View Full Version : Who's the bigger genious?

15-Aug-2007, 02:47 AM

I have to say with all objectiveness that the hospital guard had every right to taser this guy even if he was holding a newborn. I look back on the Tracy Thuman incident where her husband Buck held their baby in an effort to keep police from arresting him while he stabbed and stomped on his estranged wife nearly killing her... the police may have surrounded Buck but continued to basically try to murder her. I think any person who holds their child while engaged in any kind of altercation with a guard or police officer is simply using their child as a negotiating/protective tool and they should have any custody revoked while CPS looks into their behavior. While the guard may have acted a little too fast at the very least he communicated with the other guard in an effort to coordinate efforts to save the child once he tasers the father. I think the father may well be trying to bolster a case against the hospital.

20-Aug-2007, 07:43 PM
Not sure the man's relationship with baby, hostile, threatening... Yeah, I have no problem with them sparking this guy. A taser is a lot safer than other methods of controlling people, and had a far lower likely hood of injuring the child. The back-up officer needed to be closer to catch the baby, and it's too bad he fell, but what else could they have done? For all they knew this man had a gun.

I feel for the security officers who were put in this horrible lose-lose situation.

20-Aug-2007, 09:31 PM
I'm really glad the hospital is backing up their security guards... I saw the father and mother on TV and watched the footage of what happened... I smell a snake with that guy... His wife didn't even look like she wanted to leave...

21-Aug-2007, 07:58 PM
I'm really glad the hospital is backing up their security guards... I saw the father and mother on TV and watched the footage of what happened... I smell a snake with that guy... His wife didn't even look like she wanted to leave...

Has to be in house security. Most contract companies will drop you like a hand grenade dipped in AIDS virus when something goes wrong.

21-Aug-2007, 10:49 PM
Yeah security guards blow... they can't get jobs as real cops sometimes and then get all power hungry... there was an incident with my mom a while back when she was driving my car and was shopping at Wal Mart when the security guard there called the other security guards because the tags expired... so when she left the store and got to the car they blocked it off so she couldn't get in it or anything and she was like whats the problem? They told her the tags were expired and they asked her for her ID and registration and all that... as she's fumbling through her stuff she had to use the restroom and told them she had to 'go' like right then and they refused to let her walk back into the store to use the loo stating that she was fine and wasn't going anywhere... so she told them she was incontinent and began crying because of course she knew what would happen if she didn't get to a toilet... they didn't believe her or anything it was horribly humiliating for her... eventually the police came and they at least treated her like a human being... they let her go into the store to clean up and when she came out she told them the tags were stolen and that if they called me I could give them a copy of the registration number and they can look it up etc... they let her go and told her to tell me to fix it but WTF? That was the second time I think in the same week the security guards gave me or her **** for the plates but where do they get off treating her like dirt?

22-Aug-2007, 11:35 PM
Yeah security guards blow... they can't get jobs as real cops sometimes and then get all power hungry... there was an incident with my mom a while back when she was driving my car and was shopping at Wal Mart when the security guard there called the other security guards because the tags expired... so when she left the store and got to the car they blocked it off so she couldn't get in it or anything and she was like whats the problem? They told her the tags were expired and they asked her for her ID and registration and all that... as she's fumbling through her stuff she had to use the restroom and told them she had to 'go' like right then and they refused to let her walk back into the store to use the loo stating that she was fine and wasn't going anywhere... so she told them she was incontinent and began crying because of course she knew what would happen if she didn't get to a toilet... they didn't believe her or anything it was horribly humiliating for her... eventually the police came and they at least treated her like a human being... they let her go into the store to clean up and when she came out she told them the tags were stolen and that if they called me I could give them a copy of the registration number and they can look it up etc... they let her go and told her to tell me to fix it but WTF? That was the second time I think in the same week the security guards gave me or her **** for the plates but where do they get off treating her like dirt?

Um, they don't. I've worked management in contract security for a few years now. That was called false arrest or false imprisonment. Once a "reasonable, prudent person" believes they are no longer free to leave an arrest has occured. Unless the state you're in has drastically differrent laws than what I'm used to; what they did was illegal. Security is just like any other profession. A small percentage of people there really, really should be doing something else. Hopefully something that does not require interaction with people. Also, Wal-Mart, K-Mart and the like pay very little for security contracts. The quality of the officers at these locations sometimes reflects this.

