View Full Version : Minutemen Militias... positive influence or nosy neighbors?

09-Aug-2007, 04:59 AM
Charleston has a tremendous illegal immigrant population. I've known one person who was killed in a hit and run by an illegal and another person who was in a severe car wreck with an illegal at fault. They're quite rampant all over the city and its kinda awkward to go to certain areas because they're everywhere like stink on a monkey. To combat this pressing problem local area citizens have established a 'minutemen militia' who are going to make it their business to troll the streets looking for where the illegal Mexicans live and work... their goal being to call code enforcement agencies about 10 (aprrox number outta thin air) suspected illegals living in a one bedroom or efficiency apartment and try to get them caught or the landlords fined or whatever and of course notify whatever applicable agency of businesses that employ possible illegals.

On the one hand I personally applaud anyone who seeks a better life for themselves and yet on the other... it ruins the quality of life for others in some instances and is a growing problem in our country. While I am concerned with the power these individuals grant themselves and their gun-toting comrades I also think it could be a simple effective and free method of hindering illegals interest in paticular communities even if it requires racial profiling.

Anyones thoughts?