View Full Version : in his own words....rudy giuliani

31-Jul-2007, 07:17 PM
this ball bag of an ass hat said this about private health care. and i quote......

"Government cannot take care of you. You've got to take care of yourself," he said. "As more of us do that, the cheaper it will become and the higher in quality it becomes." yea,i'd like to see everyone not pay taxes for a year and see how they manage to "not take care of us" anymore :rolleyes: government is funded by the people,meaning theres no government if we dont work.

he also said people who pay for private health care will recieve $15,000 per family. dont go spending it, u might need it since private health care wont work here cuz they wanna do it wrong.

31-Jul-2007, 08:19 PM
thank god for the n-h-s in england where you dont pay for your treatment ie-you dont need medical insurance,i think health care shud be free for all and the goverment shud pay for the doctors etc.how the hell is a poor young family in america supposed to pay for trearment? say a little child has menningitis?? 'oh you've no insurance so we cant treat you so go home and die'?! EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE AND MEDICATION.:mad:

31-Jul-2007, 09:02 PM
I understand what he's saying and agree. There are too many lazy people who choose not to work, find some small loop hole, and get sh*t for free.

They're bums and should be treated like it. You work for what you need.....you get it. You should stop getting the mommy/daddy treatment once you're 18.

31-Jul-2007, 09:07 PM
rudy SUCKS
He gets to be prez your going to be nostalgic for Bush.
Look up Bernie Kerick to see the kind of campany he keeps.

He's full of crap.
Blah blah blah blah:mad:

31-Jul-2007, 09:30 PM
rudy SUCKS
He gets to be prez your going to be nostalgic for Bush.
Look up Bernie Kerick to see the kind of campany he keeps.

He's full of crap.
Blah blah blah blah:mad:

everyone in new york saw what happened when they voted for bush,the towers came down. lets do us all a favor and dont vote for someone whos in the biz of being president to fatten his own pockets

31-Jul-2007, 09:41 PM
That does suck the wooden stick.
I can understand what Bass is saying
bout some of the people on the system
that use and abuse, but why make the others
who really need it pay for it.

I smell trouble in this guy, big trouble.
I'd vote him out but I'm from Canada,
so I am of no help to ya's

01-Aug-2007, 07:02 PM
woo, where to start, where to start...

"Government cannot take care of you. You've got to take care of yourself," he said. "

Thank God there is someone who speaks the truth in Washington. Hello, New Orleans, anyone? The fool who thinks the government can and will watch out for you is, well, a fool.

"As more of us do that, the cheaper it will become and the higher in quality it becomes.

Entirely correct. People who go to the doctor or hospital and have a major procedure done, then refuse to pay, are one of the many reasons why health care is so expensive. It's like shoplifting from Walmart. If Wally World loses, say $100 million this year in their inventory through theft, they will make that money back next year by raising their prices. Simple economics.

yea,i'd like to see everyone not pay taxes for a year and see how they manage to "not take care of us" anymore government is funded by the people,meaning theres no government if we dont work.

Traffic tickets, my good man. Traffic tickets, court costs, fines, the list goes on and on. Taxes are the largest amount, sure, but not the government's only way of making money. The government is like a parasite, feeding off of its citizens, and it will only die once its host (us) dies.

everyone in new york saw what happened when they voted for bush,the towers came down. lets do us all a favor and dont vote for someone whos in the biz of being president to fatten his own pockets

Then don't vote. You think there's some "knight in shining armor" out there that's running for the people and not himself, or herself? You're living in a dream world. Everything that any politician says or does is crafted to make them more votable in the eyes of the populace at large. They are all a bunch of worthless publicity whores who shouldn't even be given the managerial spot at your local McDonalds. Because they have the cash, and because they know people, they are where they are. 9.5/10 of them don't deserve it (Ted Kennedy, Byrd, and about any other senator this year), but they got there because a) who else are you gonna vote for? and b) some assholes keep voting for them.

