View Full Version : Harry Potter

25-Jul-2007, 08:28 PM
so read the final book and wow, anybody else read these books and what do you think of them ???

25-Jul-2007, 08:31 PM
Fart, don't tell me the ending pluuuzzzzeee :eek:

Actually now I'm reading HP and the order of the Pheonix.

Considering they're books meant for kids, I get a kick out of them.
I have never been one for fantasy books, with the exception of
the LOTR series, I'm really into these books.
I haven't seen any of the movies yet, don't wanna until
I read the whole series.

25-Jul-2007, 08:37 PM
I've never read the books or seen the movies but in a week i'm going to begin the series. I think its great (judging by what i've read about the series) that the books are so long and so widely loved by children and adults alike... it really gets people to read which is something very few do these days it seems. And they do look like a really cute idea for books.

25-Jul-2007, 08:46 PM
Great ending, possibly better than the 7th dark tower novel, the deaths were all kidna lame, 'cept tonks and lupin's those ones were the most gobsmacking in my opinion.
great ending, loved the 19 eyars later bit adn wouldnt be surprised to find "albus potter and the inevitable cash in" hitting our shelves in ten years.
though that wouldnt be a bad thing:sneaky:

miss jay, these are the literary equivalent of the star wars trilogy, a whole generation has been influenced by them adn will talk about them for years to come, here the kind fo books that, if i dont flog mine on ebay (all first editions beeyotches!) id pass em onto my kids, if i ever have any, y'know to read em a tale i lvoed when i was a kid.

all in all....better than the rings trilogy.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:17 PM
I haven't read the books but i think that the films are trash. They're not accessible to people who aren't already fans. I think it would be more enjoyable if you knew the mythology behind them first. I hear that there's going to be an encyclopedia on the potter universe coming out soon. Maybe that will make me have a better understanding of it. I can't speak for the reast of the country but in nyc there doesn't seem to be much buzz about it.

26-Jul-2007, 07:13 AM
I didn't start reading the books until after I had seen a couple of the movies, and now they have become some of my favorite books. I too just finished the last book and am sad to know that there are not any more planned Harry Potter books... however that last line made me think that as much as J.K. Rowling says it's closed, it just may not be.

Did anybody notice how significance of 7, the 7th book, 7 years at Hogworts, 7 horcruxes and finally, in the dedication, Harry is the 7th one the book is dedicated too, him being the 7th horcrux.

Chic Freak
26-Jul-2007, 08:34 PM
i think the movies have been total crap so far (although I haven't seen the new one) but I enjoy the books. I'm just over halfway through the last one atm :)

27-Jul-2007, 11:49 AM
it took me just under 4 hours to read, and i thought that was pretty fast but there was an article in the paper about a woman with photographic vision who read the book, adn recieted it to prove it, in minutes:eek:


28-Jul-2007, 05:43 AM
it took me just under 4 hours to read, and i thought that was pretty fast but there was an article in the paper about a woman with photographic vision who read the book, adn recieted it to prove it, in minutes:eek:


Do you get any enjoyment out of reading a book that fast? You read around 200 pages an hour.

I can read pretty fast if I want to (not that fast), but I like to read a book slowly, I just like it better that way.

28-Jul-2007, 02:10 PM
man thats exactly what my mom said "well your not taking it all in then!", that jsut means you find something new to enjoy on a second read through.:)

28-Jul-2007, 05:38 PM
I refuse to watch or read them,the concept is in my opinion kife!Tolkeins books do it with much more intelligence & style ;) (ok maybe i shouldnt judge having not read harry potter,but i get the jist from people i know who have read it)

A potter (or 'pot' as abbreviation) is a homosexual. Particularly used in Flanders.

It's mostly said while making the potter-sign, which is slapping with one hand on the fist of the other. But the potter-sign alone can be sufficient.

(silent, making the potter-sign): That guy is definitely a potter!

:lol: true as well,the belgian lad working in our office at the moment found it highly amusing that people were getting excited over harry gaylord

28-Jul-2007, 10:11 PM
Oh yea. I just finished it last night actually. I thought it was incredible, J.K. Rowlings has yet to disappoint me, although I was pretty sad when I finished reading it, as I remember reading the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's stone back in 6th grade. So needless to say it was a large part of my childhood/teenage years. I mean, not many of the people on these boards are my age that I know of, so I'd imagine the books would have a different effect on them.

But I'm pretty sure that these books are not something that's going to be forgotten. And anybody who hasn't read the books, don't go off the movies: they're far inferior.

28-Jul-2007, 10:57 PM
Yeah I'm 35 and I'm reading them,
they are good. I'm enjoying them,
such a different style to them.

I read LOTR
and this is right up
there with them

29-Jul-2007, 04:33 PM
im sick to death of that little ****e, harry this harry that.:mad:

30-Jul-2007, 03:49 AM
man thats exactly what my mom said "well your not taking it all in then!", that jsut means you find something new to enjoy on a second read through.:)

I can understand that. Hell, I read slow on purpose and still miss some things that I pick up while reading it again.

30-Jul-2007, 09:51 AM
im sick to death of that little ****e, harry this harry that.:mad:

then you read and posted in a harry potter thread becasue?...:rockbrow:

31-Jul-2007, 06:39 PM
then you read and posted in a harry potter thread becasue?...:rockbrow:
READ my post i think it will e-x-p-l-a-i-n...;)