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View Full Version : I was wondering how you feel about public toilets?

26-Jul-2007, 11:25 PM
I found out today possibly one of many reasons why women take ten minutes to use the toilet in a public lavatory. I was waiting at Saks today and absolutely couldn't wait to get home so I decided to 'go' and had to wait for a stall. I began to wonder what was taking the women in the stalls so long because when ever i'm in a public or unfamiliar bathroom I like to spend as little time in there as possible. Well lo and behold my wildest nightmares came to life... as the snooty CocoChanel decked out old lady with her expensive wardrobe came out she left a little something behind... She apparently took the time to 'dress' the toilet seat in TP and then apparently couldn't be bothered to flush it down the toilet...

Normally I could let it go and not be as lazy as she was... normally i'm the person who'll flush the toilet someone forgot to because hey... why stand around gawking at it and not flush? Doesn't that make you as bad as they are? So I was like lady are you kidding me? And she looks at me and says I beg your pardon? And I was like who are you to leave a restroom stall so filthy? Like someone wants to sit on your used TP? Is your ass so great that someone would want to have any germs from it on theirs? At this point her friend left her own stall and they both kinda looked at me and gave me a snarly glance and ignored me. I lost my urge to go... I also lost my urge to continue shopping at that store.

All that left me wondering... WTF ARE PEOPLE SO SCARED ABOUT FROM PUBLIC BATHROOMS? Have you or anyone you actually known contracted anything from a public toilet seat? Or is it just some effed up psychological thing that renders you mental?

I know someone who picked up a contact dermatitis from a toilet seat... it was about 10 years ago at a truck stop in Indiana that a trip to the doctor cured for all eternity. I just dont get it... its not like not wanting to touch the bathroom door on your way out because someone may not have washed their hands before leaving (I see that so often it makes me sick) ... I mean you butt isn't going to pick up food and shovel it into your mouth is it? So what do you care about what hits it?

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:40 PM
All that left me wondering... WTF ARE PEOPLE SO SCARED ABOUT FROM PUBLIC BATHROOMS? Have you or anyone you actually known contracted anything from a public toilet seat? Or is it just some effed up psychological thing that renders you mental?

I don't think it's a mental thing at all. Why would you want to put your ass when someone else just had it? That's disgusting even if you don't contract anything. I probably won't contract anything from a handshake either but that doesn't mean i shake everyone's hand. You have to be selective about that stuff. You don't know where their hats or butts have been.

26-Jul-2007, 11:46 PM
Darth has been crawling around in my mind again :D

Just the thought of my precious butt sitting on the
thrown that someone else parked his rare on that
makes my stomach turn.

Not afraid of catching anything, just the thought of
someone's hairy butt on the can makes me constapated.
I try and hold off until I get home.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:52 PM
Darth has been crawling around in my mind again :D

Just the thought of my precious butt sitting on the
thrown that someone else parked his rare on that
makes my stomach turn.

Not afraid of catching anything, just the thought of
someone's hairy butt on the can makes me constapated.
I try and hold off until I get home.

We're lucky though. 95% percent of the time when a man goes to a public restroom all he has to do is pee. women have to sit regardless of what their business is. I've heard of techniques from the aforemention "toilet dress" to the infamous "hover" Women sure do go through it don't they?

26-Jul-2007, 11:55 PM
To pee standing up, what a blessing:p

That is until your mate takes your head
off for leaving the seat up:eek:

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:58 PM
To pee standing up, what a blessing:p

That is until your mate takes your head
off for leaving the seat up:eek:

I never got that myself. That's a very inconsiderate stance. Don't women know that we need the seat up as well? If they want me to put the seat down when i'm finished then i expect them to put the seat up when they're done with their business, otherwise i don't want to hear it. If you want to sleep on the couch tonight i challenge you to tell that to the misses. Hey, fair is fair.

27-Jul-2007, 12:01 AM
Good points, darth lol..

You know I may just do that.
First I gotta go find my sleeping bag,
we have a tent out back, I may get
sent there tonight :D

27-Jul-2007, 12:04 AM
I'm always amazed when my boyfriend chooses to urinate outside than inside... he says its more fun... but I wouldn't know... its not fun squatting over a bush... it might be if I could aim down a hole or something...

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:23 AM
Good points, darth lol..

You know I may just do that.
First I gotta go find my sleeping bag,
we have a tent out back, I may get
sent there tonight :D

Good luck with all that. lol I'm serious dude let me know how it works out.