01-Aug-2007, 07:14 PM
thank god for the n-h-s in england where you dont pay for your treatment ie-you dont need medical insurance,i think health care shud be free for all and the goverment shud pay for the doctors etc.how the hell is a poor young family in america supposed to pay for trearment? say a little child has menningitis?? 'oh you've no insurance so we cant treat you so go home and die'?! EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE AND MEDICATION.:mad:

Yeah & immigrants,those living off the state & other minorities get put first on all the lists for treatment on the NHS,meaning people who have paid taxes all their lives are dying or living uncomfortable lives because they get put to the back of the queues unless they can afford private treatment.

01-Aug-2007, 07:23 PM
how the hell is a poor young family in america supposed to pay for trearment? say a little child has menningitis?? 'oh you've no insurance so we cant treat you so go home and die'?! EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE AND MEDICATION

For those who can't pay, there are programs in place to help. No one is supposed to be turned away from needed medical care, but it happens. You'll notice, if you're playing along, that the hospitals that refuse treatment are usually some of the worst in the country, so it's no big surprise. There was some lady who was crawling on the floor in a hospital a few weeks ago, dying, and no one helped her. She eventually died, then it came out that it was sort of a regular occurance at that place.

And, no, no one has a God-given right to health care and medicine. It might feel good to say they do, but nothing could be further from the truth. No one has a God-given right to drive a car, or shoot a gun, or have a job, or have a child, or get some sex, or eat a meal, or leech off of those around them who work; it's a permissive society that allows it, not an inalienable right. If you look at the animal kingdom, animals that don't hunt for themselves and become a burden on the pack are usually killed and eaten, not given free stuff. So actually it seems more like God makes it a right to NOT be put into the position that leeches on our health care system put us into.

01-Aug-2007, 11:10 PM
simple ways of looking at what u said. new orleans was left to die because of the color issue. meanwhile a kansas town is almost completely rebuilt 3 months later.

its my god given right to vote. i will not sit back and bitch and moan about the election if i dont vote. i will however do everything in my power to stop some moron or any one of his cronies from gettin back in office that decides he can be president and a person in big oil. it makes sense. hes president,the middle east hates him,they hated his father before him and hes in oil big time. he can say what goes,PERIOD. which is sad. he also manipulates gas prices which some people refuse to see. dont blame gas shooting up on "the war". what war? we're fighting who? al qaeda? WTF! if i hear one more person enlist and say "im going to fight al qaeda" i will bitch slap them myself for being so foolish to believe that force fed lie

01-Aug-2007, 11:50 PM
thank god for the n-h-s in england where you dont pay for your treatment ie-you dont need medical insurance,i think health care shud be free for all and the goverment shud pay for the doctors etc.how the hell is a poor young family in america supposed to pay for trearment? say a little child has menningitis?? 'oh you've no insurance so we cant treat you so go home and die'?! EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE AND MEDICATION.:mad:

Well there is a federal law in effect that a hospital cannot refuse treatment for having no insurance, however, they have the right to send you to another hospital whom takes people without insurance, but if the event is life threatening they have to treat or risk being sued.

02-Aug-2007, 01:14 AM
I am not a Rudy fan by any means, I do agree with him. The USA is not socialist, we do need to take some responsibility for out own lives. If we want to hand them our health we can start handing over weapons and property so they can properly take care of them for us. Too many lazy/illegals are whats hurting the system.

02-Aug-2007, 01:28 AM
not trying to be a moron,but if only the rich have dominated the white house,then how bout give someone from a poor background a shot? last person that had that was clinton,and kennedy before him

02-Aug-2007, 10:11 AM
this ball bag of an ass hat said this about private health care. and i quote......

"Government cannot take care of you. You've got to take care of yourself," he said. "As more of us do that, the cheaper it will become and the higher in quality it becomes." yea,i'd like to see everyone not pay taxes for a year and see how they manage to "not take care of us" anymore :rolleyes: government is funded by the people,meaning theres no government if we dont work.

he also said people who pay for private health care will recieve $15,000 per family. dont go spending it, u might need it since private health care wont work here cuz they wanna do it wrong.

