View Full Version : LAPD Getting Taped On Big Busts

darth los
05-Aug-2007, 05:14 AM
Just to make sure those dirty cops don't get to beating up all their victims while on a major bust, LAPD is now sending camera crews out on big calls with the cops that go, like a ridealong. This way, there will be indisputable visual evidence of everything that happens while the police are out on the job.

Presumably upset because they can no longer beat poor people and minorities half to death, the cops will just have to figure out how to try and work around it somehow.

I have no idea what took them so long before they did this. The L.A.P.D. is notorious for their brutality. I say wherever there is an opportunity to abuse authority/power you can count on it being done so if the technology exists, use it.


05-Aug-2007, 03:31 PM
......................Did nobody come up with the idea of just using Headcams like we do over here?

darth los
05-Aug-2007, 04:45 PM
......................Did nobody come up with the idea of just using Headcams like we do over here?

I had no idea that was the case. However, in this country everything is cost prohibitive so if it's not absolutely nescesary it doesn't get the funding. Take the bridge collapse in minneapolis. We're spending a billion and a half dollars a week in iraq, every penny of which is borrowed mind you, meanwhile the infrastructure of this country is rotting as evidenced by the levees breaching in New Orleans and this latest tragedy. It's estimated that it will take 1.5 trillion dollars to adress the problem.

05-Aug-2007, 04:48 PM
About time they did something about these abusive cops.
Beating up on minorites, isn't that what caused the riots
in LA somewhere in the early 90's

darth los
05-Aug-2007, 04:58 PM
About time they did something about these abusive cops.
Beating up on minorites, isn't that what caused the riots
in LA somewhere in the early 90's

It wasn't so much that they beat up a minority it's that they were aquitted when there was clear evidence of their brutality on tape.

05-Aug-2007, 05:04 PM
It's good the brutal and cruel ones get caught on tape,
or are being watched.
It's those kind that give the good cops a bad name

05-Aug-2007, 05:33 PM
Ironic how the Gov and cops want to film everybody else but are loath to turn the camera on themselves.

The LA riots werent the only riots with Police Brutality at the root of it. There have been many, many like that, particularly in the60s and early 70s

05-Aug-2007, 05:53 PM
But surely would it not cost more to hire a camera crew and their equipment than just buying a headset? Bah.

06-Aug-2007, 11:09 AM
Headcam is only good if the cop wears his hat. Most cops don't wear the hat any more. I think only State Troopers are still required to wear the hat when in Uniform.

06-Aug-2007, 12:53 PM
But surely would it not cost more to hire a camera crew and their equipment than just buying a headset? Bah.

They wouldn't have to hire a crew. My brother is a cop here in Atlanta, Georgia, and he's been on the show "Cops". He said that the camera man is a certified police officer and is on the payroll.

Ever seen an episode where the guy with the camera takes down the criminal because the cop can't? That's why....

So all they would have to do is pay for the equipment and train an existing officer to operate the camera. And in the OP, Darth said this would only happen on the "big calls", so it wouldn't be with every traffic violation. Probably only stuff like raids and stings.....which most places already film, anyway.

08-Aug-2007, 03:43 PM
What good does it do to record the activity if the police are going to get aquitted at trial? Wheres the justice in that. All that leads to is great video to show on the eve news of some poor black guy getting beat down by LA's finest.

Ask Rodney King if helps any for them to get taped while they are beating you down.

09-Aug-2007, 01:57 AM
Puleze... police brutality is evident everywhere ... its human nature that some people can't handle authority and abuse it and if they abuse it they abuse it with all people... it just doesn't make the news when a white cop beats a white person...

09-Aug-2007, 02:02 AM
Puleze... police brutality is evident everywhere ... its human nature that some people can't handle authority and abuse it and if they abuse it they abuse it with all people...

Rhodes, anyone?

Thanks Romero......you know whats up...
