View Full Version : Are 65 thousand people worth a 1.6 trillion USD?

16-Aug-2007, 01:28 AM

I think i'd be willing to spend $75 dollars a year to improve the roadways across the country. Having driven cross country at least 15 times (and literally across the country and back) ... I have to say our roads suck. And it freaks me out driving in places like Louisiana around Shreveport to N'Awlins where its all raised highways over swamps... it sure wouldn't take much to eff up that highway and kill dozens of innocent motorists...

On a local level... there were potholes where I used to work so big people regularly damaged cars by driving over them... and in some cars like the ever popular penis extension Corvette its hard to even see potholes being so low to the ground and all. Annually due to driving over potholes (and to driving over the huge mounds left behind when local city construction workers overfill the holes) prolly costs me about $275... i'd say its an acurate number. What's more is... the intersection to get to my street is in serious need of repair... its a major avenue here with three lanes on each side but once you get into the turning lane to turn onto my street the road violently dips down so your car is driving on an angle... its really sudden too and if you're not prepared for it I dont doubt its a cause for the number of accidents that happen at the intersection.

Local highways here are a sad sight... only two lanes wide with 70mph... and packed full of people all driving 6 feet from the bumper in front of them due to overcrowding and stupidity... they really gotta widen the roads... Fortunately they've replaced the decrepit old bridge with a new eyesore that's one of the largest suspension bridges in North America...

But I also say they need to fix highways that create danger zones... for instance... in Houston, Texas on the highway I drove on... in order to exit the highway you basically exit the Interstate onto a 2 lane service road with traffic going the same direction and opposite... they give you about 15 feet before you meet the oncoming traffic and have to get into the lane with traffic flowing your direction... so basically if you're from outta town and you're unaware you could end up going off the highway into oncoming traffic...

Here when you exit there's about 40 feet to get off the highway and turn around the corner of the exit... but that 40 feet is also shared with oncoming ramp traffic... so you have people trying to get off the freeway in the same small space as people trying to get on the freeway both either speeding up or slowing down to 65-70 mph... while merging into or out of traffic which is on average speeding... With drivers who refuse to let anyone into the road in front of them it creates a really dangerous sitch too...

Such a shame :(

16-Aug-2007, 05:09 AM
If it makes you feel any better I live right off one if not the most dangerous roads in america...us 19.

16-Aug-2007, 05:54 AM
And it freaks me out driving in places like Louisiana around Shreveport to N'Awlins where its all raised highways over swamps...

I did that before, heading from Texas to New Orleans. It was like 2 or 3 in the morning and freaky as HELL.

16-Aug-2007, 09:12 PM
I did that before, heading from Texas to New Orleans. It was like 2 or 3 in the morning and freaky as HELL.

Thank God man I thought I was the only one...

It freaks me out living in homes near roads that aren't just residential streets or on busy residential streets... I've seen a lot of people drive into buildings... though i'm not sure if that's due to driving under the influence or a faulty road...