View Full Version : Pfizer using Nigerians? Never!

11-Aug-2007, 09:11 PM

Once again a major pharmaceutical company causing deaths and misinforming parents of research subjects in order to test drugs. I'm not sure if i'd care so much if it weren't the deaths of children being more affecting than the deaths of adults though similarly I doubt the media would cover the story of adults being killed in research studies. Yet another time I feel like our billions being spent at war with Iraq would be better spent in other countries to help educate and develop their land and to rip them out of the poverty they live in every day. But hey that wouldn't be good for the U.S. so silly me dreaming again...

What is sad is that the families wont benefit financially if they actually do win... and to think I live in an ass backwards country...

12-Aug-2007, 10:23 PM
Just goes to show where people's priorities are.


12-Aug-2007, 11:22 PM
Yeah but money isn't just Pfizers main goal... its also the goal for the government of Nigeria... our country too but not necessarily more money for the government so much as the power hungry folks who run it... we're not so much different from Pfizer we're just more cunning...

13-Aug-2007, 04:57 AM
I don't know if "cunning" would describe our current administration, haha, but I know what you mean.

People at their core are greedy sons of bitches, and once a person gets power and money they want more of both.

It's a sad affair really.

13-Aug-2007, 05:04 AM
I don't know if "cunning" would describe our current administration, haha, but I know what you mean.

People at their core are greedy sons of bitches, and once a person gets power and money they want more of both.

It's a sad affair really.

*goerge bush and meichal moore both suddenly feel the urge to do the dr.Evil pinkie*:D

13-Aug-2007, 05:07 AM
...I should have seen this coming.


14-Aug-2007, 01:04 AM
Technically if you have power you have money and vice versa... which in a sense makes you then untouchable and thus an ultimate power...

I wouldn't say Dubya is cunning per se... but I think his ability to be a sock puppet for the GOP makes the party very cunning... dont elect the smart guy into power... elect the dumbass who will say anything you tell him to! In a sense its funny he's our president because he runs everything into the ground and with the American dollar losing its value at a staggering rate and the possibility of a re-instated draft in the future for our war in Iraq I mean and our ever growing national defecit... how far are we from being run into the ground?