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darth los
29-Jul-2007, 11:23 PM

30-Jul-2007, 12:04 AM
Looks pretty good, the new Joker,
although I still like Nicholson as
the Joker, he played it to a tee.

darth los
30-Jul-2007, 12:44 AM
Looks pretty good, the new Joker,
although I still like Nicholson as
the Joker, he played it to a tee.

Well that goes without saying. There's not better actor out there to play the role of a deranged characteer, although i like rutger hauer and gary busey as well. I think that if he tries to imitate jack then he's doomed to fail. he needs to make the joker his own character.

30-Jul-2007, 01:07 AM
quite right, it will be interesting to see the new Joker,
apprently this movie is suppose to focus more on
the comic books, then the previous movies.
From what I heard, in the comic, Jack never
killed Bruce Wayne's parents, it was someone else,
and this is the route this movie is suppose to take.
I really haven't read any of the comics, this has
been whispered to me from a friend who loves the comics

30-Jul-2007, 01:19 AM
I loved Jack Nicholson as the Joker he was 2 things:


great words to describe the joker. I have a feeling though that Heath will take a differnt method for it:

Clinically insane (funny to Heath, but not us)

Thats my forecast :P

30-Jul-2007, 02:48 AM
quite right, it will be interesting to see the new Joker,
apprently this movie is suppose to focus more on
the comic books, then the previous movies.
From what I heard, in the comic, Jack never
killed Bruce Wayne's parents, it was someone else,
and this is the route this movie is suppose to take.
I really haven't read any of the comics, this has
been whispered to me from a friend who loves the comics
The guy who killed Bruce Wayne's parents was named Joe Chill. It has never been anyone else. In later issues the parents were set up by a gangster, but it was still the Chill fella as the killer.
I dont know if by Jack you meant the Joker?

The New Batman movies are like the comics. the old movies arent at all. They are a cross between the comics code censored stories from the 50s and the Goofy TV show. With a tiny bit of the very early and post 1970 era atmosphere.

One of the first comics I ever read was a early 70s Neil Adams Batman Joker story in an asylum where Joker is killing everyone and somehow he gets Batman in a strait JAcket and gasses him with his poison laughing gas. It scared the crap out of me. Sure I was 7 but I still have the book and its still is some nasty stuff

The Joker isn't funny to anyone but himself. He's supposed to be a sadistic killer with no motive other than violence and torture. He doesnt usually steal anything unless its an excuse to kill a lot of people
That lipstick smile is awesome. That's really creepy. Its something you see mentally ill people on the street do with lipstick so I think it's extra creepy looking.

I would like to see them touch more on the idea that Batman is pretty crazy too.

30-Jul-2007, 12:07 PM
I think that if he tries to imitate jack then he's doomed to fail. he needs to make the joker his own character.

Trust me.....he definitely is. Nicholson is going to lose the title of "Best Joker" next year....

30-Jul-2007, 06:11 PM
That lipstick smile is awesome. That's really creepy. Its something you see mentally ill people on the street do with lipstick so I think it's extra creepy looking.

I think it's supposed to be scars leading from the corners of his mouth, not lipstick. Either way, it's a nice touch.

30-Jul-2007, 06:33 PM
I think it's supposed to be scars leading from the corners of his mouth, not lipstick. Either way, it's a nice touch.

It's both, actually. Scar and lipstick.

On a side note, there's this funny video on the net of Ledger skateboarding around the set in full joker makeup. Pretty funny to see The Joker doing a manual down the streets of Chicago.:p

30-Jul-2007, 07:45 PM
I think that the previous movies were more....corny...then the last one. The last one was to me more rooted in reality (I realize that the whole Batman concept does not exist in reality, but the world seemed more gritty and real than the previous ones). While I did love Nicholson's performance in the original movie within the context of the movie, I think that any credible performance will surpass Jack's, at least in terms of seeming more realistic.

darth los
30-Jul-2007, 08:30 PM
I think that the previous movies were more....corny...then the last one. The last one was to me more rooted in reality (I realize that the whole Batman concept does not exist in reality, but the world seemed more gritty and real than the previous ones). While I did love Nicholson's performance in the original movie within the context of the movie, I think that any credible performance will surpass Jack's, at least in terms of seeming more realistic.

I think alot of the realism came from they way things way portrayed. There weren't really cartoonish depictions of characters and vehicles/equiptment. Like the batsuit for example, it was way more than just a rubber suit. There was actual technology behind it. Also the villains weren't done up in these rediculously elaborate,skin tight costumes.

30-Jul-2007, 08:46 PM
I myself feel Ledger is going to impress us all as the Joker. I couldn't think of a better casting choice.

30-Jul-2007, 08:59 PM
Sam Rockwell?

30-Jul-2007, 09:14 PM
The Joker looks very cool, psychotic. I do wish that they had cast Crispin Glover though.

31-Jul-2007, 03:54 PM
The Joker looks very cool, psychotic. I do wish that they had cast Crispin Glover though.

I've heard a lot of people say they wanted him. Although he physically looks good for the part, I don't think he could act it out. He'll always be George McFly and that guy from that crappy rat movie.:p

darth los
31-Jul-2007, 04:28 PM
Is it a curse or a blessing to be remembered for one character your entire career? IMO his performance as george McFly was one for the ages. It's one of those roles that i can't picture anyone else playing.