27-Jul-2007, 12:31 AM
I will darth..
Btw Miss. J, ever pee in the snow,
like painting on a blank canvas lol

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:34 AM
I will darth..
Btw Miss. J, ever pee in the snow,
like painting on a blank canvas lol

The real question is has she ever EATEN yellow snow!?! :dead:

27-Jul-2007, 04:42 AM
Never peed in the snow or eaten yellow snow I dont even eat banana snow cones! But on many a camping trip i've had the pleasure of using the woods as my private toilet and alls I can say is euck. I'd prolly rather eat yellow snow. Nahhhhh.

I dont like using port a potties either if given the choice i'll not use the port o let and instead use a span of ground behind a bush... nothings worse than sewage thats been sitting around for a hot day in a tiny plastic room with no TP no running water and crap... ick

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 05:18 AM
That is certainly no way to live. Like i said in another thread, i'm sure glad i wasn't born in the pre toilet and deoderant era. :dead: I wonder what people who had ocd did back then? :confused:

27-Jul-2007, 05:20 AM
i imagine they either killed themselves or were the ones who created soap... whenever i think of soap i think of that guy from The Beach... the cook who was obsessed with smelling his hands after he cooked fish cos they basically only smelled like fish

27-Jul-2007, 10:39 AM
Only twice have I ever gone "number tooz", hahaha, in a public toilet...and even then it was at my University's TV studio, so it wasn't exactly frequently used for moments of ponderous thought...plus it was so low to the ground, it was more hilarious than anything, plus it got my out of the edit suite where 4 of us were crammed in with no air conditioning, bickering over which shot to put where for how long and so on - heated indeed.

Otherwise, I only go "number tooz" in/on (what's the correct word there? hmmm...) one toilet here at home, my own personal throne, we're lucky enough to have enough bogs to go around, so I have my own bathroom...anyway, that alone is where I pinch off a loaf. :lol:

Back to public toilets, I know - why would you wanna sit on something at least a dozen other guys have parked their spotty and hairy arses on to huff and puff and blow their guts out? Hell, half the bog seats are dribbled with piss...no surprising as why would you even wanna touch a public bog seat right before touching your own cock?! :eek:

That's another thing - men's public toilets - I always use a cubicle, partly because I can't go if people are watching...or you 'feel' they're watching anyway...but mainly because I've always found the notion of a bunch of dudes standing side-by-side in a tiled room with their cocks out pissing to be really bizarre and absolutely ridiculous...I mean you don't have women all lined up next to each other passing make up back and forth down a line as they all balance on one another to squat-n-shoot, do ya?!

I like my own private space to tend to my business...why on earth would anyone want to share it with strangers? It's so bizarre...

And don't even get me started on those French contraptions, great big metal knee-to-chest high constructions for guys to stand a piss in in the middle of a busy street, so that people walking close by can see their morning glory going full force...utterly stupid...only the French could come up with that idea...a "pisoire" or something I think they call it, lol.

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 01:40 PM
Back to public toilets, I know - why would you wanna sit on something at least a dozen other guys have parked their spotty and hairy arses on to huff and puff and blow their guts out? Hell, half the bog seats are dribbled with piss...no surprising as why would you even wanna touch a public bog seat right before touching your own cock?! :eek:

Dude. What about that when you walk in to a stall and there's sh8t spatter all over the place!!:stunned:

I did that once, it looked like a crime scene. If any area deserved to be "yellow taped" off it was that one. It was definitely a biohazard. :dead:

27-Jul-2007, 02:21 PM
I remember as a child going into a ... possibly Pizza Hut (or it might have been the similarly named rival at the time - I'm talking 1990 or something) ... and visiting the bogs afterwards. I went into a stall and there was a bog backed up with sh*t and sh*t water, my Dad flushed it and it just filled right up to the top...that memory stuck with me all this time...I pity the fool who had to clear that up.

Other literally sh*tty public toilet memories include:

Going into a cubicle next to some guy who was having comedy runs, I was biting my lip from laughing out loud - because like any self-respecting bloke, I find farting to be hilariously funny - then another time, on the way back to Uni one semester I stopped off at a service station and there was one cubicle free out of about 15 and every urinal was being used...I figured my luck was in, but as I stepped in I discovered why it was abandoned.

No joke of a lie, a turd that had to have been at least 2 inches in diameter was snaked beyond the bit entering the u-bend where you can no longer see, up out of the water, up the porcelain and was poking the pinched head out over the lip of the bowl...I actually gasped and backed out with wide-eyes, but bravo to whoever managed that...completely unbroken and f*cking HUGE. I have never seen a turd that big and unbroken in my entire life before or since.

After I backed out and moved on, another bloke went in and did the exact same thing I did, haha, fantastic.

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 03:01 PM
Dude, there's nothing i can answer that with. YOU WIN !!! You officially have the sh8ttiest stories. That was classic. :lol:

27-Jul-2007, 03:18 PM
It was a great one Minionzombie LOL

darth love the Mr.T signature, that is awesome.

