View Full Version : Worst 27 days of my life. >:(

07-Aug-2007, 07:29 PM
before I go any further I have to say all charges were dropped.

From July 12th to Today has been the worst 27 days of my life. I was arrested for the

Aggravated Assault - 2nd Degree Felony
Aggravated Battery - 2nd Degree Felony
Aggravated Rape - 1st Degree Felony

Of a 21 y/o women down the street from me. The only evidence they had against me at the time was I looked like the guy that did it. They came in my room and looked around all the cops thought I was some sick-o because of all my horror dvds, posters, Romero stuff..

My lawyer said he could get me 6 Years at a juvenile gladiator camp and then 24 years in a adult prison. I fired him and rejected the plea bargain.

They also took my DNA and compared it to the semen collected off the victim. The victim was drunk and on some date rape drug at the time. She could not say it wasnt me by sight alone.

My parents were mortified by this whole situation. FINNALY my DNA came up as not matching the DNA collected off the victim. It matched a convicted sex offender a few streets down. So did the finger prints at the scene. I was released from jail today. All charges dropped.

What its like in jail if your charged with a sex crime.

Not fun. Depending on your charges your put in prison pods or misdomener pods. I was thrown in a pod of 26 other inmates that were due to go to prison. I kept quite of my charges even thought I knew I was innocent and would soon be found innocent. One guy was charged with sex crime against a child. Once the other inmates found that out they bashed his head in with a 25 pound weight. Food sucked.

anyways im just glad its over and I can continue my life :)

07-Aug-2007, 07:35 PM
**** man!hope your ok & im glad you've been proved innocent!hope your in line for some compo after that!
Makes you wonder how many people have been jailed for a long time when they didnt do anything,especially in the days before DNA testing :eek:

07-Aug-2007, 07:41 PM
jesus christ man!

thank f**k justice prevailed both ways, glad to see you are ok!!!

although you do realise the shawshank cody jokes will never end now

07-Aug-2007, 08:11 PM
Holy ****, dude! I'm glad you got out unscathed!

It's a shame they can jail you for however long they want but when they find out you're not guilty and set you free, there is no way of returning that portion of your life you spent in jail.

07-Aug-2007, 08:26 PM
thank god for d.n.a testing and welcome back bro...

07-Aug-2007, 08:35 PM
Science triumphs again!

Welcome back to the outside, dude.

Hope you sue the hell out of them and collect some big settlement from the city!

07-Aug-2007, 08:55 PM
Terrifying, man. Fvcking, terrifying...

Thank providence for the DNA test. Anyway...my best to you and I hope you can pick up well enough where you left off 27 days ago.

07-Aug-2007, 08:56 PM
We almost lost our blowjob guy. :(

07-Aug-2007, 09:12 PM
My lawyer said he could get me 6 Years at a juvenile gladiator camp and then 24 years in a adult prison. I fired him and rejected the plea bargain.

What kind of piece of sheet lawyer was that? Lemmie guess, Legal Aid.

Anyway glad to hear you got out of that sheet.

07-Aug-2007, 09:23 PM
F*cking hell! :eek:

Glad, as others have said, justice prevailed. But what the hell happened to innocent until proven guilty?! :eek:

I thought that if there's no evidence to convict, you're not banged up, because as your case shows, someone can be banged up who hasn't done squat.

That is a shocking story. I say sue somebody, anybody or everybody. I think it's completely messed up that you can get slammed up with no evidence against you beyond the word of the victim who was clearly not of sound mind after the assault, nor was she clear of mind during the incident...and "look like" is really vague, how on earth could you get banged up for that whilst the case was processed...I don't know much about the criminal justice system, but that is messed up beyond belief! I truly am shocked.

I'm just glad you're back out, proven innocent and without a scratch on you. As someone else already said - we almost lost our "blowjob guy"!

07-Aug-2007, 09:36 PM
Man....I'm sorry. I thought a few days in jail was horrible, but 27? And you weren't even the right guy. That's some f*cked up sh*t right there, man.

07-Aug-2007, 09:57 PM
I would sue the hell out of them.

Think about it. Blowjob guy is innocent, not even sentenced but spends 27 days inside. How many days did Paris Hilton spend inside?