31-Jul-2007, 05:06 PM
Is it a curse or a blessing to be remembered for one character your entire career? IMO his performance as george McFly was one for the ages. It's one of those roles that i can't picture anyone else playing.

Technically someone else did. Jeffrey Weissman played the character in Part II after Crispin Glover refused to return.

31-Jul-2007, 05:47 PM
I don't think Heath Ledger looks the part, or can act it. Crispin Glover, methinks, could do both. And Sam Rockwell...

31-Jul-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm willing to bet that you'll retract that statement come July 2008.:p

31-Jul-2007, 06:30 PM
Well, I'm willing to bet I won't, so that gets us nowhere.

31-Jul-2007, 06:31 PM
Just some friendly joking neddy boy. Breathe.

But you'll love the new Joker.:p:lol:

31-Jul-2007, 08:36 PM
Technically someone else did. Jeffrey Weissman played the character in Part II after Crispin Glover refused to return.

He had the nerve to ask for 1 million dollars after he carried the first film, on it's way to 350 million worldwide. I admire Crispin for sticking to his guns and not bowing to studio pressure.

31-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
He had the nerve to ask for 1 million dollars after he carried the first film, on it's way to 350 million worldwide. I admire Crispin for sticking to his guns and not bowing to studio pressure.

Carried? You think he carried the BTTF? Are we talking about the same movie?:rockbrow:

31-Jul-2007, 09:12 PM
sorry bassman ,but i loved nichlesons interpretation of the joker, and i dought this guy could pull it off, granted he pulled off the romantic homosexual hick in brokeback mountain well, but eh cant outdo nichelson, but lets get this straight ITS NOT BECAUSE THAT DAMN EMO MAN-BOY DIRECTED IT!:lol:

31-Jul-2007, 09:21 PM
But you'll love the new Joker.:p:lol:

ROTLD you!

01-Aug-2007, 12:48 AM
sorry bassman ,but i loved nichlesons interpretation of the joker, and i dought this guy could pull it off, granted he pulled off the romantic homosexual hick in brokeback mountain well, but eh cant outdo nichelson, but lets get this straight ITS NOT BECAUSE THAT DAMN EMO MAN-BOY DIRECTED IT!:lol:

Well one thing to remember is that this isn't the same character as Nicholson's. Nicholson wasn't exactly true to the gritty, psycho nature of how the Joker was originally written. Nicholson himself once stated that he was referencing a bit of Ceasar Romero's Joker which we all know is over the top funny.

Most people find themselves laughing with Nicholson when The Joker's jokes are supposed to only be funny to him. He's a psycho that kills without reason and laughs only at the things he finds funny. Knowing how Chris Nolan is faithful to the original material....this Joker is going to be friggin Ed Gein on steriods....

And Ned.....LOTD YOU!:lol:

01-Aug-2007, 01:58 AM
Carried? You think he carried the BTTF? Are we talking about the same movie?:rockbrow:

Yes, he carried it. He was the comedic centerpiece, and a major reason why the movie worked.

01-Aug-2007, 03:02 PM
Yes, he carried it. He was the comedic centerpiece, and a major reason why the movie worked.

To each his own, I guess. I would say that Doc was the comedic centerpiece. I've actually always thought that someone else could have given George McFly more character instead of the typical, loner, whiney, comic book nerd.

darth los
01-Aug-2007, 04:22 PM
I thought that they both played believable, memorable characters that i couldn't picture anyone else playing. And by the way, eveyone knows that einstein carried the movie. :p

07-Nov-2007, 12:59 PM
Damn....so I guess Nicholson doesn't like the fact that Ledger is playing The Joker. He seems like an ass of an old man, too. This is from MTV's website:

MTV: What do you think of another actor, Heath Ledger, playing the Joker in next summer's "The Dark Knight"?
Nicholson: Let me be the way I'm not in interviews. I'm furious. I'm furious. [He laughs.] They never asked me about a sequel with the Joker. I know how to do that! Nobody ever asked me.
MTV: It was never brought up?
Nicholson: No. It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious.
MTV: I'm surprised to hear you sounding competitive about a role like that.
Nicholson: Well, the Joker comes from my childhood. That's how I got involved with it in the first place. It's a part I always thought I should play.
MTV: Will you see the new film?
Nicholson: I'm not inclined to watch it because of what I said. But if it's a good movie, I'll catch up with it somewhere. I don't think they ever really captured Tim Burton's spirit [since he stopped being involved]. They kind of drove the franchise into the ground. Tim Burton's a genius. He had the right take on it. That's why I did the movie. I did the movie based on a single conversation with him. We both come from the cartoon world originally. We had similar ideas. Tim said [the Joker] should have a humorous dark side to him. [Burton is] one of the great moviemakers. I think the world of him. He's the most unassuming man. And he doesn't feel pressure. That's what I love about him. Once he's in there, he's smiling making the movie. That's it!

Seems kind of like an ass, doesn't he? First of all, if he was a big fan of the character, he would know that his Joker was way off. Second, why does he act like he was the first guy to play the character and it's a sequel(how could it be? - they killed his Joker off!!)? And third....I think he wants to give Tim Burton a BJ.