28 Weeks Later???

25-Jul-2007, 08:45 PM
Just a US Rangers uniform. It has a tear in the leg of the trousers and a smattering of blood. I was thinking of wearing it and covering my face with jam and then running round my local shopping centre :D

"Ah... TIMMY!!!!"

25-Jul-2007, 09:21 PM
I wouldn't mind having some of the Viking costumes from The 13th Warrior, to be honest.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:57 PM
I'm pretty pleased with it too. Anyone have an ideal prop/costume that they would like to own from a favourite film?
I always wanted a SWAT costume from Dawn Of The Dead but that wont happen. I also own a severed arm from Land Of The Dead :D

"We're gonna f-fu-f-fu-fu-f@*k him up"

Just a US Rangers uniform. It has a tear in the leg of the trousers and a smattering of blood. I was thinking of wearing it and covering my face with jam and then running round my local shopping centre :D

"Ah... TIMMY!!!!"

You need something that people would recognize if you went to a party. Anyone outside of these forums probably wouldn't know what the hell you were dressed up as. It's a like telling a joke, if you have to explain the punchline it ceases to have the desired effect. you don't want to be in a position to have to explain what you're dressed up as.

26-Jul-2007, 09:57 AM
Of course. If i wore it i think people would think i was making some lame anti-war statement or some crap :p


darth los
26-Jul-2007, 04:35 PM
As long as you don't pull a prince harry and wear a nazi symbol on your arm you should be fine.

26-Jul-2007, 07:40 PM
I'm not that way inclined, lol. Mind you, parts of London are heading dangerously in that direction and I could certainly see the Mayor of London wearing that getup.


27-Jul-2007, 03:55 AM
Being in Britain, I am sure youll have no problem.
When I see camoflage shirts, skirts, backpacks, shoes, & stuff , I wince.But I never say a thing.The marketing over here in the U.S. is all about the 'military look'. I think its distgustingly sad to see a little boy wearing jungle b.d.u.s .The child couldnt possibly understand, but thier parent should.
Have fun being an infected Ranger from '28 Weeks Later'...:skull:
Peace, love & Good happiness stuff.

27-Jul-2007, 03:01 PM
Actually, I live in England so the chances of me running into a Ranger or Ex-Ranger are slim. Having said that, I actually do have a hell of a lot of respect for people that serve for their country (My grandad fought in the 2nd World War). I was just messing whren i said about running around in the uniform. It is something i intend to keep in my house. I appreciate what you are saying and you have my utmost respect for serving. You were right in thinking i was ignorant about the disrespect solders/ex-soldiers feel when people dress in camo. Thanks for taking the time to explain. All the best.

27-Jul-2007, 04:11 PM
Actually dv over here a lot of people outside the service dress in camo, granted most are bus station nutjobs, but the niche' market is there.:lol: