View Full Version : Not sure if this belongs here...Romero To Remake His Own "Witch"

02-Aug-2007, 01:06 PM
Cool story, attaway Garth. I just don't remember if the original was any good at all. What's next? Remake Bruiser?

By Garth Franklin Thursday August 2nd 2007 12:14am

George Romero says he would like to remake his film "Hungry Wives" (aka. "Season of the Witch") as he never really managed to complete it properly the first time.

The story sees a bored suburban housewife turn to tarot cards for a reading and slowly gets drawn into a world of witchcraft where she believes she is a real witch. Her real life begins to seep into her fantasy world and before long tragedy ensues.

Talking with IGN News at Comic Con, Romero says "I've always felt that it's not really a complete work. We sort of managed to get a rope around it and finish it in a halfway decent way, but it's the only one that I'd like to redo." (http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/070802j.php)

02-Aug-2007, 01:12 PM
Romero would like to remake it. That doesn't mean that he will.

02-Aug-2007, 01:35 PM
I think the movie was executed as well as could have been, and would not be improved upon by a remake. Besides, the message wouldn't have as much social meaning. Women are no longer confined to the home.

02-Aug-2007, 01:37 PM
i still aint seen it but i wouldnt mind an update version, cus like axlish says, women arent treated like that no mor,e but wouldnt that make it all the more tragic if she was?

02-Aug-2007, 06:06 PM
i still aint seen it but i wouldnt mind an update version, cus like axlish says, women arent treated like that no mor,e but wouldnt that make it all the more tragic if she was?
I think the point is, is that because it's not the social standard anymore, it doesn't carry the weight. It's like writing a film set in modern times about prohibition on alcohol, it's out-of-time-context.

I dug Season of the Witch, not perfect, but it had some good moments. I found myself getting sucked into it, there was a conversation in there about "smoking pot" and I got really into the scene, just something to the pace of it all.

There was also a brilliant home invasion sequence that was brilliantly shot and edited, it really bounded along and grabbed my attention.

I think it'd be silly to remake it, just leave it be, especially as it's no longer socially in-context anymore, the point in the movie would be lost as times have moved on.

Surely "There's Always Vanilla" would be easier to remake, not that I've seen it (except for a couple of scenes on the Night DVD), being that it's about the media industry and advertising, right? Or at least that's a chunk of it at least...more of a universal theme that's still current.

02-Aug-2007, 06:29 PM
I think he always gives this answer when asked about his previous movies. Im sure i've read it many times before.

02-Aug-2007, 10:09 PM
I think he always gives this answer when asked about his previous movies. Im sure i've read it many times before.
At least we can't expect any comedy taun-tauns walking through shot in a GAR movie any time soon.