View Full Version : Flood crisis operation launched in U.K.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 10:08 PM
Damn guys is this affecting any of you over there? They're saying that about about 350,000 people are without drinking water right now. I thought hellsing was kidding when he said his phone didn't work because of the storm.


25-Jul-2007, 10:22 PM
Hope it doesn't cause too much damage or
hassels to our UK friends.

Thoughts be with you guys

26-Jul-2007, 03:07 AM
o m g that's horrible i dont know how people can stay calm during that kind of crises... being without water for that long sure makes you take for granted when you actually get it

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 03:51 AM
o m g that's horrible i dont know how people can stay calm during that kind of crises... being without water for that long sure makes you take for granted when you actually get it

Stuff like that really strikes a chord with me because it reminds me of the hurricane katrina aftermath.

Yeah, it's like when there's a blackout and you don't know what to do with yourself. My mind always turns to what people did before they had electricity. I would have hated to have been born back then. Then when the power comes back on it makes me appreciate everything we have. you're right we really do take all the everyday things we have for granted.

26-Jul-2007, 05:17 AM
If it strikes a chord with ya I hope you'll volunteer where you can to help relief efforts in your area. As a volunteer for several community organizations throughout the years and presently its the most rewarding job i've ever had. I haven't worked with relief after any disasters but I've worked for local food banks and right now for a battered womens shelter and I used to work for a halfway house and its just so sad because the women and children there really need and rely on volunteers. Its so hard to pick up the pieces of your life after any disaster (the one shelter catered to women who were released from prison and the other one obviously being a battered womens shelter often treats women from marriages and live-in relationships) and when you have children its especially hard. Since you have a daughter yourself if you ever can spare even an hour a week they could use the help of people good with kids. Sadly i'm not great for kids because I dont know how to talk to them but I bake smiley faced cookies and buy lots of fun cheesy toys so they like me for my santaness...

Unfortunately a disaster is like so many things... unless it affects a person directly they seldom do anything to help those people in need but its like witnessing a crime or seeing an injured person ...you should help because hey next time it could be you... :(

26-Jul-2007, 10:37 AM
Man its flooded everywere around me, my garden was underwater, but were on a slight slope adn the earths mostly clay and not a lot of trees (guess who took geography:rolleyes:) so theres been a lot of run off, but all around what used to be feilds are lakes, nowere really underwater n my area yet but places have been cordoned off.

and hey t'internets still working so im not bored, just wish i could ****ING RING ABOUT MY 360!:mad:

26-Jul-2007, 10:39 AM
I was personally unaffected, one of the few patches of dry land in my immediate vicinity, I live in Herefordshire, which is part of the trifecta of counties which also include Worcester and Gloucestershire...Worcester is under water, Gloucester is the worst affected.

One power substation got flooded and a second (Wallam) nearly got flooded, but was fortunately saved, the water coming up as high as 2 inches from the peak of the hastily constructed barrier, as built by a handful of Navy and Army chaps drafted in for the task.

The worrying thing was is that Wallam controls the power for hundreds of thousands of homes in the area, without power you're in the dark without water as there's no power to pump the water...also, Wallam apparently provides the power to some important piece of infrastructure somewhere ... but we don't know what it is.

There are/were plans for re-routing power, but not everyone would have been plunged back into the light...

Mind you...we've had massive floods like this before, it happened twice in the 20th Century alone, so Britain isn't new to flooding, all this flooding took place on flood plains after all - and yet the gubment wants to build more homes on flood plains, yet have no idea how to set up the surely simple task of how to defend areas from flooding.

Freaky weather is out there - but it isn't new - yet the gubment will only do anything "for the green movement" if it means they make money out of taxing us, they couldn't give a bollocks about doing some NOW to defend against flooding properly. The odd barrier or embankment is f*cking useless quite frankly, you need the whole circle complete - and importantly - PROPER DRAINAGE. Most of the drainage in the UK is a hundred years old and just can't cope with the volume of water.


If I see gordon brown on the news once more pretending to care whilst looking utterly bored one more time, as he makes a fleeting photo-op "whistle-stop" tour of the affected areas before pissing off back to his London Dungeon, I'll track him down and throttle the prick. :mad:

Sheep in wolf's clothing would be an accurate description of brown...

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 04:47 PM
Unfortunately a disaster is like so many things... unless it affects a person directly they seldom do anything to help those people in need but its like witnessing a crime or seeing an injured person ...you should help because hey next time it could be you... :(

*slowly backs away*

O.K. What have you done with the real mj!?! :stunned:

26-Jul-2007, 05:19 PM
For a minute there I thought you said "ring out" your 360, like it got flooded, but then I realised I'm an idiot who can't read. :lol:

Not been flooded indoors yet? Hopefully so, still - get as much sh*t upstairs as possible, just in case. Better to have done it for nothing, than to be left counting the costs and replacing sh*t.

