View Full Version : Zombie Video Podcast: "The Dead Report"

10-Aug-2007, 05:28 AM

Probably very few of you remember me, I was a regular poster on the old boards in 2004/2005- I was Doomsdave138 back then. Me and Cereval were pals back when "Circling the drain" was still in pre-production.

I've been working on an awesome zombie project that I think you guys will dig. I've been working in television, learning some amazing stuff doing effects work and assorted HD production oriented things. I created this project called "The Dead Report"

It's a broadcast quality High Definition news show that covers the zombie horror genre. We watch and review zombie movies, attend zombie plays, read zombie books and comics, review zombie games and give you the scoop on zombie news that's happening around the world and on the web.

We've put out a few shows and specials and are starting to get some great buzz.

HPOTD was my home for a few years and it's where I started- and I wanna come full circle and now and see if any of you guys want to contribute to the show. There's some awesome talent here, and I'd like to share TDR with you guys. Anyone who sends video will be credited as a contributer, anyone who sends edited material will be credited as a producer. Also you can have an "@thedeadreport.com" email address hosted by gmail.

Anyway, it's a fun project and I hope you guys like watching it.


if you have iTunes, you can get it in HD here:


-Dave Taylor

10-Aug-2007, 11:05 AM
Apologies for the difficulties you have had posting this dave, but we have been forced to protect ourselves against bots and trolls with these measures.

Once your postcount reaches 5 you will be able to post links and images without a member of staff having to validate it.

14-Aug-2007, 02:13 AM
Hey thanks again for fixing my post Andy.
I've been checking back for responses- kinda supeised to see none here.
Has anyone had a chance to watch the show? Any of you filmmakers want to join the team? We've been getting some really good press from various blogs: zombienotesnewsgroup, thrill-ville, the zombie reporting center, and some great feedback on our own blog.

In case anyone doesn't know what a podcast is, it's an Internet TV show that you can watch in your browser or iTunes or on an iPod. But you don't need an iPod to watch it. How it's different than a plain old video is that we do it once a week and (if you like) iTunes can download it automatically for you when we post one.


14-Aug-2007, 11:09 AM
I checked the site out, looks like some good stuff. Do you have small versions of the videos available?

As for replies, fairly often on HPOTD people will check the thread out, but not have anything to really say, but they still check out whatever is being put out there.

14-Aug-2007, 07:27 PM
That makes sense Minion- I'm the same way.

You can see the smaller res versions on YouTube, at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=thedeadreportpodcast

Let me know what you think.


15-Aug-2007, 01:29 AM
dude if its still on i film look up P.M.A.C when zombies attack ive been pimpin' that for ages since its cops with zombies, and it rocks.

in fact my first post on the old hpotd forum was a link to the very video im on about i believe.:D

15-Aug-2007, 05:43 AM
Dude- I loved that video. Ill bring ot up at the next production meeting and see if someone wants to do a piece on it!

19-Aug-2007, 10:22 PM
Doomsdave, very cool program you have there.

On a side note, the more I see of Max Brooks live, the less I like him. I am certainly not being fair, but something about that guy makes me heave.