View Full Version : Borat... did I take this differently from others?

14-Aug-2007, 01:40 AM
I didn't really know what to make of the movie Borat after being told how much it sucked by most people and being told it was too filthy to watch by fellow females... Well being as i'm not most women I ventured on and thought i'd have to see if it was all that they talked it up to be lol... and what I got from it is this...

People who talk a good game about being polite and etiquette actually have none of either or class once a person of lower class or another nationality enters the room... I've personally noticed that a lot especially in country clubs where everyone is all mannered-up but then they go and treat the employees of said club like dog doo... as if only people in the same economic bracket deserve to be treated with manners...

Americans have a messed up sense of humor... I'm not sure but I just dont think Chinese people make jokes about their mothers-in-law and i'm damn sure most of the world doesn't to 'not' jokes. To be perfectly honest Americans have a really odd sense of humor where they make fun of social classes within their country and instead of demanding some sort of reform they make a joke out of it. A lot of humor today is also entirely dumbed down humor where its catering to idiots. At least Gallagher thought about his jokes and Lewis Black is entirely intelligent... i'm not so sure about that red headed D list chick... or even Phyllis Diller...

American women are entirely shallow and provoked to date a man based off simply whatever car a man drives. Not to say all women are shallow but I just find Americans to be more shallow than dew drops on grass in the AM hours... I actually watched a show about women who look for gold diggers... it was a talk show and not some Springer style show and the absolutely riddick things these women looked at to determine a mans wealth were laughable... what they were looking at weren't so much a determination of wealth but of debt and not even a very good indicator of whether he someday could be wealthy. I found it funny myself ... and what was better was that women actually PAY to hear how to land a millionaire...

Those are just a few things I felt he was trying to convey with his movie but I could have been looking too deeply at it... was I?

14-Aug-2007, 01:56 AM
Nah i dont think so, Cohen's shows/movie has always been about showing up how ignorant and shallow people can be - the old Ali G sketches used to highlight how dumb the people he was interviewing were for not realising he was taking the piss, and also to highlight their ignorance to youth/pop culture.

It eventually became a bit of a caricature and lost it's original purpose (although i still quite liked it), so he started up with these new characters - borat is probably funnier than Ali G overall, imo.

He seems to work especially well in America because, as you say, people are weird in a different way over there, and they seem to react more amusingly to his Borat character than the brits did - the bit in the movie where he ****s in the napkin at dinner was done about 7 years ago in the UK version, and they all reacted pretty differently (although he didnt do the napkin thing or bring a hooker along).

but aye, classic movie, the bit where he catches azamat wanking off on his bed is funny as hell.

14-Aug-2007, 01:57 AM
I didn't really know what to make of the movie Borat after being told how much it sucked by most people and being told it was too filthy to watch by fellow females... Well being as i'm not most women I ventured on and thought i'd have to see if it was all that they talked it up to be lol... and what I got from it is this...

People who talk a good game about being polite and etiquette actually have none of either or class once a person of lower class or another nationality enters the room... I've personally noticed that a lot especially in country clubs where everyone is all mannered-up but then they go and treat the employees of said club like dog doo... as if only people in the same economic bracket deserve to be treated with manners...

Americans have a messed up sense of humor... I'm not sure but I just dont think Chinese people make jokes about their mothers-in-law and i'm damn sure most of the world doesn't to 'not' jokes. To be perfectly honest Americans have a really odd sense of humor where they make fun of social classes within their country and instead of demanding some sort of reform they make a joke out of it. A lot of humor today is also entirely dumbed down humor where its catering to idiots. At least Gallagher thought about his jokes and Lewis Black is entirely intelligent... i'm not so sure about that red headed D list chick... or even Phyllis Diller...

American women are entirely shallow and provoked to date a man based off simply whatever car a man drives. Not to say all women are shallow but I just find Americans to be more shallow than dew drops on grass in the AM hours... I actually watched a show about women who look for gold diggers... it was a talk show and not some Springer style show and the absolutely riddick things these women looked at to determine a mans wealth were laughable... what they were looking at weren't so much a determination of wealth but of debt and not even a very good indicator of whether he someday could be wealthy. I found it funny myself ... and what was better was that women actually PAY to hear how to land a millionaire...

Those are just a few things I felt he was trying to convey with his movie but I could have been looking too deeply at it... was I?

Are you a member of Al Quyda?

14-Aug-2007, 01:58 AM
i friggin love borat, its hilarious, though if you dont get why youd have to be a bit thick and believe its real.
no really, a freind of mines mum thought it was real and said it was "sick flith", the reason its so damn funny is A: you know everything he says is in bad taste, thats not whats funny, its the shock factor about cohen asking a man "what is best gun for to kill jew with?" and B: borat acts racist and lowers the inhibitions of people around him so they show how just under the surface there just as bad, difference is they arent a comedian acting for the shock value.
and if you aint seen it the guy he asks reaches for a particular gun adn basically says "this one", which is all the more funny if you know cohens jewish himself.
its tasteless and outragoues but its right up there with south park as one of the top few comedys of the last 25 years.