I saw this family on the news going into their house and the 12 yr old daughter was distraught at the damage. :(

Meanwhile, distribution of these water tank thingies is arse-over-tit, people in their freaking 80's wandering like zombies trying to find water anywhere, then there's people taking more than their share or if there's none left in the tank, they break the f*cking tap off.

Geeeeeez...the state this country would be in if we had a zombie invasion, I tell ya! :eek:

26-Jul-2007, 05:36 PM
You guys are being flooded while we're in a severe drought over here....

best of luck to yas...

26-Jul-2007, 05:45 PM
Hmmm...last year it was boiling hot, humid and no rain...this year it's cool and pissing it down big style.

What next year? I vote in between the two...or raining puppies and kittens.

26-Jul-2007, 06:10 PM
I lost my car in the floods about a month ago in east yorkshire,im waiting for my insurance company to pay out so i can buy a new car!i had to drive through deep water on the way home from work,my engine sucked loads in through the air intake & wrecked it :(
The south seems to be copping it now though!

26-Jul-2007, 06:18 PM
You know what they say, sh*t slides downhill...of course, that theory relies on the UK being propped up like it appears on TV on weather reports. :lol:

Mind you, weather reports are more and more f*cking useless these days, they can't predict a damn thing. :rolleyes:

Mind you - part two - Michael Fish f*cked things right up many-a-year-ago. :rolleyes:

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 06:51 PM
Mind you, weather reports are more and more f*cking useless these days, they can't predict a damn thing. :rolleyes:

LOL ! I thought it was just me. One day last year they predicted a snowstorm the following day. So naturally i bundled up, boots/hat/scarf, the whole nine yards. Don't you know that it was bright and sunny that day? I consider them a joke now. I use the weather forcasts as more of a guide now than anything.

26-Jul-2007, 07:21 PM
What a crappy summer, clouded skies during day, clear skies during night and when it isn't cloudy it's windy.

26-Jul-2007, 07:59 PM
I feel for those affected by this flood and wish them
all the best man.
Weather these days is almost like playing
russion roulette, you never know if it will
bang dead on or shoot off blanks.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:17 PM
Yeah, the weather does seem to be more severe in these past few years. I wonder if it has anything to do with global warming or if it's just alway ben this way only we didn't always have the technology to document it.

26-Jul-2007, 08:39 PM
Yeah, the weather does seem to be more severe in these past few years. I wonder if it has anything to do with global warming or if it's just alway ben this way only we didn't always have the technology to document it.

I'd say global warming.
Hell I can't remember the summers being this hot when I was a kid.
Or storms so bad in the winter,
floods and tornados hitting where they have never hit before.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:41 PM
I'd say global warming.
Hell I can't remember the summers being this hot when I was a kid.
Or storms so bad in the winter,
floods and tornados hitting where they have never hit before.

It very well could be. I remember when i was akid it used to snow a couple of feet at atime. Now it hardly snows at all. The last couple of years it only snowed a handful of times per winter.

26-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
I'm going to say global warming too... when I used to vacation in Canada as a kid the water was always warm and the weather matched it... it would storm every night... now ... the lake is freezing every day and only every third day is the weather even worth spending the day outside... I dont need machines to document the change in the weather when I can see it and feel it...

Heck even the change from the last two years to this year here in SC... the weather last July spiked over 100 every day... it was so humid every morning at 8am i'd go out for my run and instantly sweat ... now... it was so cold yesterday after noon I felt the need for a jacket... its been that way for the entire month and July is typically the hottest month of the year here... its insane...

We also used to be able to ski in Mammoth til June... we're lucky if we can keep skiing til March sometimes...

27-Jul-2007, 12:16 PM
uh huh same here climate global warming, only deisel drivers call it climate change, what do you think bob geldof and al gore drives?
like whens the last time ti snowed in december?, let alone on christmas, it used to ,hence all the card illustrations and songs about white christmases, now all we get are "slightly mruky" christmasses at best.

27-Jul-2007, 12:27 PM
A couple of years ago it snowed on Christmas Day here, and it doesn't often snow here, we get snow every 2 or 3 years, we had a good covering this year though. :)

"Global warming" is a misnomer really, it's not all warming, it's just turbulent weather, but it's not rare for this planet. I mean sh*t, Britain used to be connected by land to France, until a big flood changed that. The Thames used to freeze over many, many, many years ago and people had Fares on the ice...all before we had all these cars or all these people.

There's too much of this trendy "carbon footprint" guilt tripping, it's silly and gets nothing done, it's all "by 2050 we'll do this" in typical Labour style, erm, excuse me, but right NOW we need flood defenses that actually work, especially as they insist on building more on flood plains.

