View Full Version : A bit of a favour to ask - short survey about comic books.

02-Aug-2007, 05:21 PM
NOTE FROM MODERATOR - This has been made a sticky for two weeks as a favour to Burbank

Hey all,

I’m currently doing research for my master’s dissertation and the topic is digital publishing within the comic book industry. So I need to ask a favour, and that is if you could take a few minutes to answer a short questionnaire/survey that I’ve created to generate the information I need.

I’m afraid I’m not very good with web design and so I’ve had to create the questionnaire as a form on Word which means you’ll have to download it and email it back to me – sorry for the inconvenience!

I’ve set up a blog site with the link on it and some information about the survey, which can be found here:


or you can just download the file from:


and email it to burbank80@googlemail.com

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to do this for me and if you know anyone else who reads comic books, if you could pass it on and ask them to fill in it as well I would be most grateful.

Again, thank you in advance for doing this!