Wait... you're saying you cant take care f yourself and you hate being individual?

everyone in new york saw what happened when they voted for bush,the towers came down. lets do us all a favor and dont vote for someone whos in the biz of being president to fatten his own pockets

Uhhh, the towers came down, because Clinton ignored terrorism. Especially Bin Laden for 8 years.

thank god for the n-h-s in england where you dont pay for your treatment ie-you dont need medical insurance,i think health care shud be free for all and the goverment shud pay for the doctors etc.how the hell is a poor young family in america supposed to pay for trearment? say a little child has menningitis?? 'oh you've no insurance so we cant treat you so go home and die'?! EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO HEALTH CARE AND MEDICATION.:mad:

Incorrect, you have NO right to health care. You have a right to that which you can provide. health care, is not a right like say free speech or the right to own arms.

not trying to be a moron,but if only the rich have dominated the white house,then how bout give someone from a poor background a shot? last person that had that was clinton,and kennedy before him

The Clintons and Kennedys are NOT poor. I dont know WHERE you got that joke of an idea from.

02-Aug-2007, 12:41 PM
Uhhh, the towers came down, because Clinton ignored terrorism. Especially Bin Laden for 8 years.


02-Aug-2007, 06:40 PM

Sometimes when confronted with the truth, all you can do is laugh. I know, its a tough pill to swallow. I know.

02-Aug-2007, 06:47 PM
Sometimes when confronted with the truth, all you can do is laugh. I know, its a tough pill to swallow. I know.

And sometimes when confronted with such a ridiculously hilarious, out-there type statement, such as this, you can't help but laugh either.

I'm glad you know. Careful though, too many of those pills can be bad for you!

02-Aug-2007, 09:58 PM

so its his fault,right? but how come nothing ever happened when he was in office? we were at peace with everyone and gas prices were low and the budget was balanced. we actually had a HUGE surplus of money,highest its ever been. but dont u find it kind of odd that as soon as anyone named bush gets in office,they start a massacre over oil and try to kill the same leader of iraq and make up "weapons of mass destruction" ? it didnt start with clinton,trust me. bin laden didnt get trained by the CIA that recently. he got trained in the late 80's early 90's hmmm..who was in office then?:rolleyes:

but i guess most of you are still drinkin the bush kool aid

02-Aug-2007, 10:32 PM
wait, they didn't react fast enough to katrina cus of the black people...

02-Aug-2007, 11:09 PM
wait, they didn't react fast enough to katrina cus of the black people...

thats a good point really.........anyone who says race isnt a problem in the states anymore needs to look no further than kansas and new orleans flooding. one flooded 2 years ago and the other flooded 5 months ago............................................... .................................................. ......................

only one of those got any government aid......gee i wonder which one

03-Aug-2007, 12:17 AM
And sometimes when confronted with such a ridiculously hilarious, out-there type statement, such as this, you can't help but laugh either.

I'm glad you know. Careful though, too many of those pills can be bad for you!

Did you just repackage my post and send it back to me?

03-Aug-2007, 12:21 AM
Damn, now I know why I left. Some of you people really need to watch the news and pay attention. Clinton and Kennedy were poor? We had no terrorist attacks during Clinton's presidency? :rockbrow:

03-Aug-2007, 12:24 AM
so its his fault,right? but how come nothing ever happened when he was in office? we were at peace with everyone and gas prices were low and the budget was balanced. we actually had a HUGE surplus of money,highest its ever been. but dont u find it kind of odd that as soon as anyone named bush gets in office,they start a massacre over oil and try to kill the same leader of iraq and make up "weapons of mass destruction" ? it didnt start with clinton,trust me. bin laden didnt get trained by the CIA that recently. he got trained in the late 80's early 90's hmmm..who was in office then?:rolleyes:

but i guess most of you are still drinkin the bush kool aid
I dont know if you know, but Bin Laden and Al Qaeda was ataccking the US during the Clinton admin too... USS Cole, Embassy bombings etc. Hell they even hit the WTC unsuccessfully.

As for Bin Laden being trained by the CIA, well I don't know too much about that, then again neither do you. No one does, but he did get some training I believe in guerrilla warfare... but then you have to wonder. Would you prefer Communist Russia with a stranglehold in the middle east looking at the oil reserves or a few Fanatics with some training in how to drop Russian troops? By the way 9/11 wasn't planned by Bin Laden, so his training was irrelevant anyway. Although he did bankroll a big piece of it.