As for the idea we discussed last night,
the mate laughed and agreed, she has
a sense of humour, but told me if I leave
the toilet seat up just once she'll
tie *ahem* my dick in a knot :eek:

27-Jul-2007, 03:33 PM
As often in HPOTD, the program Bull****! comes to mind. They even tested how dirty peoples asscheeks are, and it turns out they were cleaner than peoples hands alot of the time. One guy even had a cleaner ass than face.

While I understand that it's nothing to be scared off, I usually take the time to wipe the toilet seat off before sitting down if I need to take a crap. The reason is that many a times, drunk guys will just piss all over the thing and leave a mess. I wipe it off to be on the safe side. Sitting on someone elses piss, even if it's the Commissars, is not sexy.

27-Jul-2007, 05:52 PM
While I understand that it's nothing to be scared off, I usually take the time to wipe the toilet seat off before sitting down if I need to take a crap. The reason is that many a times, drunk guys will just piss all over the thing and leave a mess. I wipe it off to be on the safe side. Sitting on someone elses piss, even if it's the Commissars, is not sexy.

So in communist Sweden, the toilets piss on you? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I couldn't help it :confused:

On a personal note, thank the fates for urinals and the ability to pee standing up. Also, there are times when an expeditious retreat to homebase cannot be made and you have to make due with what's available, just hope you're by somewhere that keeps their bathrooms well cleaned. Some chain stores seem to have fairly rigorous rules with regards to the cleanliness of their establishments, including the commodes. Such rules make it at least a little more likely that the manager will have an eye on outside services or personnel who have the responsibility of cleaning the WC.

I remember, in college, making a trek accross campus to a faculty building, that had a lovely and little-known bathroom facility on its top floor. What was cool was that there was an awesome view on that floor, it was always deserted (never saw anyone in the hallways up there in all my trips), so I didn't have to deal with staff wondering why I was there, and the bathroom was always clean and available.

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 05:57 PM
I think that the two most disgusting places to use a public toilet are fast food restaurants and gas stations. :dead:

27-Jul-2007, 06:40 PM
Il piss anywhere me!depending on the state of the toilet il take a dump if im busting as well,although i may be inclined to line the seat with bog paper before i sit down :lol:

27-Jul-2007, 06:43 PM
True, quite often a bog seat is safer than a cutting board in the kitchen ... but at least there aren't poo units on a cutting board!

Still, sharing arse space with someone, it's just not cricket...their airborne poo units are floating around in there and nearby, ewww no thanks. :lol:

I'm not surprised some people have manky hands, I've seen many people not wash after taking a slash, and even a number coming straight out after taking a "minging ass sh*t" (to quote Bam Margera) and NOT WASHING THEIR HANDS!!! :eek:


Even if you've only just had a bath, if you've been touching your cock, I don't wanna touch your hand that's just touched your cock without you washing your hand...

Kinda that 'degrees of separation' theory. :lol:

And yes ... it's the biggest turd I've ever seen EVER.

Also - another time when I was a kid, we were in a multistory car park and coming down the stairs and turned a corner to find a bit right near the door PLASTERED IN RUNNY SH*T. It was f*cking rank, at the time I didn't know what it was, it didn't click ... not until many years later when I finally twigged...so someone must have been bursting and literally couldn't wait so they ducked in, hoisted them down and exploded ("on the side of the road"...little DiCamillo reference there :p)...ah mate...

Just imagine opening the door and coming face-to-ass with a brown explosion...ahhh dude...this thread ain't half low brow. :lol:

27-Jul-2007, 06:52 PM
i remember going into the toilets at college,and one of the special kids had been in there,and honestly they must not have been for about 2 weeks because the bog was full to the brim with semi-diahorrea,ive never seen a toilet so full,i was knocked sick by the smell but it was hilarious at the same time :lol:
I also came across this on a night out just before last christmas,thank god for camera phones eh!someone must have been squatted over the urinal in this nightclub toilet raking the cage out,i have no idea why :lol:

27-Jul-2007, 06:54 PM
To quote Jeff Goldblum, "When you gotta go; you gotta go."

(name that film!)

27-Jul-2007, 06:59 PM
To quote Jeff Goldblum, "When you gotta go; you gotta go."

(name that film!)
No idea! Jurassic Park? :p

Tricky - ah mate. :barf:

28-Jul-2007, 12:00 AM
Only twice have I ever gone "number tooz", hahaha, in a public toilet...and even then it was at my University's TV studio, so it wasn't exactly frequently used for moments of ponderous thought...plus it was so low to the ground, it was more hilarious than anything, plus it got my out of the edit suite where 4 of us were crammed in with no air conditioning, bickering over which shot to put where for how long and so on - heated indeed.

