View Full Version : Whoopi Goldberg Joins The View

01-Aug-2007, 05:08 PM
I know you males don't give a flying fart who took Rosie's place, what got me is most men hate The View yet did so much bitching about Rosie O'Donnell being on the show which made me laugh and prove a lot of men watch that show. Anyway, Whoopi has taken over and should bring the much needed comedic mix into the fray.

darth los
01-Aug-2007, 05:12 PM
Well they had to fill their comedic lesbian quota somehow so....

01-Aug-2007, 05:45 PM
Sounds like an American version of a show we have here in the UK called "Loose Women" (as in the flap their gums over any topic, not that they chow down on cock left, right and centre :lol:)

What pisses me off about those sort of shows is the gleefully convenient man hating ... until they have a male celebrity guest on their show to interview...and yeah I guess there's plenty of blokes who mickey take women, but still...you kinda think "don't sink to that level too" sometimes...hmmm...

I don't watch that Loose Women thing, my Mum does and has a jolly good laugh, but I think it's not so man-hatey as I've perceived it, duno really.

What is annoying on that show (from the odd clip I've seen when passing through the room where my Mum is watching it on the TV) is one host who is/was on it (off on baby leave or something) who is such a champagne socialist chattering class sort, harps on about how much we could all just love each other and be really softly softly, namby pamby ... but there's another on there who definitely ISN'T a socialist weasel chatterer...so at least there's balance. :lol:

01-Aug-2007, 06:11 PM
^ it is mz, but getting whoopie goldberg to present it instead of rosie "apparently even straight guys would pick jack from lost over her" o'donnel (mega 64 in-joke) has gotta make there ratings jump, is she still a big comedian over there?

darth los
01-Aug-2007, 06:16 PM
Whoopi has been irrelavent for years. i can't recall the last big entertainment project she was involved in. She's very well off though.

01-Aug-2007, 08:11 PM
Whoopi recently did a 20 year anniversary stint on broadway. She brought back her famous stand up characters for a 90 minute event. I have the DVD and her first character was Fontaine, the foul mouthed junkie who just came back from Amsterdam. It was quite funny. Plus her, Billy Crystal and Robin Williams still do Comic Relief, so I wouldn't exactly say she is irrelavent

06-Aug-2007, 02:23 AM
Whoopie is cool.
I have problem with her at all.
I have peripherally seen the View , especially the clips on youtube where Rosie is speaking of some kinda conspiracy; something about an event that happened 5 or so years ago. Something to do with erosion of freedom , a spastic fascist government .
But what the hell ? Why do I care?:skull:
(vague sarcasm)

06-Aug-2007, 06:40 AM
Whoopi is largely unfunny.

oh well.

09-Aug-2007, 01:44 AM
meh... whoopie goldberg is just a black rosie o donnel... they shouloda gotten phyllis diller

I dont get whoopie fans... she's like kathy whoever on the d-list... she's not funny and always plays the same part