View Full Version : Stardust...

15-Aug-2007, 02:17 AM
Just saw this movie today... while it had a really slow pace I really enjoyed it and if you have kids I think its pretty child friendly... while I think its a chick flick I totally reccomend it to any male because the scenes with Robert DeNiro are totally worth the price of admission!

15-Aug-2007, 02:22 AM
Good to see a review for this (and with no spoilers either :D ). I thought the book was alright, though it's been a while since I read it. I was so surprised at the casting and was wondering if De Nero was just going to mail this one in.

Glad you enjoyed it.

15-Aug-2007, 02:23 AM
I saw this movie with my wife and we both enjoyed it alot.

Without giving a spoiler ... the final bit brought a tear to both of our eyes.

It was was a very charming movie with wit and adventure and a tad dark in places... but ultimatly a very sweet experience.

Denero was very funny and his character was very unexpected... But his first mate and crew were equally great.

See it.

15-Aug-2007, 02:26 AM
I teared up at the end too...

The movies special FX were pretty AWESOME as well... but i'm not really a FX afficionado ... the casting was totally spot on though ... i'm looking foward to buying it on DVD and buying the book (had no idea it was based offa book)...