-azamat wanking was funny but the bit i cried laughing at was when he goes to the woman holding a yard sale adn gets out a bottle adn says "now then gypsie give me your tears or will take them from you", classic. :lol:

14-Aug-2007, 02:00 AM
Yeah that Azamat scene taught another invaluable lesson... dont jerk off to someone eleses magazine...

I forgot to mention the whole NY 'introduction' thing where he kept trying to introduce himself to people and regardless of the kiss hello they didn't wanna meet anyone new lol... I thought that was funny... but that really is the attitude of people all over the states which is why I enjoy going places where people wave hello whether they know you or not... I always thought i'd find that here in the South because of the whole 'southern hospitality' thing and the south being known as relatively well mannered and pleasant friendly people... boy was I way off base... I just spent a week driving across country and people in Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama... everywhere! Were all relatively hostile and rude...

14-Aug-2007, 02:02 AM
aye, i find regional stereotypes are usually perpetuated by people not really in a fair position to judge, so they tend to be a bit off.

that said, people from the english countryside are, by and large, ignorant bastards

14-Aug-2007, 02:03 AM
You mean Al Qaeda?

14-Aug-2007, 02:04 AM
Yeah that Azamat scene taught another invaluable lesson... dont jerk off to someone eleses magazine...

I forgot to mention the whole NY 'introduction' thing where he kept trying to introduce himself to people and regardless of the kiss hello they didn't wanna meet anyone new lol... I thought that was funny... but that really is the attitude of people all over the states which is why I enjoy going places where people wave hello whether they know you or not... I always thought i'd find that here in the South because of the whole 'southern hospitality' thing and the south being known as relatively well mannered and pleasant friendly people... boy was I way off base... I just spent a week driving across country and people in Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama... everywhere! Were all relatively hostile and rude...


.......dude even in england we know that aint true, if i got my long haired black band shirt and jeans wearin' ass to walk down a street in alabama id probably be stoned like the unlucky cow in that film the lottery, its like in that top gear episode were they drove through the south with "nascar sucks" and "gay pride" written on there vans and they got stoned and the local gastation attendant calle dup "the boys" and a bunch of hicks in a pickup pulled up not a minute later.
i would seriously not move to the american south if i was offered 100million dollars with no strings attached, i value my life a little more adn my image, lifestyle and views on all eth icities being equal just wouldnt be welcome down there.

aye, i find regional stereotypes are usually perpetuated by people not really in a fair position to judge, so they tend to be a bit off.

that said, people from the english countryside are, by and large, ignorant bastards

That used to be the case but inner city chavs and basic white trash are quickly catching them up, case in point a girl in my spanish class in the 5th adn final year was asked to translate "donde ir los servicos por favor" (or something like that i got an F so dont question me bad spelling) which we learnt for the last 5 years was something like "were is the bathroom please?"
and after 5 years of hearing it 4 times a week she whent "i dont fawkin' know do i?, you aint even speekin' blaaddy english!":rolleyes:

14-Aug-2007, 02:07 AM
nah hellsing that aint true, seriously, i got mates from the south, they dont mind rockers/metallers down there, ZZ Top is practically the official band of the south.

plus yer forgettin...

14-Aug-2007, 02:09 AM
every time i think of southern hospitality man i think back to easy rider so im stayin skeptical:lol:

actually i found that top gear video and i jsut wondered what americans would make of it, not just the south bit, but the whole video about the guys getting shocked at how 12 months on nothing had been done in new orleans to clean it up, is that bias to you guys or what?


15-Aug-2007, 02:15 AM

.......dude even in england we know that aint true, if i got my long haired black band shirt and jeans wearin' ass to walk down a street in alabama id probably be stoned like the unlucky cow in that film the lottery, its like in that top gear episode were they drove through the south with "nascar sucks" and "gay pride" written on there vans and they got stoned and the local gastation attendant calle dup "the boys" and a bunch of hicks in a pickup pulled up not a minute later.
i would seriously not move to the american south if i was offered 100million dollars with no strings attached, i value my life a little more adn my image, lifestyle and views on all eth icities being equal just wouldnt be welcome down there.

To be honest I actually heard nothing but the most wonderful things about most specifically Charleston... But take into consideration that when I heard those wonderful things it was back in Orange County and the people I spoke to about it were lets say... in a higher tax bracket so naturally they felt their white bread neighborhoods were that damn wonderful. But whats funny is even that is wrong.

Yesterday I was going to try out a 'new beach' by Kiawah Isle... Kiawah being entirely private where you can't get past the guards... and well I happened on a lil shopping center with a bunch of cutesie stores and stuff right outside the island... decided to waltz in there... all the people who ran the store and who were shopping looked at me like I shot the Sheriff I mean they really turned up their noses and gave me the 'Pretty Woman' treatment (the movie... y'know?)... it really pissed me off though...

But seriously I never would've expected the South to be as it is... I was expecting something more and deeply saddened that its more like hell on Earth full of Satans minions...
