View Full Version : Kids Use Sledgehammer To Steal Game

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:04 PM
We appreciate rabid videogame fandom more than most people, but even we think these Wisconsin kids took their game-love a little far.

Surveillance cameras in a Milwaukee Target recently caught a couple of kids (as young as 11; Just lookit that cute little guy!) carrying a sledgehammer, entering the electronics department and attacking the glass case that holds the games with the sledge.

After several tries, they shatter the case, steal one video game and jet.

One videogame? Seriously? Like after you smash the glass and basically doom yourself to a couple years in juvie, you wouldn't take, say five videogames? You know, live it up a little?

No word yet on what game inspired that level of desire and destruction in the midwestern youths hearts, but we imagine it was a copy of Brain Age that one of the boys was stealing because he thought his mom might like it...but we have a pretty rosy vision of humanity.

Feel free to speculate in our comments section.

It's o.k. guys, just keep telling yourselves that they're just kids.


26-Jul-2007, 08:09 PM
Thier little monsters in
kiddie skins.

Some kids I tell ya,
see they know bah,
what's a couple of months
in juvy hall if I get caught.

Parents, what about the parents,
what the hell.
Parents seem to lack control of'
their kids these days. (not all parents mind you)
Some don't give a damn either.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:12 PM
I don't think that all the blame can be put on the parents but they are definitely complicit.

26-Jul-2007, 08:17 PM
Yeah darth, you is right.
Kids are in some ways a
lot smarter than the generation
before and society is a lot
more leanate and the kids
know this. Mix all this together
and some kids take the route
of trouble while others turn
out to be good

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 08:27 PM
Yeah darth, you is right.
Kids are in some ways a
lot smarter than the generation
before and society is a lot
more leanate and the kids
know this. Mix all this together
and some kids take the route
of trouble while others turn
out to be good

And i don't want to hear, "we used to do the same type of stuff when we were kids." Whether that's true or not for certain people is debateable. But it was wrong then and it's wrong now. You wouldn't let your kid justify smoking weed just because you did it as a kid, right?

It's like republicans defending the current administration with lines like,"president clinton did the same thing." If that's true then clinton was wrong as well. Just because You can point to others who are doing or have behaved in a similar fashion doesn't make it acceptable.

26-Jul-2007, 08:43 PM
I wouldn't go so far as to say the parents lacked control of their kids. Perhaps these kids wanted the game but for one reason or another the parents didn't buy it. Perhaps it would be a gift in the future. Maybe they didn't want the kids to have it. They may not have been able to afford it. Where the parents did fail was in raising kids who thought it okay to steal. Apparently they're not totally criminalistic having only stolen one game but just stealing and bashing through something to get it... thats just not right.

We're a society of people for whom nothing will ever be enough. Somehow we've become Martha Stewart and always want more and better. And similarly we're not afraid to do whatever it takes to get it whether legal means or illegal. Its sad that this is what we have come to... will we ever be happy with what we have or continually struggle to have more than everyone else?

26-Jul-2007, 09:03 PM
Yeah we are in a society where "If you don't got it, ya ain't cool man"
Which is a sad thing. Material status shouldn't be held as a "cool thing"
Being a pretty decent human being should be a "cool thing"

Darth, I didn't do things like this when I was a kid.
Nor did any of my friends,
I think we got our wires twisted man
But noneless, things are changing in this world,
things are getting worse, respect is a thing of
the past and I don't know what else to say

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 10:21 PM
I think you said it all buddy. It's sasd but true.

Question: Where did these kids get the idea that it was ok to do this? And if that's not the case then they knew it was wrong but they did what they did to get what they wanted by any means nescessary. Scary stuff.

26-Jul-2007, 11:02 PM
These kids must be related to the people who tried to chain up an ATM machine and pull it behind their car home... or maybe in the future they'll be people who bash in a payphone to get 50 cents to make a call...

26-Jul-2007, 11:18 PM
I think you said it all buddy. It's sasd but true.

Question: Where did these kids get the idea that it was ok to do this? And if that's not the case then they knew it was wrong but they did what they did to get what they wanted by any means nescessary. Scary stuff.

I wonder that myself, maybe some of it comes from watching tv and movies, some comes from hearing stories, reading, gossip, but you know what, even if they got the idea from watching some tv show, they are old enough by now to know what is right and wrong. Old enough to know that stealing and breaking property is just against the law and wrong and sometimes they don't care, they want it and they're going to have it.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:33 PM
Which just takes it back to what i've been saying. These kids KNOW that the most they're going to get is a slap on the wrist. If they happen to get away with it then they have a cool story to tell their friends.

26-Jul-2007, 11:50 PM
Yep, sometimes the law is a little too easy on
them because they are minors.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:55 PM
I think another element on the leniency aspect is that many of the people who write this legislation have children themselves and can sympathize. I know i would do anything to protect my kids so it would be hypocritical for me to say lock them up and throw away the key. There has to be a balanced, sensible solution. Every situation with kids is different.

27-Jul-2007, 12:03 AM
And then there are kids who come from bad homes,
who do these things to get attention.
Not saying this is the case in hand with these kids,
but I have seen it happen

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:17 AM
And then there are kids who come from bad homes,
who do these things to get attention.
Not saying this is the case in hand with these kids,
but I have seen it happen

I'm not saying that there aren't extenuating circumstances but like i said before, everyone has a sob story. If it was o.k. to rationalize bad behavior that way we'd have anarchy.:eek:

27-Jul-2007, 12:28 AM
Think the justices system, went presented with this case,
or cases such as this, need to dig deeper.
So many times I have seen kids get away with things
and then laugh about it later, or spit in the face of the
law it makes me wonder what the next generation will be like

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:31 AM
Think the justices system, went presented with this case,
or cases such as this, need to dig deeper.
So many times I have seen kids get away with things
and then laugh about it later, or spit in the face of the
law it makes me wonder what the next generation will be like

I don't want to get too much into my personal business but i have witnessed the same thing. Some kids believe like they're untouchable and the world owes them something. And you're right, the most disturbing thing is the lack of remorse.

27-Jul-2007, 12:38 AM
and then some are so spoiled that
they think they deserve everything

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:41 AM
That's definitely one explanation, although i can think of a few adults who fit that description as well.

27-Jul-2007, 04:44 AM
Yeah but how many kids steal something like a single video game and actually feel remorseful... its just one video game... big woo... while its the principle that counts and that stealing is wrong it could be hard to find remorse for not stealing a lot during one single incident. They should feel bad they smashed into something in order to steal and then stole but odds are they wont... they're gonna play it off like they stole a single pack of gum...