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05-Apr-2006, 05:20 PM
since Kurt Koban off'd himself! :eek:


05-Apr-2006, 05:27 PM
since Kurt Koban off'd himself! :eek:

WOW.....time DOES fly!

05-Apr-2006, 06:01 PM
WOW....who cares?!?!? Kobain sucks. Nirvana was nothing special. Hell, Dave G. made a much better band almost immediately after Nirvana was over.

I don't get why people are alway sympethetic toward that guy. He blew his own head off, for christs sake. Screw him. The world is better off without that depressed "guitarist"


05-Apr-2006, 06:03 PM
WOW....who cares?!?!? Kobain sucks. Nirvana was nothing special. Hell, Dave G. made a much better band almost immediately after Nirvana was over.

I don't get why people are alway sympethetic toward that guy. He blew his own head off, for christs sake. Screw him. The world is better off without that depressed idiot.


Foo Fighters ROCK!!!!!!

05-Apr-2006, 06:04 PM
Change "idiot" to "guitarist", Adreno. I had to get the point that he sucked at guitar.... Well, he didn't necessarily suck...but he was definitely nothing special.

05-Apr-2006, 08:52 PM
WOW....who cares?!?!? Kobain sucks. Nirvana was nothing special. Hell, Dave G. made a much better band almost immediately after Nirvana was over.

I don't get why people are alway sympethetic toward that guy. He blew his own head off, for christs sake. Screw him. The world is better off without that depressed "guitarist"


Dude....I think that you dont understand that its always not about some guy's musical talent that makes an artist or a band. I mean, look at most to all old school punk. None of them knew more than 2 chords, but it was popular. The Beatles werent the best musicians, yet are the most popular band of all time.

Its not just music either..its all art. Look at Dan Brown...he writes like R.L. Stine and everyone loves him! Look at Jackson Pollack...he dribbled paint onto a canvas. Anyone can do that...but he revolutionized modern art. Look at George Lucas...he steals from everyone to make is mediocre movies...but his films are some of the most famous films of all time.

Its usually not about talent...its about the time and the place and the image and message. You cant say a band sucks for not knowing how to play that well. Nor can you say who cares that someone dies because he cant play music well, either...though I agree that suicide is pretty stupid.

05-Apr-2006, 09:04 PM
Gee, now I feel really old.

Nirvana became popular during my senior year of high school, and I guess I was too busy listening to other stuff to bother with them at the time. I was listening to a lot of old punk, and some of what was once considered "alternative" (remember that? When alternative actually meant it was some sort of alternative to the pop pap?). When "Smells Like Teen Spirit" began getting played at pep rallies, I knew it was just something I didn't want to be a part of at the time.

A few years ago, I met a guy who is about four or five years younger than me. He's a big Nirvana fan, and since I never bothered with them in the first place, he got me to give them a good and thorough listen. I have to say, Nirvana was a really great band. They did something very different and original sounding at the time (influences notwithstanding--everyone is influenced by something/someone). Looking back, the loss of Cobain is exactly that--a loss. I imagine that at this point in his life, he would have been producing something interesting/original. Just like losing Elliott Smith--you just can't imagine what could have been, later down the road, with such talent--it's a shame.

05-Apr-2006, 09:21 PM
First off....let me say that I very much disagree with this statement:

The Beatles werent the best musicians, yet are the most popular band of all time.

They weren't so good in their early years but really changed into true musicians alittle later down the road.

As far as Nirvana and Cobain...
You have a very good point about the "time, mindset, etc". In fact, almost all of what you said is a very good point. But from my shoes, I just feel like Nirvana was held up WAAYYY too high for what they did. To me, they seemed more like a fad than anything.....

It could all just be my opinion BS but it's the way I feel. I often hear people call Cobain the "greatest songwriter of all time" and things of that nature. And to that I resond in my best Wayne Campbell voice: "Chyeahhh right! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!".

Once again, you're comment about talent is very true. Hell, look at some of Neil Young's songs(and I think we can all be honest and say he's not the best singer sometimes). BTW, Nirvana covered several Neil Young songs.

I even enjoyed Nirvana at one time....

It just seems to me that they are given too much credit for mediocre music. Just as you said, talent isn't everything and I'll be the first to back you up on that. Feeling and emotion are what I believe make up good music. With that point out of the way....let's think about Nirvana's discography...