23-Aug-2007, 12:41 AM
I have no idea what the law is here on that... but I doubt you're wrong ... my mom has no backbone... when they did it to me the guys had to block me off and they took my cell phone... when I began to threaten them with a lawsuit they laughed it off... when I got in touch with the manager of the Wal Mart he had nothing to say to me... when I found his boss eventually the one security guard was fired... his two minions still work there though and every time i'm there at midnight when they're working they harass me ... its to a point where I feel like I should do something legally against them but frankly... I dont have the time... i'm moving and its not worth the cost... almost every issue I have that should be resolved in court isn't worth the cost or effort and sadly that's what keeps those jerks in place...

23-Aug-2007, 03:07 PM
This country has a terrible problem with power hungry cops and security guards. All of them just itching to try out that new tazer on someone.

It makes me sick! Did you see the guard that shot the guy with the tazer? He was acting like he was playing it off all cool, not even looking at the guy, then all of a sudden, blam, from the hip, like Wild Bill Hikock or some sh!t...

Makes me sick to see these piddle little pussies who got thier asses kicked everyday in school, and cant get a real job at the police, so the sign up as renta copsjust so they can have a little semblance of some authority or power.

Your mom should have sued the crap outta the security company for what they did to here missjack, no doubt. She was humiliated and degraded as a human being. I bet the a0hole security guards thought it was all a funny joke too, didnt they?

Power corrupts, but total power corrupts totally!

23-Aug-2007, 03:17 PM
absolute power corrupts absolutely:p

23-Aug-2007, 03:33 PM
Whatever....you get the gist! :p:p:D

23-Aug-2007, 03:40 PM
*grins* i love being a smartass.

too bad the opportunity doesnt present itself to often:lol:

23-Aug-2007, 03:56 PM

23-Aug-2007, 04:54 PM
I have no idea what the law is here on that... but I doubt you're wrong ... my mom has no backbone... when they did it to me the guys had to block me off and they took my cell phone... when I began to threaten them with a lawsuit they laughed it off... when I got in touch with the manager of the Wal Mart he had nothing to say to me... when I found his boss eventually the one security guard was fired... his two minions still work there though and every time i'm there at midnight when they're working they harass me ... its to a point where I feel like I should do something legally against them but frankly... I dont have the time... i'm moving and its not worth the cost... almost every issue I have that should be resolved in court isn't worth the cost or effort and sadly that's what keeps those jerks in place...

MJ, whn I was 18 and in college I took a job as mall security. Basically it was an excuse to wear a uniform and strut around with sunglasses and picking up on the girls that worked in the mall. Security officers do not have powers greater than any citizen. They are certainly not cops and do not have cop powers of arrest.

If you are still being harassed, but don't want to file a suit (good call, frankly!) compose a well written and balanced letter about the harrasment, and then send it to the general manager in the mall management office, and send a copy to the security company, and put "cc: File Copy" on the bottom. Use very neutral verbige and make it as professional as possible. This will stir up a lot of sheet and will likely end up in the officer's personnel file at the very least, or at best get these guys reprimanded or fired.

23-Aug-2007, 06:21 PM
pfft, bigger genius?

It's neither, it's blatantly ME! You all know it! :D

*Steve-O voice on*

"It's not about him, it's about ME!!" :lol::p

23-Aug-2007, 06:31 PM
MJ, whn I was 18 and in college I took a job as mall security. Basically it was an excuse to wear a uniform and strut around with sunglasses and picking up on the girls that worked in the mall. Security officers do not have powers greater than any citizen. They are certainly not cops and do not have cop powers of arrest.

If you are still being harassed, but don't want to file a suit (good call, frankly!) compose a well written and balanced letter about the harrasment, and then send it to the general manager in the mall management office, and send a copy to the security company, and put "cc: File Copy" on the bottom. Use very neutral verbige and make it as professional as possible. This will stir up a lot of sheet and will likely end up in the officer's personnel file at the very least, or at best get these guys reprimanded or fired.

Thanks for the tip... I actually have several employees who work there that also corroborated my allegations of harassment to the manager but to be honest I think they dont take me seriously. Wal Mart isn't exactly known for its excellent customer service. Its sad because my whole life is a series of being unable to sue or having the police do nothing. Grrrr... i'm so glad i'm moving

24-Aug-2007, 12:56 PM
As far as the original topic... The cops are dumbasses for tasering a man holding a baby. Honestly WTF is wrong with them? Regardless if the hospital stands behind them, they tasered a child, maybe not directly, but WTF.

24-Aug-2007, 06:28 PM
Yeah and the father holding his child leaving the hospital when confronted by security should have explained himself calmly and put down the baby... this guys actions scream at-home-abuser