View Full Version : Romero is wierd

15-Aug-2007, 04:01 PM
Yep you heard me. Romero sucks, so does all his movies.
Dawn of the dead blows the most. What the heck is up
with that movie, like anyone would ever believe people could be
hold up in a mall for that lenght of a time.:rockbrow:

Night was stupid,
so was Day of the dead, with that Bud mama's boy
charatcer what was up with that:eek:

Now let the wars begin:elol::skull::evil:

15-Aug-2007, 04:02 PM
.....:shifty:....did you eat paint chips as a child?

15-Aug-2007, 04:12 PM
LOL ^^^

whyd you join the forum then? for us? :)

15-Aug-2007, 04:27 PM
Run a spell check Hick!

15-Aug-2007, 04:34 PM

Just fooling with ya Buds.
Just wanted to get a reaction out of
everyone for a bad laugh :)
It seems kind of dead around here lately,
this place needs a little action
and I couldn't bring any
nude women here to mud wrestle
for you all :)

15-Aug-2007, 05:38 PM
We should give the guy a break, he is from Canada after all...

15-Aug-2007, 07:24 PM
We should give the guy a break, he is from Canada after all...

................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol ::lol:

15-Aug-2007, 07:51 PM
Not a comment you want to make at a convention, but pretty safe here I guess. :eek:

15-Aug-2007, 08:03 PM
I tell you what's weird ... a 35 year old male who can't even spell weird :lol:

15-Aug-2007, 08:16 PM
I tell you what's weird ... a 35 year old male who can't even spell weird :lol:

Always laying low until the most opportune time to strike against someone... I love you! ...in a heterosexual way... not that there would be anything wrong with it being in a homosexual way...


15-Aug-2007, 08:20 PM
Mike, is that a closet you're coming out of...:lol::lol:

15-Aug-2007, 08:26 PM
I hardly think the internet is the place to whine about proper grammar.:rockbrow:

16-Aug-2007, 04:30 AM
I hardly think the internet is the place to whine about proper grammar.:rockbrow:

tHEN U is missing da point! isnt it? :lol:

16-Aug-2007, 05:11 AM
its true deadman does that pizz.

16-Aug-2007, 06:44 AM

16-Aug-2007, 01:27 PM
I am lernding 2 splel kerectly I whant to lernd thingz too
See dik run.See Jane get hyt by a truk see dik puke after seaing jane get get splaterded on duh roade.:elol:

I lyke George Rumero he mayk skarry muveys I poo mye pantz when zumbies brake threw tha borded windowz

Its hard to spell incorrectly , I had to make an effort to make the substitutions for in accurate spelling.

16-Aug-2007, 02:56 PM
He dumb, moovees r wack n stuff, zombeez be ingorint, pleez

16-Aug-2007, 04:49 PM

Just fooling with ya Buds.
Just wanted to get a reaction out of
everyone for a bad laugh :)
It seems kind of dead around here lately,
this place needs a little action
and I couldn't bring any
nude women here to mud wrestle
for you all :)

I was about to say you'd better just cut your balls off now or i will!

BTW: speaking of balls those previous comments between "Dead & Mike" are making me a little squimish!:eek:

darth los
16-Aug-2007, 04:53 PM
I was about to say you'd better just cut your balls off now or i will!

BTW: speaking of balls those previous comments between "Dead & Mike" are making me a little squimish!:eek:

I know. It's second in ickyness only to that gay prison thread we had a few weeks back. lol :barf:

16-Aug-2007, 04:57 PM
I know. It's second in ickyness only to that gay prison thread we had a few weeks back. lol :barf:

I haven't been on here in a little while...i must have missed it!

Thank God!

p.s. hpotd is no place for one's personal gay tea bagging sessions!:D:lol:

20-Aug-2007, 02:22 AM
I thought this HAAAAAAAAAAAAD to be a joke because after your thread I saw that you were still a member and i'm thinking to myself shooooooot... if you knock GAR you'd be knocked outta hpotd... then I saw you were still a member and not banned yet... got my hopes up for nothing hick :p

I will agree I didn't like GARS NOTLD though :) ORRRRR LOTD

I remain optimistic about Diary though...

20-Aug-2007, 09:00 PM
you don't like the original? the classic? NOTLD is the alpha, without which this conversation would never be happening. Show some respect!!;)

20-Aug-2007, 09:09 PM
BURN THE NON BELIVER! Jus kidding, clang is right though Night set the bar for the style and quality that Romero could deliver, it gave everyone their first slice of the zombie pie. Night is one of the few old films that I actually love and intend to watch over and over..and the ending :D Whenver I enjoy a film I always fear they will round it off nicely for the audience but nah. Even back in the day romero had ze balls to give a strong ending however unpopular it may be.

20-Aug-2007, 09:37 PM
Dont get me wrong i'm soooooooo glad it was made... without it who knows what kind of movies i'd be looking forward to once a year ... but I just felt like it wasn't tense enough... meh... it was the first movie it was like a test batch of something... it wasn't perfect but at least he perfected his followup film...

20-Aug-2007, 11:07 PM
I was just joking with you all.
Romero is the greatest,
he is the king of the zombie films,
no one in the zombie genre has
made quite the impact as Romero
has in the last 40 years or so of his career
and no one seems to be able to come even
close to carrying a film such as our man Romero

21-Aug-2007, 12:34 AM
Very well then, for pennance for your blasphemy you shall compose a heartfelt haiku in honor of GAR.

or perhaps not

21-Aug-2007, 04:01 AM
411 y0u2 8453 423 8310n6 70 u5.

21-Aug-2007, 04:49 AM
you don't like the original? the classic? NOTLD is the alpha, without which this conversation would never be happening. Show some respect!!;)

I agree with this one!

Anyone who doesnt dig Night should be strung up by there tea bags!

That sounds like yuppie talk!;)

24-Aug-2007, 06:48 PM
Very well then, for pennance for your blasphemy you shall compose a heartfelt haiku in honor of GAR.

or perhaps not

Haiku of the Dead.
Dude, thats so awesome.

You should start a thread for Haiku of the Dead or Haiku in honor of GAR.

24-Aug-2007, 07:53 PM
You know what? I think I shall.