07-Aug-2007, 10:01 PM
Cody, as your psychiatrist I really think that you've suffered severe, irreversible, mental trauma from serving time; your life will now be riddled with anxiety, phobia, insomnia, and nightmares just for starters. I'd suggest seeking your lawyer and repeating that to him.

07-Aug-2007, 10:10 PM
What kind of piece of sheet lawyer was that? Lemmie guess, Legal Aid.

Anyway glad to hear you got out of that sheet.

well, the State of Florida wanted to give me 40 years but he got me 30 if I admited guilt right then. If I didnt admit guilt they wouldnt of even sent my DNA to the lab. Naturally I said not guilty.

Being in jail didnt bother me. I kept to myself about my charges.

The only thing that did bother me was being brought into a court room in foot and hand cuffs wearing inmate clothing seeing my parents crying. Its degrading. I did get over 7 appologies from the jail guards though, they treated me like $hit because of what I was charged with.

I'm glad its over im not going to sue. I never want to be in court again.

Good news is my Dad is grilling steak for me and I've never had so much Mountain Dew in my life :)

anyways its good to be back :)

07-Aug-2007, 10:34 PM
well, the State of Florida wanted to give me 40 years but he got me 30 if I admited guilt right then. If I didnt admit guilt they wouldnt of even sent my DNA to the lab. Naturally I said not guilty.

Being in jail didnt bother me. I kept to myself about my charges.

The only thing that did bother me was being brought into a court room in foot and hand cuffs wearing inmate clothing seeing my parents crying. Its degrading. I did get over 7 appologies from the jail guards though, they treated me like $hit because of what I was charged with.

I'm glad its over im not going to sue. I never want to be in court again.

Good news is my Dad is grilling steak for me and I've never had so much Mountain Dew in my life :)

anyways its good to be back :)

Brother, they deserve to pay. You deserve a lot more than apologies. It is the prinicipal of the matter and they need to be taught a bigtime lesson....

07-Aug-2007, 11:55 PM
Damn Dude, sorry to hear about your experience.
That is just plain aweful, terrible.
Don't be to hasty about not suing man,
give it more thought. For all the suffering
you and your family did, you deserve more
out of this than just a "Gee whizz sorry kid,"
from the guards.
I'd say sue the bloody butts off of them.
It's called wrongful imprisonment

08-Aug-2007, 12:13 AM

thats ****ing terrifying man, really.

if i were you i would seriously seek legal action, wrongful imprisonment, adn on what grounds, becuase a girl who was full of alcohol adn date rape drugs who couldnt be sure it wasnt you thought it might be?

screw any chubaca defenses i dont know much about the law but thats such dodgy ground you were imprisoned on you gotta follow this up. cus if your inocent adn it was done to you, the same prat who is responsible can do it to other innocent people as well.

08-Aug-2007, 12:18 AM
Question tho, how do prisoners treat criminals who committed sexual offense against adults? Are they just as harsh?

In any case, you were in REAL danger. You should sue. What if that pedophile guy was innocent? What if you were accused of that? Sue, goddamnit, sue.

08-Aug-2007, 12:46 AM
Cody, you can choose to sue or not to sue AFTER you speak to some attorneys. I think if you do this you will be amazed at how many attorneys out there will freaking beg you to allow them to represent you (primarily because they will get a percentage of your settlement)

Follow this link to the Florida Bar Association in order to get a referral to a private attorney. You can also check out a particular lawyer's history and find out if they are reputable or not.


The justice system landed on you like a giant falling rock! You are so lucky that you were exonerated in this case. Had it not gone your way you would have been royally screwed and this would have altered your life significantly. It already has TAKEN 27 days of your life (remember the movie 28 days? that was long enough for an entire country to go to hell!) and put your parents through a whole lot of stress and pain.

Do not let them get away with this, brother! If you don't care about the money, you can always donate it to reputable charity! (Or buy the rights to Dawn Of the Dead 78 from Richard Rubenstein!)

08-Aug-2007, 01:01 AM
the state covers its butt by giving you a bond. mine was well over 400,000$ so obviously I couldnt afford 10% of that. but thats how they get away with it.

Question tho, how do prisoners treat criminals who committed sexual offense against adults? Are they just as harsh?

In any case, you were in REAL danger. You should sue. What if that pedophile guy was innocent? What if you were accused of that? Sue, goddamnit, sue.

That guy was an adult they treat sex crimes as "hey that could of been my wife, or mother you raped"

08-Aug-2007, 01:12 AM
how many times have we told you to
stop going to jail for a month
for crimes you didnt commit

but seriously
I am glad things got worked out in the end
and I do feel for your family
I hope your mom is ok now

It makes us all really mad to hear about
what you went thru
I think you are right about the state not being able to be sued
because you were not convicted of the crime as i take it
you were held in custody until the courts took thier sweet time
getting to the real story

I just am glad you are safe and happy back home
and your parents nightmare has been stopped
i really do feel for them, i hope they are doing better

and i hope the steak was good
and your bladder can hold all that mt dew

glad you are ok man

08-Aug-2007, 01:30 AM
I think the issue of whether or not the state can be sued should be left up to an attorney to decide. I'm no attorney, but as a former paralegal it sure sounds to me as if you would have a legal remedy. Whether you choose to pursue it is your decision and your decision alone. It certainly isn't anyone else's call to make.

I agree with Kortick's point that we are all mad about what happened to you and that we are all glad that you are out now.

What makes us mad is that it could have been any one of us. And that the justice system can screw up so badly as to put you and your folks through this sort of hell...they should have to make serious amends for that (certainly a lot more than a simple apology) The penalties assessed against them should be high enough that they think twice next time before holding someone in jail on such flimsy evidence....

08-Aug-2007, 06:36 AM
Damn, welcome back. I am glad your out of that, it's bullsh*t that you were thrown in jail with practically no evidence. I think you should sue their pants off. You deserve at least 2.7 million for emotional damage (100,000 each day in jail), plus your parents deserve 1.5 million for the stress and axeity brought on by these false charges.

Make yourself a millionaire out of this, but don't forget to fly us all to the settlement party.

08-Aug-2007, 09:42 AM
Welcome back man... that really sucks hearing what you went through man.

I highly suggest you listen to Yojimbo and at least talk to an attorney, find out if you have any legal action man. They took the word of someone who was a questionable witness and did not bother to conduct a further investigation until they already locked you up and found you guilty in their eyes, I mean the DNA test proved you were innocent, but goddamn, they could have done this way earlier.

Good to see you back.

One last question.

You didn't drop the soap did you?

08-Aug-2007, 11:35 AM
One last question.

You didn't drop the soap did you?

Or one might ask, were you also known as the blowjob guy while in the klink?

Okay, I'll stop now. :D

08-Aug-2007, 03:15 PM
FFS! That sounds utterly horrible, if only because you new what people (friends/family) might be thinking!

08-Aug-2007, 04:56 PM
You may think now that it wasnt that bad, but your just happy to be out pf jail. Later on the trauma of that is going to catch up to you. Having 40 years over your head and being locked up as a sex criminal and treated like crap by guards would scar anyone. And the fear for your safety.
Plus that bail was ridiculous. Thats a fortune for a 18 year old kid who probably doesnt have a pot to piss in.

If you dont sue you are really, REALLY going to regret it. Let the situation settle in your mind before you make a decision about it. The anger over the injustice you suffered is going to boil up in you big time soon enough once the Mountain dew and steal digest.

08-Aug-2007, 05:00 PM
Coma speaks sense, Cody. It's a sensible path to tread, often times trauma takes a while to sink in after the elation or key event has passed.

Don't make any rash decisions and speak to a proper lawyer.

08-Aug-2007, 05:17 PM
Coma speaks sense, Cody. It's a sensible path to tread, often times trauma takes a while to sink in after the elation or key event has passed.

Don't make any rash decisions and speak to a proper lawyer.

Quoted for truth, man.

08-Aug-2007, 05:46 PM
Another problem is that this will still affect your future,unfortunately sh!t sticks & even though you are totally innocent,people who know will still treat you differently & not look at you in the same way again.Future employers will be able to check your history as they all do these days,& it will be on your record even though it turned out you were totally innocent :(

08-Aug-2007, 05:54 PM
Damn, that f#cking blows. I'm glad everything worked out. Jail and prison isn't a place for the innocent. Enter post 667. I'm going to miss ya 666. Welcome back, Cody.

08-Aug-2007, 07:08 PM
That's complete bull****...

It's ****ing criminal what they did.

This is a time where I'd definitely say that a lawsuit is in line.

