View Full Version : Bought four new DVDS....

12-Aug-2007, 07:24 PM
I bought four new DVDs I wanted to see...and wow, everyone of them I Liked.

They were...

Apacolypto...Solid movie...basically what I was expecting...setting and costumes were awesome.

Blood Diamond...Leonardo D is definatly my favorite actor...he will die with at least 3 statues.

Last King of Scotland...Forrest W. earned his place with this role...I love this movie, every scene was suspensful...you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop, much like Jaws.

Black Snake Moan...I thought this movie was A+. Justin T. is a weak actor but he isnt really a "star" in the movie...I think with a little more creative writing this could be one of my fav movies of all time...very allagorical. ANd Christina Ricci is Redonkadonk.

So there you are...four movies I think everyone should check out...if you have any comments on any of the movies lets hear them.

12-Aug-2007, 08:11 PM
Yeah, they're all pretty solid. Apocalypto wasn't great, but the second half of the film was really good.

13-Aug-2007, 12:43 AM
forrest whitaker is the ****, he was great in ghost dog and totally deserved the oscar;)

13-Aug-2007, 05:43 AM
4 very good choices. All of them were good movies, much better than most of the other garbage that has been coming out lately.

On a side note, we have from 10 to 20 new releases a week at the blockbuster I work at and I swear that up until a few weeks ago most of what was coming out was pure garbage. It's because Hollywood releases dvds to not compete with their movies being put out, so basically in the summer rentals suck and in the winter its all the big summer hits. A dumb cycle, I want good movies all year around, not just at Oscar time and in the summer.

14-Aug-2007, 01:19 AM
Ooo Blood Diamond is an awesome movie but I just dont know if its ownable... its like buying Schindlers List... depressing in its authenticity y'know?