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11-Aug-2007, 10:25 PM
ive just watched this on zone horror and its absolultley rubbish! wat a crap ''zombie'' film.pathetic.:lol:

11-Aug-2007, 11:48 PM
I just saw it for the first time myself! Only one or two days ago. And I have to say, I agree with you 100%. It's a different type of zombiefilm, but it's just so crap all over the place. It doesn't really stick with the "zombie rules" of ROTLD and it just plain out sucks.

The first film is such a classic. I can watch it over and over again. The second film is meh. Not very good, but it's worth watching at least once. It's "kiddied down" tho, unfortunetly, which was annoying. "Get that damn screwdriver out of my head!"? What? Where did the punk rock and sleazy, 100% adult content go? The Michael Jackson zombie was OK, tho, but it would have felt out of place in the first film.

The third film is the worst of the bunch (I dont count the newer ones). The set design in that military lab is horrendous and the main character is dumb as hell. Sure, she used to be your girlfriend, but now she's DEAD get that through your thick skull! You shouldn't let her go, like he does in the end, he should just have forced the scientists to terminate her. Also the humour which was prevalent in the first two films (altough they had different types of humour) is completely gone. I don't think there's a single joke in ROTLD 3.

12-Aug-2007, 07:18 PM
It is not up there with some of the top Zed movies...

But I think it is better than

ROTLD2 and the awful ones...

13-Aug-2007, 12:03 AM
I think all of the ROTLD films are about as good as "Batman & Robin".....

13-Aug-2007, 12:49 AM
ROLTD 2 is great for 80's cheese, jsut like those ferris bueler type films, cheesyy lines, odd choice of soundtrack but a great laugh to watch, how they went from the ,nothign special but totally a good friday night with your mates flick to that sci-fi channel origional is beyond me.

Though the same can be said about return of the jedi adn phantom menace, though i ,like mr hicks, preffered empire.:D

13-Aug-2007, 04:59 PM
but rotld3 has the hottest female zed ever to grace our screens, who cares if shes dead when she looks this good...

13-Aug-2007, 05:15 PM
I thought 2 was worse then 3. 3 kinda tickled my fancy a bit

16-Aug-2007, 05:57 AM
I didn't think ROTLD3 was too bad. It certainly s**ts on 4 and 5 put together!

16-Aug-2007, 06:27 AM
ugh, never bring up "rave form the grave again".

i didnt even go to see it and i knew it would be crap form the title.

honestly "rave form the grave":rolleyes:

16-Aug-2007, 03:07 PM
I dig part three, especially the unrated version. Long live the Riverman

16-Aug-2007, 05:03 PM
Oh come on!!!

There was nothing good about this piece of crap, i have to admit i bought 1 and 2 but the rest of them...well once again paper cuts on my rectum!:moon:

Seriously this movie made me want to shove both of my nuts into my mouth so i could break my dam neck and be done with it!!!:lol:

16-Aug-2007, 05:45 PM
Agreed, I think ROTLD 1 and 2 are great 80s cheese horror, 3 is rather disappointing, although when I originally watched it (only bothered seeing it once), I dug it...back in the day, recorded it off Bravo on a videotape - old school. Some good gore moments in it, but generally it just has a look and feel that is a big...urrrgh...like when you've gotten really hot and sweaty, then chilled out and you're no longer sweaty and you're pretty dry again, but you know...you just don't feel fresh or all that nice...that's what ROTLD3 is kinda like. :lol:

Mind you, compared to 4 and 5 it's f*cking fried gold.

16-Aug-2007, 08:10 PM
Agreed, I think ROTLD 1 and 2 are great 80s cheese horror, 3 is rather disappointing, although when I originally watched it (only bothered seeing it once), I dug it...back in the day, recorded it off Bravo on a videotape - old school. Some good gore moments in it, but generally it just has a look and feel that is a big...urrrgh...like when you've gotten really hot and sweaty, then chilled out and you're no longer sweaty and you're pretty dry again, but you know...you just don't feel fresh or all that nice...that's what ROTLD3 is kinda like. :lol:

Mind you, compared to 4 and 5 it's f*cking fried gold.

mos def!

i saw 4&5 for the first time as they were having a back to back special on the Sci-Fi channel and well....

after 4 i tossed my lunch out my mouth, i came back to watch 5 hoping it would get better and my lunch came out my other end!

with that said at least i saw 3 more than once but it was very stupid!

hey Minion! remember when the big chollo at the end comes back to life looking like a fricken giraffe, or how about how fake the asian guy looked when he came back to life!

again at least 1 & 2 keep the same formula!;)

16-Aug-2007, 10:23 PM
Oh geez, yeah, that "cholo" guy with his spine and head lolloping around as he scurries on all-fours ... what were the maker's smoking when they came up with that?! :lol:

16-Aug-2007, 11:57 PM
Flyboy I've always respected your opinions and enjoyed your threads... until NOW... grrr... ROTLD isn't bad ... it is what it is... and its semi good for what it is... a third in a line of movies which aren't meant to be scary as much as a fun time... oddly this is my mother's favorite of all zombie movies but its my least favorite of the ROTLD flicks... everything filmed after this movie sucks however... I kinda dug it though...