08-Aug-2007, 10:22 PM
this is what i hate to hear about any person that gets accused. no matter if the charges are dropped,it's stil hard to shake the label because "hey he got brought up on rape and assault charges and people dont forget. i say SUE THE CITY!!!


a couple years ago there was a sketch in the paper of some rapist/murderer/thief who looked identical to me. i didnt go out of the house for about a week to avoid ANY mix up.

did they even name the chick? its amazing they can bring charges and be listed as "jane doe"

09-Aug-2007, 01:54 AM
Holy kenicke man glad to see you're okay that sucks I can't believe they nabbed you and actually thought you were guilty...

09-Aug-2007, 04:09 PM
a couple years ago there was a sketch in the paper of some rapist/murderer/thief who looked identical to me. i didnt go out of the house for about a week to avoid ANY mix up.

:lol: that reminds me of this



09-Aug-2007, 04:28 PM

man.......that's friggin hilarious..

09-Aug-2007, 04:31 PM
:lol: that reminds me of this



just harsh LMFAO :lol: in a side note, channel 7 is my hometown station :(

09-Aug-2007, 09:48 PM
just harsh LMFAO :lol: in a side note, channel 7 is my hometown station :(

Mine too. Funny, I live in Los Angeles, and you are elsewhere. I wonder how many other markets have channel 7 as ABC.

09-Aug-2007, 11:03 PM
me ^^

10-Aug-2007, 12:11 AM
Mine too. Funny, I live in Los Angeles, and you are elsewhere. I wonder how many other markets have channel 7 as ABC.
NY too

10-Aug-2007, 12:56 AM
Mine too. Funny, I live in Los Angeles, and you are elsewhere. I wonder how many other markets have channel 7 as ABC.

dude..........i was born and raised in los angeles.....


do i qualify yet?

10-Aug-2007, 01:43 AM
dude..........i was born and raised in los angeles.....


do i qualify yet?

Exactly, my long lost brother! (High fiving my computer)

Nice to see someone made it out of the basin, but, you know what they say: "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"

10-Aug-2007, 02:43 AM
liam thats hilarious damn...

10-Aug-2007, 05:10 AM
Mine too. Funny, I live in Los Angeles, and you are elsewhere. I wonder how many other markets have channel 7 as ABC.

Channel 7 is ABC here in Detroit also.

Is Channel 4 NBC for you guys?

10-Aug-2007, 05:35 AM
Exactly, my long lost brother! (High fiving my computer)

Nice to see someone made it out of the basin, but, you know what they say: "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"

:lol: you are not lying at all. i feel the strange urge to go back all the time. need my fix of bill's taco house and mexican women:D

10-Aug-2007, 03:17 PM
Channel 7 is ABC here in Detroit also.

Is Channel 4 NBC for you guys?

Channel 4 is NBC in Los Angeles. I was wrong when I thought the majors varied channels from region to region.

:lol: you are not lying at all. i feel the strange urge to go back all the time. need my fix of bill's taco house and mexican women:D

Leo's Ribs, Canters, Langer's, Roscoes, In & Out, Phillipes and the Pantry. Lakers, Dodgers and Burrito King! Come home to us, brother!

It will only take a few meals to bring you back home, but then with all the traffic, mayhem and stupidity you will soon be fiending for Toledo again!

10-Aug-2007, 03:46 PM
Channel 4 is NBC in Los Angeles. I was wrong when I thought the majors varied channels from region to region.

Leo's Ribs, Canters, Langer's, Roscoes, In & Out, Phillipes and the Pantry. Lakers, Dodgers and Burrito King! Come home to us, brother!

It will only take a few meals to bring you back home, but then with all the traffic, mayhem and stupidity you will soon be fiending for Toledo again!

i loathe the food here. it sucks. i havent been back since 03 but i shall return as soon as i can get enough for a plane ticket. maybe we can hang out when i get back,man. i used to go see the lakers at the "fabulous forum" at least 10 games a aseason. what about the missle bowl? or ramona's? *drools* or wait,fresh and meaty,brolly hut. ARGHHH!!

P.S. i usually get lucky and wrestling is always in town when i go back home

10-Aug-2007, 09:16 PM
Damn Codes, I hope everything is okay with you now man. I know exactly how you feel, a friend of mine was arrested for a similar thing a few years ago. Some girl pointed out my buddy as the guy who viciously raped her in a local park near to me. They had nothing on him other than the fact that he had long hair which matched the description of the rapist and the woman's word that it was him.

