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View Full Version : John Woo's Stranglehold Demo on Xbox Live

08-Aug-2007, 02:20 PM
Looks like Max Payne + Hard Boiled. I'm getting an error code when I try to sign in to Live, so I gotta fix that before I can download it. It is indeed up though, so try it out.

darth los
08-Aug-2007, 05:56 PM
Looks like Max Payne + Hard Boiled. I'm getting an error code when I try to sign in to Live, so I gotta fix that before I can download it. It is indeed up though, so try it out.

Thnx for the heads up. I haven't logged on in while so i'll have to see what else they have on there. I believe that stranglehold is the unofficial sequel to hard boiled. I like the idea that a sequel to a movie can be made through another type of media.

27-Aug-2007, 07:10 AM
HOLY SHIV! :eek:

Have any of you guys played this yet? I downloaded it yesterday along with Skate (which was crap) and was utterly gobsmacked!

If anyone ain't checked it out yet then cop a load of this, which is the best 10 mins from the demo. It might look a tad fiddly but believe me, it's a piece of piss.

First Bioshock, now this and we got Halo 3 next month. :cool:

27-Aug-2007, 03:31 PM
I completely hated it. I thought it was over-repeatative and mundane. The fact that he slid across everything he came near was really annoying, too. The graphics looked like Dreamcast or XBOX (at least on my TV). It was just like Max Payne only not nearly as good.

27-Aug-2007, 04:38 PM
I enjoyed it a lot. Though I noticed to get the most out of it you've got to turn off "Auto Tequlia Time", and turn up the thumbstick sensitivity a few notches. It makes the game a lot more fun.

And Cnut, how could you say that Skate is crap?! Its waaaay better than Tony Hawk's yearly rehashed sh*t. The controls make it so that you're actually like, you know, SKATING. The demo sold me on the game.

27-Aug-2007, 04:41 PM
I thought that was John Woo. *L*

27-Aug-2007, 05:50 PM
The graphics looked like Dreamcast or XBOX (at least on my TV).
That was a joke right? I thought the graphics were absolutely top notch! Was you actually playing it or watching the YouTube video? :rolleyes:

And Cnut, how could you say that Skate is crap?! Its waaaay better than Tony Hawk's yearly rehashed sh*t. The controls make it so that you're actually like, you know, SKATING. The demo sold me on the game.
Didn't like the camera angles, didn't like the approch and most of all, didn't like the analogue flipping. I was struggling with it on the third goal, and that was on the tutorial level!