17-Aug-2007, 03:48 PM
Your girlfriend suddenly, without warning, hauls off and bites some dude to death and the proceeds to munch on his corpse, so you say "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

A little while later your girlfriend attacks someone else, kills him and proceeds to munch on the corpse. So you say "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

A short while passes. You find out that your girlfriend is turning into a zombie. Figures, what with the munching on the corpses bit. Your dad, BTW, used to be on Adam 12, but now is working with the government trying to develop a zombie gun. And your girlfriend kills someone, eats them while you scream "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

But then your girlfriend suddenly hauls off yet again, killing some poor victim and ... thats right, feasting on the dead corpse. So you say "Omigod!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Let it happen a few more times. Each time you act surprised. "Omigod what are you doing, Omigod..."

Thats about all I got to say about Return of the Living Dead 3.

17-Aug-2007, 04:24 PM
Thats right the dad was on Adam 12!

Good observation i didnt catch that one, but for me id say id rather wipe my asss with a patch of sand paper that use this movie its that terrible!:eek:

I remember hearing about this movie coming out and was so excited because i had been following the first 2 and thought they were pretty cool..
then "bam" like someone throwing a shiit pie right in your kisser!

Years later i hear about 4&5 and thought ok maybe they made a boo boo in part 3, but no watching those were like getting kicked in the nards!:eek:

17-Aug-2007, 10:06 PM
Your girlfriend suddenly, without warning, hauls off and bites some dude to death and the proceeds to munch on his corpse, so you say "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

A little while later your girlfriend attacks someone else, kills him and proceeds to munch on the corpse. So you say "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

A short while passes. You find out that your girlfriend is turning into a zombie. Figures, what with the munching on the corpses bit. Your dad, BTW, used to be on Adam 12, but now is working with the government trying to develop a zombie gun. And your girlfriend kills someone, eats them while you scream "Omigod!!!! What are you doing?!?!?"

But then your girlfriend suddenly hauls off yet again, killing some poor victim and ... thats right, feasting on the dead corpse. So you say "Omigod!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Let it happen a few more times. Each time you act surprised. "Omigod what are you doing, Omigod..."

Thats about all I got to say about Return of the Living Dead 3.

Omigod that was the best review ever :moon:

18-Aug-2007, 01:08 AM
Omigod that was the best review ever :moon:

Nice crack, BTW.

18-Aug-2007, 02:26 AM
Thanks but really I owe it all to you :elol:

When I watch a horror flick and someone is like 'omigod what are you doing' or even 'what are you doing' I always go to myself 'duh moron what does it look like they're doing' ...but then I realize the bad guy is doing something that is typically foreign to most people so a natural first reaction would be 'omigod what are you doing' ... for them to ask it more than once would make sense though a bit less sense... they couldn't imagine someone doing it the first time so how can they imagine they'd have the propencity to do it again... however three times a persons asks that and they're cruisin for a bruisin...

18-Aug-2007, 05:25 PM
Thanks but really I owe it all to you :elol:

When I watch a horror flick and someone is like 'omigod what are you doing' or even 'what are you doing' I always go to myself 'duh moron what does it look like they're doing' ...but then I realize the bad guy is doing something that is typically foreign to most people so a natural first reaction would be 'omigod what are you doing' ... for them to ask it more than once would make sense though a bit less sense... they couldn't imagine someone doing it the first time so how can they imagine they'd have the propencity to do it again... however three times a persons asks that and they're cruisin for a bruisin...

Yeah, MJ, when they say it the fifth time, I become totally annoyed and it's about that time I want to kick their ass personally!

And that dweeb playing the boyfriend -- didn't you just want to slap him around just on principal? I know that I wanted him to die a horrible zombie death from scene one.

18-Aug-2007, 06:23 PM
He WAS a dweeb... kinda a girly man... reminded me of Eddie Furlong... that was in the day of 'effeminant men rock' ... thank god we're done with that phase... though I hated Michael from Dawn 04... kinda thought he was too softspoken... act like a man duuuuude

18-Aug-2007, 09:50 PM
He WAS a dweeb... kinda a girly man... reminded me of Eddie Furlong... that was in the day of 'effeminant men rock' ... thank god we're done with that phase... though I hated Michael from Dawn 04... kinda thought he was too softspoken... act like a man duuuuude

Amen. girly man phase was almost as bad as that stupid glam hair metal band phase (which, btw, I heard is supposed to be coming back into favor. I will start to kick at people if glam actually comes back!)

Michael from Dawn 04 <--- super dweeb par excellance. No balls whatsoever.

19-Aug-2007, 02:15 AM
WHAT? Girly man glam hair is coming back? God I should subscribe to Cosmopolitan or something just to keep up... man... that's a downer... if that kinda hair is coming back in style anything is possible... anything like zombies will take over the earth and eat our brains... which of course leaves the President safe and sound he has none :)

20-Aug-2007, 04:03 AM
WHAT? Girly man glam hair is coming back? God I should subscribe to Cosmopolitan or something just to keep up... man... that's a downer... if that kinda hair is coming back in style anything is possible... anything like zombies will take over the earth and eat our brains... which of course leaves the President safe and sound he has none :)

All those movies are absolutely awful. I saw the first two, and I'm sure when I'm on my death I'll be wishing for those four hours of my life back. Or maybe I won't be!

20-Aug-2007, 09:14 PM
but the first two are the only ones truly worth watching! :|

20-Aug-2007, 11:22 PM
ROTLD the first one was good, I enjoyed it, thought the punks were
crazy and pretty much bait for the zombies.
ROTLD 2, eh on a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give it a 4.
Why did they stick kids into this one, I don't know
but they annoyed me.
3,4,5 were toilet feedings not even the maggots would eat.
I just regret wasting time watching them and thinking
they would eventually get better