What else, oh yeah Bush didn't start the War on terror the second he got into office, he started it after we were attacked on 9/11, remember that day when the terrorists flew some planes into some buildings and massacred 3000 of your fellow citizens?

Oh also, 9/11 happend what 6 or 7 months after Bush assumed office... and yet it had been getting planned for years... who was in office before Bush? The guy who starved and destroyed our intelligence communities and whom ignored previous al qaeda attacks to keep his polling numbers high... who... hmmm.... can you guess?

This kool aid is fantastic by the way, its Red flavor... mmmmmmMMMMMMM! I think its called reality.

thats a good point really.........anyone who says race isnt a problem in the states anymore needs to look no further than kansas and new orleans flooding. one flooded 2 years ago and the other flooded 5 months ago............................................... .................................................. ......................

only one of those got any government aid......gee i wonder which one

Federal or state?

Because I don't recall the Kansas flood... maybe its because the people there took care of themselves and weren't waiting for the government to take care of them. What were the top purchases with those 2000 dollar Federal credit cards they gave all the "victims" of Katrina (who had a 48 hour warning to get the hell out before the hurricane hit)? Wasnt it drugs, alcohol and strippers? Nice.

And since we are insistent on making this a race issue, why didnt School Bus Nagan (a black man) utilize his cities 100s of school buses to get the people to safety? Why did he cry and moan about we need the government to send buses to help, meanwhile all the cities buses which he had DIRECT control over sat in about 4 feet of water?

Katrina sucks, but those people were willing to ignore all the warnings and sit in that filth... this is a demonstration of why depending on the "system" doesn't work. And it ain't got nothin to do with race. Unless you want it to, in which case we can blame all the liberals who scared all the poor black folk who got trapped there for the last 50 years into being sub servant little dependencies on the government tit for all needs.

Hard hearted truth, but there it is.

Damn, now I know why I left. Some of you people really need to watch the news and pay attention. Clinton and Kennedy were poor? We had no terrorist attacks during Clinton's presidency? :rockbrow:

Bahahahaha! right?

03-Aug-2007, 01:41 AM
you musta voted for bush.........nice to see u want the country to die.

03-Aug-2007, 02:07 AM
you musta voted for bush.........nice to see u want the country to die.

Now THAT is logic. HA! You must have voted for Gore, nice to see you hate black people.

03-Aug-2007, 03:23 AM
Now THAT is logic. HA! You must have voted for Gore, nice to see you hate black people.

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i'll let that comment speak for itself

03-Aug-2007, 05:41 AM
The CIA trained members of Al-qaeda to fight the soviets out of Afganistan in the 70s. Youtr government gave them the weapons and training they needed to win, and then years later they use em on you.

and it wasn't just americans who died on 9/11, saying is ridiculous. There were casualties from dozens of different countries. When the towers came down, alot of nations felt the hurt.

03-Aug-2007, 10:10 AM
The CIA trained members of Al-qaeda to fight the soviets out of Afganistan in the 70s. Youtr government gave them the weapons and training they needed to win, and then years later they use em on you.

and it wasn't just americans who died on 9/11, saying is ridiculous. There were casualties from dozens of different countries. When the towers came down, alot of nations felt the hurt.

Yeah, it was just mostly Americans. And the people who did 9/11 weren't Afghanis. Most of them were Saudis. So you're wrong yet again. And as I said it wasn't Bin Laden who planned 9/11.

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i'll let that comment speak for itself
Yeah, its as absurd as your previous comment. I'll let you connect the dots on your own.

03-Aug-2007, 12:19 PM
Did you just repackage my post and send it back to me?

All I was doing was showing you how ridiculous and rhetorical your statement was.

Khardis, is it possible for you to post anything without it being nasty, accusatory, hateful, or sounding like a mouthpiece for the GOP?

I mean seriously, alot of times I fire back at you out of fun. You just seem so full of anger and hatred and this overwhelming desire to be right all the time.

Are you like that in real life, or is that just your internet personality?

03-Aug-2007, 04:11 PM
All I was doing was showing you how ridiculous and rhetorical your statement was.

Khardis, is it possible for you to post anything without it being nasty, accusatory, hateful, or sounding like a mouthpiece for the GOP?

