View Full Version : UK FOLK - Freeview signals...

26-Jul-2007, 01:28 PM
Oki-doke, I got one of those cheap Freeview boxes so I can watch live feed big brother from my bed, hahaha - (F*CKING JOKING, GEEZ), anyway I can muster 5 measily channels from it, as I'm using a portable 'set-top' aerial (whatever schmucks built the houses around here installed ONE mains aerial point in the ENTIRE house, so when it comes to bedroom TV it's all those little aerials).

Anyway - I need a signal booster, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for, how many extra decibels do I need - 14, 20 or 40? Do I just get one of those little box things you plug into, or get an entirely new portable aerial which can do Digital TV signals (like you see in the Argos Catalogue page 379)?

Any of you fellow Brits had any experience in this area?

26-Jul-2007, 01:43 PM
Personally i would go for sky, my parents have sky+ downstairs so for an extra £10 a month i get sky+ up here too :cool:

26-Jul-2007, 02:37 PM
^ yeah same here, we pay £15 a week or month, more likely weekly for like 600 cahnnels, granted ill only watch about 30 of em but hey vareitys the spice of life;)

26-Jul-2007, 05:15 PM
We've got Sky in two rooms, that's plenty fine, it's just so I have a few more channels in my bedroom when I'm flicking around at night because I don't wanna go to bed and I'm bored. :p

Besides, one payment of £20 (or probably £40 by the time I get a new aerial that supports a wider band of UHF signals) is better than doling out cash every month and ra ra ra...I'm not made of cash! :rolleyes: Not like Andy McMoney-Bags. :lol: j/k

Through a site about Freeview I found a site which went on about my area's UHF bandwidth, which is apparently 42 to 63, but the channels I can get at the moment through freeview are only on 42, so I presume my old-ass set-top aerial bought from the local video shop for about five quid many years ago (I'm talking 1990's most likely)...back in the days before Freeview even existed...so yeah, gonna get a "Group W" aerial most likely, covers the entire spectrum, 21 to 60-something...

26-Jul-2007, 05:22 PM
Ive got freeview built into my TV,i get about 100 channels (some of which are encrypted so i cant watch without buying a card) plus all the radio stations :) annoying when you lose signal & the picture goes all blocky & jumpy though!

26-Jul-2007, 05:44 PM
Aye, gotta have a good "line of sight" for your signal...and avoid plonkers standing near the aerial. :lol: Such a hassle, eh? :D