View Full Version : Mild Hogs & Craptivity...

31-Jul-2007, 07:12 PM
Okay, just yesterday I gave up and got blogged, so that's where I wrote my reviews, so make with the clicky-clicky:

http://deadshed.blogspot.com/2007/07/mild-hogs-and-craptivity.html :cool:

31-Jul-2007, 08:02 PM
Well both of these films looked like stinkers and now I have confirmation,l salute you MZ..Another cinema ticket saved!

31-Jul-2007, 08:11 PM
meh, what did you expect?, the only "hollywood" type film i thinks worth a look right now is disturbia.

31-Jul-2007, 09:34 PM
Hell yeah, Disturbia was a pleasant surprise, good entertainment, a good laugh with a dark streak (although if it was a bit darker I'd be fine with that), a surprisingly good film - we could do with more surprises like that in the movies from America these days...but I guess all the surprises and successed have flocked to the TV these days.

31-Jul-2007, 09:39 PM
sounds like it'll be worth watching no the big screen then, man that shea dudes pulling movies out the yinyang lately huh?

31-Jul-2007, 09:51 PM
sounds like it'll be worth watching no the big screen then, man that shea dudes pulling movies out the yinyang lately huh?
lol, I saw an interview with him somewhere where he was saying how he's not the most talented actor, far from it, instead he's the luckiest actor pulling sh*t together rather quick all of a sudden. 'airy muff. :cool:

(fair enough...for our American readers :))

Seems like a decent enough bloke, was certainly good in Disturbia.

Yeah, I'd say Disturbia is worth a cinema visit.

31-Jul-2007, 09:53 PM
and then theres grindhouse.

which im beginning to think is an urban legend by now:bored:

01-Aug-2007, 03:06 PM
and then theres grindhouse.

which im beginning to think is an urban legend by now:bored:

It is. From what I've read, you guys will never see the "Grindhouse" film that was released here in the States. Instead you'll get "Death Proof" first and then months later you'll get "Planet Terror". Minus the trailers, of course.:mad:

It pisses me off knowing that they're doing this even after having seen the film multiple times in the cinema....

Back on topic...
As someone above has already said.....did anyone expect these films to be that great? And just as we all already know.....movie goers today are so friggin dumb that "Wild Hogs" was one of the highest grossing films of the year....

01-Aug-2007, 05:39 PM
Grindhouse, well...hopefully a PROPER DVD release of it will be coming soon. I saw it, (leeched, doi), after I heard the official word online that us here in the UK were getting f*cked over, so out of spite I leeched it and watched it as intended (minus the cinema setting of course, annoyingly).

However, I totally dug it, I was probably a tad disappointed, but a second viewing will set me right I think, but I'm holding off for a proper DVD release, none of that separate DVD release bollocks.

It's so stupid, it's like releasing a trilogy in reverse order - retarded.