Aside from the few acoustic recordings, everyone of their tracks and cds are virtually the same, four note, distorted, power chord-driven, with "I'm depressed or ****ed" vocals.(I know there are a few exceptions...I'm just talking as a whole). And for me....if music is truly an expression of feelings, emotion, and life.....everything shouldn't sound the same. There should be a wide range of songs that express the different feelings that come at different times and situations in life.

I don't know....it's all just my opinion. As I've said, I can listen to some Nirvana every now and again. And they did help to get us out of the Rap stage in the early 90's. It's just my personal opinion that I could go out and find a garage band of 13 year old's that writes just as good, if not better, music.

No disrespect to you, man. I know alot of people like Nirvana. And quite honestly, after posting that, I knew someone would probably be angry about it. And I'm sorry, but i'm just not going to mourn someone that blew their own head off....his problem, he can burn in hell.:p

BTW, I know this post has gotten awefully long, so I'll try to shorten this up. You said that art/Nirvana spawns other artists? Do you remember a group that came about shortly after Nirvana called "Silverchair"? They had a number one song with "Tomorrow". Well, for awhile they were pretty much clones of Nirvana. Well, Nirvana ended, Silverchair put out another nirvana style record. Still good...but still the same. Well, fast forward to their two latest records, "Neon Ballroom" and "Diorama". Do me a favor and take a listen to "Diorama" from start to finish in a room with nothing else to distract you and then tell me that Kobain could ever write some music like that... Beautiful....absolutely beautiful.

To anyone else that hasn't heard "Diorama"....please do so. It's a "musical journey" as Daniel Johns says:D

05-Apr-2006, 10:37 PM
its been 12 years since the flannel killed the glamore rock, it makes me still cry. LONG LIVE ROCK

05-Apr-2006, 10:56 PM
Anyone seen that "Last Days" flick? DAMN it is BORING...not a damn thing happens for 90 minutes, seriously, NOTHING happens. Can't believe I bothered sitting through it - only one scene was good, the really long dolly take when 'Kurt' (the whole movie is ESSENTIALLY Cobain's last days) plays all the instruments and makes a really weird track, which was actually kinda cool.

I bet Kurt's spinning in his grave now that he's become such a chewed up, spat out and chewed again pop culture icon, huh?

06-Apr-2006, 02:05 AM
Nirvana were/are brilliant.

06-Apr-2006, 05:13 AM
I was on my way home from a HS physical for the track tream my shophmore year I believe. I went home ond flipped on MTV and taped the coverage. They were in the right time/place to be one of my favorite bands at the time, at the time thats all that mattered. These days its easy to say "whats the loss" when your favorite band implodes its worth notice.

Thank god Soul Asylum came along.

07-Apr-2006, 05:49 PM
too bad... i meant too bad he didn't do it before Nevermind


yeah, i know, i suck... i just hated the grunge stuff that was crappy sounding... Alice in Chains ruled that era

Good to know I'm not the only one! Here's to good music:D

07-Apr-2006, 05:51 PM
"good music" is subjective tho' :D

*listens to Guitar Vader*

07-Apr-2006, 06:48 PM
Well argued bub, i completely agree.

First off....let me say that I very much disagree with this statement:

fair points over all, but on this one thing.

Paul McCartny is in no way shape or form a Musician. he's an excellent PR monster, but he's inept musicly.

07-Apr-2006, 06:57 PM
Well, he may not have been one of the leading forces behind the band, but as a bassist, I can say that he has made some very original, unique, and inspiring bass lines.

But no, his solo stuff was never the same as The Beatles....

07-Apr-2006, 07:10 PM
Well, he may not have been one of the leading forces behind the band, but as a bassist, I can say that he has made some very original, unique, and inspiring bass lines.

But no, his solo stuff was never the same as The Beatles....

I tend to think that his lack of any real body of "good" work outside of the Beatles is indicative of the fact the other members "carried" him while he was with the group.

07-Apr-2006, 08:34 PM
I tend to think that his lack of any real body of "good" work outside of the Beatles is indicative of the fact the other members "carried" him while he was with the group.

I can agree with that on certain levels. In a way that does seem true, but to me(as well as others, i'm sure), it wouldn't have been the same with another bassist.

I think about the only song I enjoy from McCartney's solo stuff is "Live & Let Die".

Speaking of Paul, the other day he was doing an interview at a local radio station and he was asked to pick his favorite Beatles song. Well, the exchange went like this:

DJ: "What would be your favorite song you made with The Beatles?"
Paul: "They're like your children, ya know? You can't really choose a favorite"
DJ: "Then why did you sell your children to Micheal Jackson?"
Paul: "Micheal likes children."