View Full Version : Your worst jobs ever

26-Jul-2007, 08:03 PM
Come on, I wanna hear all about the
worst jobs you've ever had in your life.:rockbrow::sneaky:

Mine was a waiter
and an Elvis impersonator

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:24 PM
I worked in a factory with a bunch of illegal aliens once. The working conditions there were abomidable. I actually felt sorry for those people because they had no other choice. I on the otherhand didn't really need the job and didn't have to stick it out. Needless to say i didn't last long there.

26-Jul-2007, 08:28 PM
Mine was being a waitress, bartender, dishwasher, tennis instructor, and store manager... I enjoyed my job working for the forrestry service more than any of those jobs even after I had to climb into dirty dumpsters at the end of the week to clean them out... that's how bad my other jobs have been.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:31 PM
Damn, i would think that being a tennis instructor would be pretty cool. What was the downside?

Chic Freak
26-Jul-2007, 08:32 PM
Two words: Burger King.


an Elvis impersonator

Aw, that sounds like fun :o

26-Jul-2007, 08:47 PM
Well the downside is old men who want to oogle and sexually harass me... the older ladies who think they're better than me... the people my age who think they're better than everyone... not to mention playing in the heat of SC... on a hot humid day the temperature is almost too much to be able to breathe...

26-Jul-2007, 08:59 PM
Two words: Burger King.


Aw, that sounds like fun :o

What can I say. I am the king :D

MacDonalds, one of the worst,
underpaid, overworked and got
fat on the munchies when I was

Darth, you're lucky you could walk out of that job.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 10:24 PM
Like i said. I didn't need it. It really paints a picture for me about the plight of illegals coming to this country. If this is better than what they had in their home country, they must have had it really bad there. They needed that job and had to endure sh8tty wages and indignities in order to feed their families. That's messed up man. To top it off they were only getting like $3.50 an hour.

27-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
kmart. friggin scumbags i tell u. no matter what color u were. if u werent white,u got no chance for advancement

27-Jul-2007, 03:23 AM
Worst job ; cleaning latreens ...
I worked at Mc Donalds when I was 16 too. Saved up to buy my first guitar amp, Marshall jcm ...

27-Jul-2007, 03:55 AM
A "marketing representative" at a mortgage company. I hope to never have another office job for the rest of my life. I can't sit at a desk all friggin day long. I especially can't stand talking to people over the phone.

27-Jul-2007, 04:57 AM
kmart. friggin scumbags i tell u. no matter what color u were. if u werent white,u got no chance for advancement

Didn't you say no matter what color you were?

27-Jul-2007, 08:27 AM
Collecting DNA samples for the State Police. It was soooooo skeevy.

We had to go to prisons and do finger sticks and put 4 samples of blood on a coded card for each subject.

We also had to do remote collections for convicted fellons.

I know ... it sounds cool, but the first time your taking a sample from some guy who looks like a child molester and your having to sqeeze blood out of his finger onto the card ... and the look on his face is as if you were milking something else... You just want to throw up and run.

I never knew it somebody was going to throw a fit and refuse when I was doing it in a prison and descide to get crazy. (it happens) I hated having to keep track of where the guards were and if they were paying attention.

I never felt safe... not to mention the fact that the way some of them looked ... you didn't want to be anywhere near them ... let alone having to handly their blood... even with latex gloves.

I did it for a few months and had to quit. The money was not good and the stress was too great.

27-Jul-2007, 12:24 PM
i was 12 years old, did this "part time paperboy" gig were you just whent to the local store and if a paperboy was ill or on vacation you did there route, you get the papers adn a reicept out the till of the addresses.
Turns out the weather for my first day was a torrential downpour, needless to say the papers turned to damp mush, i got soaked adn cauhgt the flu from exposure adn from the ink running on the list delivered em to the wrong streets. and i was only being paid 1.50, which is like 3 bucks to you americans for delivering 120 papers.

i never whent in again funnily enough.:rolleyes:

27-Jul-2007, 03:47 PM
I second the paperboy. I haven't had as exotic jobs (At least not that I hated) as some of you guys, but being a paperboy sure sucked.

The papers were delivered to you at 3.30 AM, so you had to be up at 3.00 AM. It took perhaps ten or fifteen minutes to sort all the stuff out, cut open all the lines and stack them ontop of each other in a way that they would not fall off. Then you had to push your way through my very hilly route. Imagine carrying like 300 newspapers at the end of the month when they're extra thick with advertisements, because it's pay-day. Not fun. On Wednesdays, I got like 150 extra newspapers (weekly magazine) that had alot of subscribers so those were my least favourite days.

Then you push up these hills in pitch dark, listening to your MP3 player. Until you learned your route by mind, you had to check your list alot and that took extra time. You'd make lots of mistakes the first times around and have to go back to deliver an extra newspaper or take one back because you realized a few yards later you just gave it to the wrong mailbox. If you didn't have gloves on you, which I didn't have at times, your hands got all dried up by the paper so the next couple of days you'd have blisters all over them.