I mean seriously, alot of times I fire back at you out of fun. You just seem so full of anger and hatred and this overwhelming desire to be right all the time.

Are you like that in real life, or is that just your internet personality?

he's a mouth piece for the GOP. hes got that "either you're with me or you're against the U.S. and you're racist" idea. so apparently because i didnt vote republican,im racist towards black people.:rolleyes:

and if he has an internet personality aside from his real one...................that just means he needs professional help and could be deemed certifiable.

03-Aug-2007, 04:48 PM
*runs hands over acrystal ball*

my spidey senses tell me a thread locking's a coming on.


03-Aug-2007, 05:56 PM
the hell do you mean yet again? the last "conversation" we had was about you being a f*cking gun nut who only sees what the nra shoves down your throat. Oh, and apparently me saying that guns are designed to kill means I hate guns and want to take them away from you. All you could come up with was it is your "inalienable right" to bear arms.

Good job buddy.

Who then, planned 9/11?

cus i'm pretty sure the consensus is that it was Bin laden, or he was at least involved (which he was as he trained and entrusted the 19 highjackers to the job)

03-Aug-2007, 09:02 PM
All I was doing was showing you how ridiculous and rhetorical your statement was.

Khardis, is it possible for you to post anything without it being nasty, accusatory, hateful, or sounding like a mouthpiece for the GOP?

I mean seriously, alot of times I fire back at you out of fun. You just seem so full of anger and hatred and this overwhelming desire to be right all the time.

Are you like that in real life, or is that just your internet personality?

dmbfan, is it possible for you to post anything without it being nasty, accusatory, hateful, or sounding like a mouthpiece for the DNC?

I mean seriously, alot of times I fire back at you out of fun. You just seem so full of anger and hatred and this overwhelming desire to be right all the time.

Are you like that in real life, or is that just your internet personality?

he's a mouth piece for the GOP. hes got that "either you're with me or you're against the U.S. and you're racist" idea. so apparently because i didnt vote republican,im racist towards black people.:rolleyes:

and if he has an internet personality aside from his real one...................that just means he needs professional help and could be deemed certifiable.

No, because you voted for the people who are trying to destroy black America, you hate black people. Its quite simple. See that? swoosh with 1 sentence I nailed your argument down, and by proxy destroyed any basis you had for an earlier wrong statement. BAMN!

the hell do you mean yet again? the last "conversation" we had was about you being a f*cking gun nut who only sees what the nra shoves down your throat. Oh, and apparently me saying that guns are designed to kill means I hate guns and want to take them away from you. All you could come up with was it is your "inalienable right" to bear arms.

Good job buddy.

Who then, planned 9/11?

cus i'm pretty sure the consensus is that it was Bin laden, or he was at least involved (which he was as he trained and entrusted the 19 highjackers to the job)

They don't have the news up there in Canada? Khalid Sheikh Muhammad planned it. He even confessed he planned it when he was taken prisoner. Bin Laden didn't plan anything... really you cannot afford to be this out of touch with the news dude. I know there is a MASSIVE liberal bias that tries to squander all positive news on the war on terror etc, but you couldnt have missed it when they called him the "MASTERMIND BEHIND 9/11"

As for your "consensus" well in the real world, facts are facts and are not dependent on consensus. Kind of like the global warming lie, they have no facts to back it up just "consensus" from a bunch of people being paid by liberal front groups. If I say 2+2 = 7 and I get 6 out of 10 people to agree with me, it doesn't make it correct. Capiche?

03-Aug-2007, 09:36 PM
And as I said it wasn't Bin Laden who planned 9/11.

how is that known,has someone asked him?:confused:

03-Aug-2007, 09:47 PM
how is that known,has someone asked him?:confused:

I just sent him a message on his myspace, I'll be sure to tell you guys when he responds. He's on my buddy list.

03-Aug-2007, 10:20 PM
how is that known,has someone asked him?:confused:

:lol: he knows everything apparently. he thinks by voting for bush that black people would be better off. and he says i hate black people but im black.....what a dope he is. but hes the all knowing since he can "shut down an argument with one sentence and say "BAMN!" after. never knew it was spelled like that. but looks like him and dubya have one thing in common,they're illiterate

03-Aug-2007, 10:38 PM
khardis, you wonder why people fire back at you so much? from the majority of your posts you come off as a hateful pawn of the bush government, who believes that he knows everything about every modern/political issue.