There's a lot of misdirection going on, these "carbon credits" for instance, or the Prius - I mean a f*cking umpteen-litre big arse S-Class is more environmentally friendly than a freaking Prius...which has a battery filled with really nasty sh*t.

Then there's the whole cows farting and worms expelling gases far worse than any carbon...and if we got rid of all the carbon, which is impossible, what on earth would the trees breathe and where in turn would our oxygen come from?

There's too much demonising of carbon going on, it's not a bad element...it's just an element, that's it.

Improving mankind's efficiency is an obvious thing to do, it's our next natural step in our evolution, but I really take offence to people twittering on about how great they are because they own a Prius...meanwhile they're jetting across the world...then there's pricks like Madonna with the "carbon footprint" of 14,000 people per year. :rolleyes:

And besides, Britain contributes such a piffling amount towards worldwide pollution, it's absolutely absurd we keep getting made to feel guilty and taxed and bashed over the head with Live Earth and so on, if you wanna bash someone, bash America, China and India for a blinkin' start...and come up with that chemical that stops animals from farting gas far worse than CO2.


Rant over. :lol:

27-Jul-2007, 12:30 PM
"Global warming" is a misnomer really, it's not all warming, it's just turbulent weather, but it's not rare for this planet. I mean sh*t, Britain used to be connected by land to France, until a big flood changed that. The Thames used to freeze over many, many, many years ago and people had Fares on the ice...all before we had all these cars or all these people.

*somewere al murray shifts into pub landlord mode adn feels a chill down his spine*

28-Jul-2007, 04:55 AM
Water, water everywhere, And all the boards did shrink. Water, water everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.

28-Jul-2007, 10:56 AM
Heard on the news last night that some water tanks are "contaminated" - so if they don't have some sort of tag on the bit where the water is pumped in, don't use them.

Contaminated with what? "Possibly urine" said the news.

I mean for f*ck sake, there's always some twat out there f*cking everybody over isn't there? :mad:

28-Jul-2007, 02:12 PM
in my area its friggin sscallys (?) and chavs that are suppsoedly resonsible, they break the tap off the tank, pollut it with deisel and mud and crap and take what inst polluted and sell it to people, yes SELL EMERGENCY WATER!:mad:

28-Jul-2007, 03:25 PM
The whole "Global Warming" thing amuses me because the sun is warming too, now how are we causing THAT?


28-Jul-2007, 05:10 PM
The whole "Global Warming" thing amuses me because the sun is warming too, now how are we causing THAT?

EXACTLY!!!!!! :eek:

Thank you! :)

The Sun controls our climate, if it's getting hotter and belching out blasts of heat in our direction - solar flares - then doi, we're gonna get hotter, sheesh.

If we were closer to the sun, we'd be hotter, but likewise if the sun gets hotter, then it's as if we're closer, because the conditions have changed - the sun is sweatin' it up, and we get the effects. The Sun controls our entire climate, without it we'd be completely decimated - that's an awful lot of power and control isn't it?

I'd sooner 'blame' the sun ... while we wait for the Sun to stop it's current solar flare intensive cycle, then we can busy ourselves with finding fuel which is renewable and provides performance, we can figure out recycling properly as we don't have many big holes left.

Gimme some of this space age hydrogen car stuff...make it so that it won't ever blow up, and Billy Bob's the bloke who looks at you funny at family engagements. :cool:

31-Jul-2007, 06:33 PM
Damn guys is this affecting any of you over there? They're saying that about about 350,000 people are without drinking water right now. I thought hellsing was kidding when he said his phone didn't work because of the storm.


no its not affecting me cause where high above sea level,only the fields around me get flooded,and we are on a steep high ground.:|

the main parts of england getting flooded are in south yorkshire,sheffield,rotheram,doncaster.and further sw,warwickshire,hereford are the worst hit areas.

31-Jul-2007, 06:40 PM
no its not affecting me cause where high above sea level,only the fields around me get flooded,and we are on a steep high ground.:|

the main parts of england getting flooded are in south yorkshire,sheffield,rotheram,doncaster.and further sw,warwickshire,hereford are the worst hit areas.
*ahem* ... Gloucestershire more than Herefordshire really...

*runs away to be pedantic elsewhere...cape flapping in the wind*

31-Jul-2007, 06:41 PM
theres no need to be sarcastic minion zombie dude.:cool:

31-Jul-2007, 06:45 PM
theres no need to be sarcastic minion zombie dude.:cool:
Wasn't being. :p

Just correcting, Hereford was hit, but nowhere near as much as Gloucestershire which got trounced...as did Worcestershire come to think of it...I should watch the news more...but I'm too lazy.

