View Full Version : Im going to see the Bodies Exhibition....

09-Aug-2007, 10:10 PM
Anyone else been to see this ...


Ive heard about this and seen pictures Im finally going to go see it ....either next week or the week after....


Just so you know how these are made

A human specimen is first preserved according to standard mortuary science. The specimen is then dissected to show whatever it is that someone wants to display. Once dissected, the specimen
is immersed in acetone, which eliminates all body water. The specimen is then placed in a large bath of silicone, or polymer,
and sealed in a vacuum chamber.
Under vacuum, acetone leaves the body in the form of gas and the polymer replaces it, entering each cell and body tissue.
A catalyst is then applied to the specimen, hardening it and completing the process. This method of preservation creates
a specimen that will not decay. This offers thousands of unique teaching possibilities for educators at all levels, including medical professionals, archeologists and other scientists.

09-Aug-2007, 10:19 PM
I have friends who have gone but, frankly, I do not favor or approve of the manner in which the remains are displayed. It's a bit too much like whoring out the deceased for entertainment.

09-Aug-2007, 10:40 PM
^ i dont outright dissaprove but yeah , total nerco whoring right about here.

09-Aug-2007, 11:02 PM
this exhibit used to be here in florida for years. never went to see it, my teacher did and she said she almost faitned

10-Aug-2007, 01:57 AM
We had it out here in Los Angeles for a short while, but it was a total crowd scene and difficult to get to. My sister went and had the same comment about it being an undignified display of human remains, but oddly fascinating.

When it was here they caught on videotape two women who opened up one of the cases (I guess it wasn't locked properly) and removed and stole a fetus that was on display, smirking the whole time about it. To my knowledge I don't think that they got caught, in spite of it being a major news story and their faces being displayed on tv. What lame ass security they must have had that night.

10-Aug-2007, 05:13 AM
That was here in Detroit a few months ago, I wanted to go, but by the time I found out about it it was too late, it was leaving a few days later and I had to work every day.

10-Aug-2007, 04:19 PM
It was on display over a year ago at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. The biggest hype was the guy riding a horse.

10-Aug-2007, 04:21 PM
I saw it in "Casino Royale".....does that count?:p

10-Aug-2007, 05:16 PM
Sounds horrid,i saw it when they showed it on the news but not even grim curiosity would make me want to see it in person

10-Aug-2007, 05:29 PM
i think the bit thats gets me is they were people with familys adn freinds and a life and now you looking at there shell and paying for it no less.

10-Aug-2007, 05:32 PM
But the people do donate their body before they die or the relatives after....right?

10-Aug-2007, 05:43 PM
yeah, its the paying to see the dead bodys i dont like.

10-Aug-2007, 09:16 PM
yeah, its the paying to see the dead bodys i dont like.

So it would be better for people to see if for free? Like the Smithsonian? Other museums have paid entry...

And to say its just "dead bodies" is a bit of a simplification...Your able to see things that you wouldnt be able to see in an autopsy.... or in a morgue....or in a hospital....or....anywhere

There was a time when it was taboo to look at the insides of dead humans...(taboo because of various religious and various superstitious belief systems)...yet nearly all medical progress was made from doing so....dead is dead....

archeologist dig up people all the time and display them without consent of anyone...but no one really cares.

How long does someone have to be dead for it to be okay to look at what makes them works...to study them....

Would it some how be better if this Bodies Exhibition obtained cadavers, did the preservation process and then wait a 100 years or more before they showed the bodies?.....Like the Egyptians?....or the countless other skeletons in museums that are "old"?....

And if someone mentions "what about the families?" ....the cadavers are completely anonymous...

10-Aug-2007, 09:43 PM
Ive heard about this and seen pictures Im finally going to go see it... either next week or the week after...
Saw this when Dr Von Haagens brought the exhibition to London. There's one exhibit of a plastinated body sitting on top of a plastinated horse, it's actually pretty breathtaking.

Gunthar Von Haagens is the boss. During a live televised autopsy on British TV, one UK journalist unprofessionally barked at Haagen's attire "Remove your hat, don't you have any respect for the dead?" to which Haagens quipped "Well, it would be disrespectful of me to remove it actually". The journalist replied, "To whom" and Haagens answered, "to them" as he pointed to some paintings that were hanging in the background. Each one depicted a 17th century mortician at work and they were all wearing the exact same hat as him. As the audience roared with laughter (laughter at an autopsy), the journalist guy just shrank back into his seat and was not heard from again during the rest of the show. :D

11-Aug-2007, 02:47 AM
My only questions are: who were these people and did they consent to being put on display for profit after death? Given that this exhibit originates from China, the government of which that doesn't give squat over human rights, it makes me wonder and disturbs me. Slightly :evil:.

13-Aug-2007, 02:58 PM
When I went to Vegas back in October we went to see this exibition.

It was pretty fookin cool, I thought!