Social contact during my time as a paperboy? Negative 45%. You met one guy during your whole route: The guy who lumped the newspapers on the delivery station. He usually quipped something about how miserable this job was, then went back into the warmness of his van. After awhile, I purposefully arrived ten minutes late just so that the newspapers would already be there and I wouldn't have to glare at this guys comfy ride anymore, or listen to his smartass remarks.

Add to that, you go to bed around 20.00, if not earlier. Not much fun to be had there. Keep in mind I worked EVERY day. Imagine being stuck with that job every day for several years? I wasn't, but there are people who are. Imagine the ****ing agony of those times, not being able to go out and enjoy yourself with other people. You'll always be exhausted by the time the clock hits 7 PM. The other way to do it is you go up every day at around 3 PM, then you stay up until you do your round, then you go to bed at around 5-6 AM. Either way, your daily rhytm is ****ed up and you can't socialize with the rest of society.

27-Jul-2007, 04:36 PM
I think delivering papers is the worst job,
like Evil and Hell said, you get up so early and the
pay ain't that good

27-Jul-2007, 09:41 PM
Didn't you say no matter what color you were?

then i followed with if u werent white. i had no trust in that place. i only showed up on time everyday for 2 years and covered shifts but other people that were new would steal the whole money drawer and i'd get looked at. nice establishment,hmm?

27-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM
Awe, Ace. You should move in with me. Here, everyone is equal!

27-Jul-2007, 11:05 PM
being a property manager for a scumbag was the most
you used to hate those calls that were "there is a bad smell coming from mr smiths apt on second floor and he isnt answering his door or his phone and nobody has seen him and his mail is piled up" that meant only one thing:
dead body. again.
or you have to go when someone had a fight and damaged something
like when the guy got mad ad threw the tv out the window onto the cars in the parking lot
but the dead bodies were the worst there was one guy who was tied to a chair and his head was caved in by a hammer. brain everywhere
and this other guy who was stabbed to death on his mattress so many times the mattress was like a wet sponge from all the blood. you would open those doors and look inside and say "call the cops, got long morning ahead"

i could go on but you get the picture
like when i went to collect rents and people would try to trade sex or drugs
for rent
people are so wonderful

28-Jul-2007, 12:24 AM

12 worst ever jobs according to Career Builder... hah what do they know

darth los
28-Jul-2007, 12:31 AM
like when i went to collect rents and people would try to trade sex or drugs
for rent

God bless america !! :thumbsup:

29-Jul-2007, 04:37 PM
mine was working underground on an old rail road,well scarrry! someone turned the light out and it was well scary i can tell you!:eek:

29-Jul-2007, 05:06 PM
While in College I was hard up for cash so I took a job at May Company as a dressing room attendent. I had to pick up the clothes from the floors of the dressing rooms and return them to the racks. Mindless, mind-numbing bullcrap! To top it off, frequently people would urinate on the piles of clothing on the floor for some ungodly reason which would make an otherwise unpleasant job completely intolerable. Also, since I was a part-timer I had to take crap from all the full-timer losers who considered it their duty to time my breaks and bark orders at me.

One day, after being "promoted" to register duty and being yelled at all day by a moronic overweight girl who considered herself my superior, I asked her to take charge of the register while I went to the restroom. She took my place, admonishing me to return immediately as she was about to go on her lunch break. I walked out of the store at that time and never came back. As far as I know, she is still waiting at that register wondering what happened to me.

29-Jul-2007, 05:51 PM
LOL Good for you.

One of my worst.
A waiter during ladies night.
Hated it when a sloshed woman
would think it was her duty to
undress me while I served her
drinks. Many woman have stuck
their hands in places where
they don't belong.
The strippers and ladies would
do things that if their mates knew,
the divorce rate would increase by
a 150%.

30-Jul-2007, 03:03 PM
worst ever- working at a fried chicken joint when i was 16. low pay, retarded management staff. it sucked.

but i had to have a job if i wanted to drive...parents suck.

31-Jul-2007, 06:19 PM
While in College I was hard up for cash so I took a job at May Company as a dressing room attendent. I had to pick up the clothes from the floors of the dressing rooms and return them to the racks. Mindless, mind-numbing bullcrap! To top it off, frequently people would urinate on the piles of clothing on the floor for some ungodly reason which would make an otherwise unpleasant job completely intolerable. Also, since I was a part-timer I had to take crap from all the full-timer losers who considered it their duty to time my breaks and bark orders at me.

One day, after being "promoted" to register duty and being yelled at all day by a moronic overweight girl who considered herself my superior, I asked her to take charge of the register while I went to the restroom. She took my place, admonishing me to return immediately as she was about to go on her lunch break. I walked out of the store at that time and never came back. As far as I know, she is still waiting at that register wondering what happened to me.


09-Aug-2007, 02:19 AM
I forgot one... I was a housekeeper at a hotel during one summer part time when I was demoted at my job... bloody sucked man! The things people did in their hotel rooms was awful. One guy must have doused himself head to toe in baby powder (it was a man I know it cos I passed him in the hall and he stunk of baby powder)... anywho... there was like a layer of baby powder all over the carpet of his hotel room outside of the bathroom and it was all over the bathroom counter, toilet and floor... it took nearly an hour to get the carpet clean because he was wet when he put it on and it kinda like was stamped into the floor... ugh...

I also had people who thought they'd be funny jerks who would lift the bed up and roll it over to its other side... so i'd have to lift up the bed to take all the sheets off of it... some people would turn the heat on high during summer before they left the room so it turned into a sweatbox when I walked in there... one person covered the mirrored hot tub surround (it was a hotel with corner hot tubs in front of the beds that were surrounded by mirrors ugh) with lipstick drawings... and because the hotel was too cheap to buy real mirrors the fake mirrors were a bitch to wash down and it took like an hour to get it off. I walked in on a couple once who were having sex and too consumed to say dont come in when I knocked and shouted 'housekeeping' ... that was embarassing for me. Another time someone left their shoes and a bunch of change and cash behind in their room so I stuffed the shoes into a bag and put the money in the shoes and handed them off to the manager of the hotel and the person accused me of stealing the money. Yeah... because if I stole his two hundred dollars i'd keep working for the rest of the day.

Then there's just the plain inconsiderate people... the ones who dont flush the toilet before they leave their room... who leave trash all over the room despite the number of trash cans... the people who shave their pubes and let it clog the drain...

Strangest thing I ever saw... someone stole the blinds from the hotel... they were on a great big huge rod that's like 8 feet long... I mean how brazen a crime?

09-Aug-2007, 02:22 AM
^ my mom worked in a posh one the queens been known to stay at and was quietly told a rape occured in one of the rooms and she had to keep it hush hush and clean the room for the rich politician who did it.
she walked out, rang the police and never came back.

10-Aug-2007, 10:49 PM
Gah..So far every job I have had in my life has sucked since Im a student. The worst would have to be my current one at Maccy Dees..the whole place is full of only two things chavs or polish people, Im not a fan of either for the simple fact that they are two very segregated groups. The chavs talk to the chavs, the polish talk to the polish and that leaves me in the middle..not to mention hot oil. Bleh the place is what everyone says it would be..first day I worked there I met a coke dealer and a fifteen year old chavette with a three year old baby. Just finished work aswell, fun fun.

Before I was oh so lucky enough to make the leap to Drone #52421 I worked as a telemarketer. The pay was crappy, the training was worse..essentially you were told to talk till they hung up on you and Im not a b*stard so if I call a number and some old guy explains he is living in a flat on a counsell estate and his wife died a couple months back and that he cant afford anything let alone double glazing I am not going to keep telling him about our offers. I ended far to many calls with "have a good night" for my boss`s taste bleh but the highlights were either being told to go f*ck myself by a four year old because her mother couldnt be bothered to get the phone so she made her daughter answer the message or the paranoid man. The paranoid man still makes me smile, essentially you get a book of data and call every number..same books so if youre in the book you will be called every night.

I called this guy up and basically he freaked out, he had just got back from the pub and the moment he had got in I had called him and so he had started screaming about that he will call the police if they I dont come to his house this second and take the cameras out of his walls. After three hours of being told youre a feces face to find a crazy man who was screaming continously about cameras and the goverment well..that night was eventful. I was there about five months, I made one sale to my gran who needed windows and had used the company a couple of times before so she asked me if I could get her some windows.

I "borrowed" alot of things while there..made a decent sum of money, didnt make any sales. Got yelled at quite a bit, youre meant to yell and bleh. Im not a loud person, I dont like yelling..I usually get violent rather than loud. Anyway to sum it all, telemarketing was full of abuse and my boss was a coke fiend...When I say the term Capitalist Pig the image that comes to youre mind is him to a freaking tee.

10-Aug-2007, 10:59 PM
I know what polish people are but WTF is a chav?

10-Aug-2007, 11:03 PM
Damn theres no surprised face so Im going to go with O.O!!!!

Heres everything you need to know


10-Aug-2007, 11:15 PM
ooo that's what they are... hood rats lol... wow I just got a new word I can use in the states and they wont know i'm talking about them! whooppeee

10-Aug-2007, 11:28 PM
Lol Well to be fair Ive stolen Riddick from you and left my friends dumfounded

10-Aug-2007, 11:34 PM
This place is a veritable schmorgesboard (spelled phonetically because i'm lazy) of sweet verbeage!