View Full Version : Continuity Error in: Snakes on a Plane

30-Jul-2007, 11:14 PM
SPOILER for those who haven't seen it, even though this isn't really a spoiler, just that you know one person who survives, SNAKES ON A PLANE!! :eek:

At the end of the movie, they show the big black dude with the PSP in the orange shirt, slide down the emergency slide from the plane. In the very next shot, they show 3Gs, the rapper getting ready to and if you look in the background on the plane coming down the stairs, there is the same brother in the orange shirt!!

Me thinks they got the shots reversed. DOH!! :p


01-Aug-2007, 05:51 PM
Moved to Media Section.

01-Aug-2007, 06:18 PM
Never seen it, any good!

03-Aug-2007, 01:46 AM
Never seen it, any good!

I would give it a spin. If you like Samuel L. Jackson you will like this, to me everything the man has done lately is golden.

The movie is a little hockie but fun don't take it seriously, it doesn't.