Otherwise, I only go "number tooz" in/on (what's the correct word there? hmmm...) one toilet here at home, my own personal throne, we're lucky enough to have enough bogs to go around, so I have my own bathroom...anyway, that alone is where I pinch off a loaf. :lol:

Back to public toilets, I know - why would you wanna sit on something at least a dozen other guys have parked their spotty and hairy arses on to huff and puff and blow their guts out? Hell, half the bog seats are dribbled with piss...no surprising as why would you even wanna touch a public bog seat right before touching your own cock?! :eek:

That's another thing - men's public toilets - I always use a cubicle, partly because I can't go if people are watching...or you 'feel' they're watching anyway...but mainly because I've always found the notion of a bunch of dudes standing side-by-side in a tiled room with their cocks out pissing to be really bizarre and absolutely ridiculous...I mean you don't have women all lined up next to each other passing make up back and forth down a line as they all balance on one another to squat-n-shoot, do ya?!

I like my own private space to tend to my business...why on earth would anyone want to share it with strangers? It's so bizarre...

And don't even get me started on those French contraptions, great big metal knee-to-chest high constructions for guys to stand a piss in in the middle of a busy street, so that people walking close by can see their morning glory going full force...utterly stupid...only the French could come up with that idea...a "pisoire" or something I think they call it, lol.

What French contraptions are you speaking of? Might you have a picture of one? It sounds odd... i've never heard of a really truly public potty for men...

darth los
28-Jul-2007, 12:08 AM

28-Jul-2007, 12:32 AM
uh euw...look out below...


NO WAY DARTH that's not really a working toilet unit is it? It has to be art or something...

28-Jul-2007, 10:17 AM
Oh, Benelux had the stand-up, out-in-the-open urinals for men. I saw quite a few in Amsterdam.

28-Jul-2007, 10:53 AM
A lad i know who's serving in afghanistan was telling me about the toilets over there,you actually have to stand in a half squat over a hole in the ground :lol:

28-Jul-2007, 10:53 AM
lol, no not like that. :lol:

I've seen that pic before, two way mirror stuff like on Big Brother...mind you, I think if you get up close and cup your hands around your eyes you can vaguely make out what's going on on the other side apparently...even though it's a mirror, some pricks would stand there laughing (at a mirror) but you'd be so put off. :lol:

What I was on about was something along the lines of this:


Although that one is a slightly different design and it's in Amsterdam.

The exact sort I'm on about was seen in the public square on the British TV show "Allo Allo"...which was set during WW2, so I duno whether they are still around...but I have a vague memory of seeing one when I visited Paris on a school trip...I duno...clearly they still exist in places due to that photo.

31-Jul-2007, 07:07 PM
I found out today possibly one of many reasons why women take ten minutes to use the toilet in a public lavatory. I was waiting at Saks today and absolutely couldn't wait to get home so I decided to 'go' and had to wait for a stall. I began to wonder what was taking the women in the stalls so long because when ever i'm in a public or unfamiliar bathroom I like to spend as little time in there as possible. Well lo and behold my wildest nightmares came to life... as the snooty CocoChanel decked out old lady with her expensive wardrobe came out she left a little something behind... She apparently took the time to 'dress' the toilet seat in TP and then apparently couldn't be bothered to flush it down the toilet...

Normally I could let it go and not be as lazy as she was... normally i'm the person who'll flush the toilet someone forgot to because hey... why stand around gawking at it and not flush? Doesn't that make you as bad as they are? So I was like lady are you kidding me? And she looks at me and says I beg your pardon? And I was like who are you to leave a restroom stall so filthy? Like someone wants to sit on your used TP? Is your ass so great that someone would want to have any germs from it on theirs? At this point her friend left her own stall and they both kinda looked at me and gave me a snarly glance and ignored me. I lost my urge to go... I also lost my urge to continue shopping at that store.

All that left me wondering... WTF ARE PEOPLE SO SCARED ABOUT FROM PUBLIC BATHROOMS? Have you or anyone you actually known contracted anything from a public toilet seat? Or is it just some effed up psychological thing that renders you mental?

I know someone who picked up a contact dermatitis from a toilet seat... it was about 10 years ago at a truck stop in Indiana that a trip to the doctor cured for all eternity. I just dont get it... its not like not wanting to touch the bathroom door on your way out because someone may not have washed their hands before leaving (I see that so often it makes me sick) ... I mean you butt isn't going to pick up food and shovel it into your mouth is it? So what do you care about what hits it?

when i have been caught 'short', needing a number 2,i just go where ever there are toilets. it doesent bothere me altho it does when theres no water taps working or no soap to wash my hands,i really hate that,i HAVE to scrub my hands after using the bog.i once went to this public toilet and some dirty twat had **** diorea all over the toilet and walls and all over the floor,thats PURE FILTH.