View Full Version : Flying DeLorean here we come!!

07-Aug-2007, 11:00 AM

Well...maybe not for a while...:)

07-Aug-2007, 11:49 AM
A company in South America is going to be re-producing new DeLoreans. Think it's only something like 11 new cars a year. I'd love one, but would have to have the back to the future sound track playing on loop all the time.

07-Aug-2007, 01:13 PM
Ah mate I'd love a DeLorean, but I think I'd have to have it decked out like the time machine, as they just look wrong without all that stuff. :D

Plus it'd be like the coolest thing to drive, you couldn't steal that sh*t as it's so obviously unique...so aye, I'd love a DeLorean ... one that worked of course, so it could do 88mph and more, so that the doors did open in cold weather and it could handle and such, which surely isn't a problem, just use decent parts.

Ah mate I'd love to have one so much! :)

07-Aug-2007, 02:00 PM
"just take the shot for the team mna, its THE FLYING CAR!":lol:

07-Aug-2007, 02:18 PM
yeah there's a guy with a delorean near where i live, everytime you see it its like :eek: awesome

darth los
07-Aug-2007, 03:10 PM
If i bought one you know i'd just have to buy a replica flux capacitor off of e bay and install it. :cool:

That car is forever linked to that movie. Which is good for the makers because other than that not as many people would care about it.

07-Aug-2007, 03:25 PM
Yeah....I would have to make it into the time machine. Flux Capacitor, Mr. Fusion....the whole deal.

I saw a site recently that rents out one of the deloreans that was in used in the film. It's about a grand or two for an entire day and you can take it whever you want. It's in South Carolina, which is easy driving distance for me. Oh yeah.....i've thought about it.:p

darth los
07-Aug-2007, 04:01 PM
That would be the ultimate BTTF nerd mobile. If you go all out and put what you mentioned including the time circuits etc., how much do you think it would cost? I'm sure it would be worth every penny. The more important question is would you take it on the road or would it be merely a showpiece?

07-Aug-2007, 06:19 PM
I don't know about all that other stuff, but a replica flux capacitor, glowing all Christmas-lighty inside a DeLorean would be very cool. As for real world value, maybe it could serve as a lunchbox or something.

07-Aug-2007, 06:28 PM
One thing you'd certainly not be short of, with a fully decked out BTTF DeLorean replica, is appearance work. Hire your car out (with you driving of course) to various places for openings and events, you'd be coining that sh*t in, mate.

I once saw one in Manchester city centre when I was a kid, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. :) Not sure if it was the real one or a replica, most likely a replica...in fact almost definitely a replica thinking about it, but it was f*cking awesome.

07-Aug-2007, 11:03 PM
yeah there's a guy with a delorean near where i live, everytime you see it its like :eek: awesome

bloke in my village has a kit replica AND an ecto-1.

and its allways a bloke, funny that.:lol:

07-Aug-2007, 11:28 PM
A flying Delorean. Why, I haven't seen one of those in... 30 years...

darth los
07-Aug-2007, 11:33 PM
A replica kitt sure would rock. I wonder how much it would be to add the turbo boost? :confused: Who cares about those other 3 buttons anyway? I don't even remember what they were. :lol:

07-Aug-2007, 11:39 PM
well thats neat. Ive got a bunch of stuff to catch up on

didnt even know japan had the big one finnaly