There is a tremdous Right wing bias which tries to show how utterly perfect the war on terror is going, but I guess you wouldn't realize that would you?

and dude, Bin laden admitted in several of his tapes that he trained and entrusted the high jackers to do it, and he was seen standing next to two of em, but hey you know, maybe they were having tea together and talking about the latest episode of the gilmore girls.

03-Aug-2007, 10:57 PM
how is that known,has someone asked him?:confused:

Its known, because they caught the guy who did plan it. Don't get me wrong, bin laden didn't do nothing, likely he had intimate knowledge of it, Al Qaeda is his group. He just didn't happen to draw the blueprints for that attack.

:lol: he knows everything apparently. he thinks by voting for bush that black people would be better off. and he says i hate black people but im black.....what a dope he is. but hes the all knowing since he can "shut down an argument with one sentence and say "BAMN!" after. never knew it was spelled like that. but looks like him and dubya have one thing in common,they're illiterate

Ace, Ace, Ace... you shouldn't go around calling people illiterate when you can barely scribe a single sentence without fumbling over the English language as so.

And I didn't say blacks are better off voting for Bush (although technically they would) I am saying that voting for liberals and Democrats is what destroyed the black community. They want to keep your people huddled in ghettos hating "the man" while they provide you with their socialist vittles. Making all those Dependant upon them for all sustenance. Ya know we have a word for that. Its called slavery.

You can be a self hater if you want that for your people, I personally want them to succeed, because when they do, then I succeed because the country is stronger and richer. I have more respect for the black separatist militants of the 60s than I do for Rev Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who are just puppets for the democrats to keep black folks trapped in their "urban" slave pens.

khardis, you wonder why people fire back at you so much? from the majority of your posts you come off as a hateful pawn of the bush government, who believes that he knows everything about every modern/political issue.

There is a tremdous Right wing bias which tries to show how utterly perfect the war on terror is going, but I guess you wouldn't realize that would you?

and dude, Bin laden admitted in several of his tapes that he trained and entrusted the high jackers to do it, and he was seen standing next to two of em, but hey you know, maybe they were having tea together and talking about the latest episode of the gilmore girls.

Wow, i guess you all really DON'T get news or education in Canada... sad. You just spewed countless cliches I don't care to count :(

Bin Laden personally trained the Hijackers hahahaha which magical crystal ball did you pull that from?

04-Aug-2007, 12:05 AM
Its known, because they caught the guy who did plan it. Don't get me wrong, bin laden didn't do nothing, likely he had intimate knowledge of it, Al Qaeda is his group. He just didn't happen to draw the blueprints for that attack.

Ace, Ace, Ace... you shouldn't go around calling people illiterate when you can barely scribe a single sentence without fumbling over the English language as so.

ok for starters i have my bachelors in english :) thanks though. so any typos i do on here are probably because i dont get paid to type on a FREE BB forum and i really could care less about being anal about spelling something right...ok,rain man? i do the the typo free versions when i get paid at work for having MY COLLEGE DEGREE. what have you done?

secondly,i do not like al sharpton or anyone else who will try to use the "black" term loosely to try to grab ahold of people when we should quote on quote "band together". theres enough in fghting in every nationality to ensure no one nationality will take over like some people think. just because im black has nothing to do with if i like al sharpton or not. i was thankfully born and raised somewhere that doesnt deal with color on the hate level (los angeles)

and where do you get off saying all black people live in the ghetto? how about just wealthy people period? u act like black people are just the scum of the earth and do no good when in fact theres do badders in every nationality. good people,bad people.....PERIOD. no in between.

maybe i should show you what my house looks like since you think all blacks live in the ghetto.

04-Aug-2007, 01:26 AM
dmbfan, is it possible for you to post anything without it being nasty, accusatory, hateful, or sounding like a mouthpiece for the DNC?

I mean seriously, alot of times I fire back at you out of fun. You just seem so full of anger and hatred and this overwhelming desire to be right all the time.

Are you like that in real life, or is that just your internet personality?


one things for sure, it wouldnt be the same around here without you!