Things were looking terrible for my buddy when a few days later, the police got an anonymous tip off from somebody saying that the woman was a registered f**knut and that she probably invented the rape to gain some kind of attention. The cops put pressure on her and she finally revealed that she made the whole thing up. My poor buddy was released immediately and still hasn't recieved any kind of apology.

10-Aug-2007, 09:34 PM
i loathe the food here. it sucks. i havent been back since 03 but i shall return as soon as i can get enough for a plane ticket. maybe we can hang out when i get back,man. i used to go see the lakers at the "fabulous forum" at least 10 games a aseason. what about the missle bowl? or ramona's? *drools* or wait,fresh and meaty,brolly hut. ARGHHH!!

P.S. i usually get lucky and wrestling is always in town when i go back home

Days of the forum long gone. Too bad too. Staples Center lacks the character of the old school location! Dodgers is still happening, though the parking problems are much worse now. They do have a special ticket where for one price you get unlimited visits to concessions (minus beer) Sounds great, but then after your 8th dodger dog you kind of wonder what your were thinking! I miss the old days of Luche Libre at the Olympic, but they got this new bit that is more showy with a burlesque show and midgets. Never seen it but maybe we can check it out.

Yeah, when you get ready to come back home PM me and we will hang and pig out.

11-Aug-2007, 01:24 AM
I miss the old days of Luche Libre at the Olympic, but they got this new bit that is more showy with a burlesque show and midgets. Never seen it but maybe we can check it out.

Yeah, when you get ready to come back home PM me and we will hang and pig out.

im game. :D

11-Aug-2007, 01:37 AM
Damn Codes, I hope everything is okay with you now man. I know exactly how you feel, a friend of mine was arrested for a similar thing a few years ago. Some girl pointed out my buddy as the guy who viciously raped her in a local park near to me. They had nothing on him other than the fact that he had long hair which matched the description of the rapist and the woman's word that it was him.

Things were looking terrible for my buddy when a few days later, the police got an anonymous tip off from somebody saying that the woman was a registered f**knut and that she probably invented the rape to gain some kind of attention. The cops put pressure on her and she finally revealed that she made the whole thing up. My poor buddy was released immediately and still hasn't recieved any kind of apology.

It happened to my uncle to years back, it was proved to be bollox as the nutjob was with one of her many boyfreinds at the time.

toa dd a twist to the tale he whent out with ehr adn even proposed to her 20 years later, then she confessed it was her adn a lie to stop her parents form chucking her out after getting knocked up as a teenager.
needless to say he was out of there like a gunshot.

13-Aug-2007, 04:46 PM
before I go any further I have to say all charges were dropped.

From July 12th to Today has been the worst 27 days of my life. I was arrested for the

Aggravated Assault - 2nd Degree Felony
Aggravated Battery - 2nd Degree Felony
Aggravated Rape - 1st Degree Felony

Of a 21 y/o women down the street from me. The only evidence they had against me at the time was I looked like the guy that did it. They came in my room and looked around all the cops thought I was some sick-o because of all my horror dvds, posters, Romero stuff..

My lawyer said he could get me 6 Years at a juvenile gladiator camp and then 24 years in a adult prison. I fired him and rejected the plea bargain.

They also took my DNA and compared it to the semen collected off the victim. The victim was drunk and on some date rape drug at the time. She could not say it wasnt me by sight alone.

My parents were mortified by this whole situation. FINNALY my DNA came up as not matching the DNA collected off the victim. It matched a convicted sex offender a few streets down. So did the finger prints at the scene. I was released from jail today. All charges dropped.

What its like in jail if your charged with a sex crime.

Not fun. Depending on your charges your put in prison pods or misdomener pods. I was thrown in a pod of 26 other inmates that were due to go to prison. I kept quite of my charges even thought I knew I was innocent and would soon be found innocent. One guy was charged with sex crime against a child. Once the other inmates found that out they bashed his head in with a 25 pound weight. Food sucked.

anyways im just glad its over and I can continue my life :)

all the best cody, i know exactly how you feel,one day when i was @ work an old ladie was violently mugged.she told the police it was me giving my name the lot.so the cops come too see me ask me where i were all day. so i tells em 'i was @ work officer check my clocking in card,which he did and my gaffer verified i was @ work all day as well as the evidence on my clocking in card.the cops go back and tell her there was no way i could have done it,
she then changes her story telling them it was someone else,(whom shall remain nameless),and it turned out it was this other guy.so i know what its like.good god ive been accused of all sorts.:mad:

20-Aug-2007, 08:13 PM
Glad you're out, safe, and your, um, virtue, is intact. Mistaken identity sucks! I was pulled out of my pickup at gun point a few years ago because I had a similar physical description and vehicle description to a guy that had just fled from a bank robbery. Scary as hell to stare down all those gun barrels attached to nervous trigger fingers.

