View Full Version : "hello. it is good talking to you again"

09-Aug-2007, 02:52 PM

If you dont get the joke its a skit from the 2nd season of mega 64 about the seaman games, if you still dont get it, well, sucks to eb you but damn this is funny.
"i bet you love yourself twice a day"
"i used to be good at math till i got shot":lol:

09-Aug-2007, 04:31 PM
Geez that is deathly funny !
Good God Awmighty! I was rolling my funny-ciggy and dropped it all, I was laughing so hard.
Bad thing is Hellz, it was my last bit of funny-puff.
Now I have to crawl about , picking through the carpet for it.
I hope I dont get ill from carpet fibers.

Why would getting shot affect your math skills?

Its like the fish in the beginning of "Mr. Creasote" from Monty Pythons
"The Meaning of Life"
"It just a wafer thin mint."

Thanks Hellsing!

09-Aug-2007, 05:18 PM
my wood got a stiff from that

09-Aug-2007, 08:09 PM
They talked about it on one of the podcasts. He was apparently an ex army vet that got shot in the head and he officially coudlnt "do math" after he got hit. only in america man. :lol: