View Full Version : Robbers Prefer Blu-Ray

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 10:36 PM
There's no clear winner yet in the Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD format war, but if you pay attention to thieves, Blu-Ray is the clear winner.

This Sunday morning, a group of thieves broke into a video store with both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs. The choosy robbers cleaned out the Blu-Ray section, swiping every Blu-ray movie in stock(presumably even Ghost Rider!), but the gang ignored the HD DVD selection entirely.

That's a ringing endorsment of Blu-Ray, and you know the old saying: "What the thieves swipe on Sunday, you'll buy on Monday." *

Does this signal a shift in the format war or can they just get more money for blu ray movies? I wonder how long it's going to be before sony tries to spin this in their favor as an unmistakeable testament to their formats superiority?


25-Jul-2007, 11:09 PM
By the time I get around to buying one,
there will only be one.
Seems like Blu Ray will survive it
though, lots of my friends buy
Blu ray.
Seems like the popular brand.
Course they said the same about Beta didn't they

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 11:36 PM
By the time I get around to buying one,
there will only be one.
Seems like Blu Ray will survive it
though, lots of my friends buy
Blu ray.
Seems like the popular brand.
Course they said the same about Beta didn't they

lol. the same goes for me. I just don't have the money to be gambling on a format winner right now. I wonder what people did with all their beta max tapes? I realize that which ever format loses they'll still have the players and still be able to play their movies though so i guess there won't be that much egg on the loser's faces this gen.

26-Jul-2007, 12:15 AM
They chose the Blu-Ray movies to go along with the stolen PS3's.;)

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 01:42 AM
LOL !! I guess they had to justify the theft of those ps3's somehow. Lord knows that there aren't any good games they could have stolen anyway.

26-Jul-2007, 02:45 AM
By the time I get around to buying one,
there will only be one.
Seems like Blu Ray will survive it
though, lots of my friends buy
Blu ray.
Seems like the popular brand.
Course they said the same about Beta didn't they

:lol: beta was the new kid on the block in the 80's and decided to tell america what they were and WEREN'T going to put on their format. yea,way to cut your profit,dumbass. they said "no porn",im willing to bet if a preacher was told "sell porn or go out of business" he'd sell em like hot cakes after service. porn was like almost a billion dollar industry back then and is WAY over the billion mark. so yeah,beta lost out cuz they wouldnt sell boobie movies.:lol:

They chose the Blu-Ray movies to go along with the stolen PS3's.;)

so they minimized profit for no reason? hell, i woulda sold the HD movies for $10 a piece and sold the players for $200 EASY money

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 03:46 AM
:lol: beta was the new kid on the block in the 80's and decided to tell america what they were and WEREN'T going to put on their format. yea,way to cut your profit,dumbass. they said "no porn",im willing to bet if a preacher was told "sell porn or go out of business" he'd sell em like hot cakes after service. porn was like almost a billion dollar industry back then and is WAY over the billion mark. so yeah,beta lost out cuz they wouldnt sell boobie movies.:lol:

Sony has always been arogant like that. you would think that they would have learned an important lesson from the blu ray fiasco, but nooooooooo. They know better. They said once again that they will not put porn on blu ray. It's a proven fact, sex sells.

26-Jul-2007, 07:37 AM
i dont agree with porn all the way or anything else for that matter,but if it makes me money im selling it

26-Jul-2007, 10:34 AM
*shrugs*, blu-ray cost like a tenner more so they probably thought they would make more selling em out of there car boot down alleys.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 04:37 PM
Still it's very supriseing that they would leave the hd movies there. It wasn't like there was going to be any extra effort to getting, they were right there. Maybe they were under explicit orders to get blu ray only. Maybe they had a buyer in place and that's all they wanted.

26-Jul-2007, 04:47 PM
Blu-ray sucks. Sony sucks. But those hot asian chicks can suck me anytime.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 05:09 PM
All you have to do is go wapanese dude. :D

26-Jul-2007, 05:53 PM
**** That ****!