20-Aug-2007, 09:32 PM
That just reminded me of the clown who was in the bank when it happened to get robbed by someone else... naturally when the people left the bank who was the one the cops thought was the robber? The guy in the clown suit... I mean how dumb do cops think criminals are? Granted they are stupid more often than smart... hmm...

21-Aug-2007, 01:02 AM
Cods I am sooo sorry this happened to you hon!
I hope you and your family are doing better now that it is all overwith now!
I don't know if I were you I would be getting a good lawyer and seeing what I could do about this all because like some said this is going to follow you throughout your life, which is not fair at all!
All some bosses will see in your records are that you were brought up on sex charges and you wont get the job you want!
I would atleast go to a lawyer to clear your name and esponge(not sure of the spelling) your record, that is the least the judge could do for you! That way it wouldnt come up in your records when you go to do different jobs or military whatever you decide to do in life!
I hope you and your family are doing good Cods! You take care and I am glad you are home with your family!

21-Aug-2007, 04:12 AM
all charges were dropped guys im clean as a whistle :p

21-Aug-2007, 04:14 AM
right on! *virtual high five!*

21-Aug-2007, 10:38 PM
Why do people say clean as a whistle? Sure it sounds cute but technically whistles outta be filthy... whistles are like instruments... you blow on one end and noise comes out the other... ever clean a clarinet, sax, trombone? They're quite filthy. They should say clean as a piano...

22-Aug-2007, 01:28 AM
Why do people say clean as a whistle? Sure it sounds cute but technically whistles outta be filthy... whistles are like instruments... you blow on one end and noise comes out the other... ever clean a clarinet, sax, trombone? They're quite filthy. They should say clean as a piano...

Pianos get pretty filthy and dusty too. But, yeah, where the hell did that saying come from?

22-Aug-2007, 02:39 AM
all charges were dropped guys im clean as a whistle :p
except for something like this
Cops never ask if you've been convicted of a crime. They ask arrested.
you're house gets robbed
Cops come
"you ever been arrested"
For what"
"rape, but I was..."
then the looks start and the questioning begins.
Its not right. It barely makes sense. But thats what happens

22-Aug-2007, 04:54 AM
to be fair coma a lot of people get off on technicalities or like oj... they get off on 'fame'

22-Aug-2007, 02:02 PM
to be fair coma a lot of people get off on technicalities or like oj... they get off on 'fame'
Fame is not a common reason.

22-Aug-2007, 05:28 PM
Its true and thank the good man upstairs there's been some odd celebrity backlash lately where they're actually trying to enact some semblence of justice upon them instead of a slap on the wrist and community service etc...

23-Aug-2007, 01:24 PM
Dude, I would sue. You were lucky, especially from what I heard about Florida.

"Go there on vacation, leave on probation!"

You deserve compensated for time spent, damage done in any form from physical, mental which would include verbal abuse and humination, hell, they even went through your personal space at home on nothing at all.

And I thought Ohio was bad! Geez!! :eek:


23-Aug-2007, 08:35 PM
Dude, I say again, don't make your mind up about the prospect of suing the State of Florida until you weigh out all the facts and have an opportunity to discuss with a real legal counsel. You can still choose not to sue after you've talked to a lawyer, but don't sign anything that they give you until you have an attorney check it out, and do not accept any monetary settlement from them until you do the same.

I appreciate that you and your folks are cool about the whole thing, and in this day and age of folks pouncing on any and every opportunity to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit regardless of how friviolous that suit might be, it is indeed a breath of fresh air to know that there are decent people like you and your family out there who are not opportunists. Yet, please bear in mind that the goal of these type of suits is not always merely a matter of cash money, but also to teach the violators a lesson so that hopefully they do not make the same mistakes in the future.