*distracted by BBLB on E4* :eek:

31-Jul-2007, 07:40 PM
Of course the floods in the north have been forgotten now that the south & the supposed "be all & end all of britain" london have been hit.Doesnt even make the news now that half of hull are still living in caravans in their gardens & the majority of farmers crops have been ruined meaning food is going to cost a hell of a lot by spring next year.
Pretty much the same as world war 2,you'd think that london was the only place bombed in the blitz,never mind that the germans flattened most of hull & other northern cities!even my house in the middle of the countryside is riddled with bulletholes from a passing german escort fighter,plus a bomb crater in our paddock where a heinkel dropped a landmine trying to gain some speed while being chased by the RAF!but oh no,london is the only place you ever really see in modern books/articles about the blitz :rolleyes:

31-Jul-2007, 07:57 PM
Gah Im back from Fest, no flooding but trying to put up a 12 man tent in galeforce winds with Heavy rain in a t-shirt and jeans isnt that much fun either..

Luckily the floods didnt get close enough to my neck of the woods to do any damage but there is a nearby village that is still reeling from the last time the whole place got blown away by a flood and that was a while ago if anyone can remember.

The forecast as previous posters have said is a sad excuse for a joke which occasionally gets things right but hey nobody can loose all the time I suppose.

31-Jul-2007, 08:17 PM
Of course the floods in the north have been forgotten now that the south & the supposed "be all & end all of britain" london have been hit.Doesnt even make the news now that half of hull are still living in caravans in their gardens & the majority of farmers crops have been ruined meaning food is going to cost a hell of a lot by spring next year.
Pretty much the same as world war 2,you'd think that london was the only place bombed in the blitz,never mind that the germans flattened most of hull & other northern cities!even my house in the middle of the countryside is riddled with bulletholes from a passing german escort fighter,plus a bomb crater in our paddock where a heinkel dropped a landmine trying to gain some speed while being chased by the RAF!but oh no,london is the only place you ever really see in modern books/articles about the blitz :rolleyes:

Thats because people are eagerly waiting for news that were finally rid of that cesspool for good, sne dit back to the swamp from whence it came, and take all the pothead muggers and white trash trying to start a **** band:p J/K....mostly.:lol:

31-Jul-2007, 09:30 PM
Well what do you expect, politicians - despite making sojourns beyond it's border for photo ops - are centrally based, or if not, centrally thinking. Everything is to do with London and then it's plastered across the rest of the country - this retarded road tax thing for instance, it just about works in London sort of, and that's the most "ideal" place for it...meanwhile the majority of the country is not anything like London, public transport can literally become either nothing or 1 bus every couple of hours at best during working hours and the working week. :rolleyes:

I wasn't surprised by all the media attention, Hull got it's share, then the Midlands was hit and that took over - hell, I bet it was the first time a lot of people had even heard of the tri-county area of Herefordshire/Gloucestershire/Worcester. Guaranteed.

The news just follows whatever is hottest, but to be honest I personally haven't seen much news being reported to do with flooding down river from my region of the country, ain't heard squat about London...it's always that muggy twat Brown on the f*cking news prancing around like a wolf in sheep's clothing...dickhead. :mad:

Anyway...Hull was quite a few weeks ago now, I mean heck, that whole Madelaine thingy, a few snippets here and there, but not much beyond the cover of the Daily Mail (in between Diana death conspiracies :rolleyes:). The news doesn't remember these things all that long after they've happened, it's just how it is. The flooding in my region will soon be forgotten as something else comes along, but yes I totally know what you mean - it's all about fahkin' Lahndahn...and I really don't know why, what's so great about it? A smoggy, grey, drab mash of buildings occupied by people either far too hard-done-to, or ponces who buy garbage art for ludicrous amounts of money, everybody sucking on a Starbucks frappa-moca-jizz-bolt...ug...everytime I've been to London I've never felt comfortable, I've felt surrounded yet isolated, I've felt spied upon, watched and prime to be robbed or worse at any possible moment ... and it's not just cities in general - it's London specifically.

Birmingham doesn't feel too bad, Manchester doesn't feel too bad ... in fact I was pleasantly surprised by Manchester. Norwich rocks in my book, Edinburgh is a superb city...but fahkin' Lahndahn...yeuch! :dead:

31-Jul-2007, 09:37 PM
brits on the whole dont seem to like london much do we?

not a joke, this is serious Danny right now. Though not all the people are arse'oles, right capn?


wondered when id use that one.:lol:

31-Jul-2007, 09:50 PM
haha, brilliant img...

Indeed, there'll be/there is plenty of Lahndahn folk who are the dogs bollocks...it's more the rest of the people and the place itself...god I hate that place. :lol: