View Full Version : What a sucky way to wake up...

16-Aug-2007, 11:24 AM
Not last night, but the night before, I got woken up at 5am by the most aggrivating itching I've ever experienced, and all vaguely in the man zone...no, not some kind of crotch rot from some skank, rather an allergic reaction to a new pair of jeans - apparently some clothes you should wash before you wear...I did not know this...these were clothes you're supposed to wash before wearing...so I ended up with a monster skin reaction to the dyes in the material (the excess of which came gushing out in the wash).

So now the jeans are ready to wear, but if only I knew before, because waking up at 5am covered in a skin rash you didn't have before you went to sleep freaks you out.

Fortunately it's gone now, had a bloody good scrub and lathered skin cream on so liberally I could have body surfed on concrete.

Anyway, in case anyone hasn't heard of having to wash certain clothes before you wear them - now you know. Sensitive skin (like mine) beware! :eek:

So yes - a sucky way to wake up, indeed.

16-Aug-2007, 02:11 PM
you cant beat a good itch!! i usaly itch on my ankles as theres a massive vein str8 across my ankles.and boy do they pop up when im hot and then they start itching! lovely!:o

16-Aug-2007, 04:37 PM
Word to the wise. You should wash ALL new clothes before you wear them. There is all kinds of wierd starches and chemicals on them to make them look good on the rack

16-Aug-2007, 05:28 PM
Yea, you also have no idea who's tried that on before you.

It would be terrible to get a new pair of jeans (I'd like to point out that I almost misspelled that genes, damn this paper I'm writing!) and catch something worse than just a skin rash (think about it).

16-Aug-2007, 05:35 PM
Fortunately the jeans were ordered online, so they were/are 99.9% likely to be brand spanking new, never given a rash to anyone except me, hahaha!

I've worn clothes off-the-rack before, and never been bothered at all, this is the first time ever...and it sucked...when you've got an itch that you scratch, but which just keeps freaking itching to a stupid degree - that sucks...not like a proper itch and scratch that's satisfying. :p

16-Aug-2007, 06:30 PM
Not last night, but the night before, I got woken up at 5am by the most aggrivating itching I've ever experienced, and all vaguely in the man zone...no, not some kind of crotch rot from some skank, rather an allergic reaction to a new pair of jeans - apparently some clothes you should wash before you wear...I did not know this...these were clothes you're supposed to wash before wearing...so I ended up with a monster skin reaction to the dyes in the material (the excess of which came gushing out in the wash).

So now the jeans are ready to wear, but if only I knew before, because waking up at 5am covered in a skin rash you didn't have before you went to sleep freaks you out.

Fortunately it's gone now, had a bloody good scrub and lathered skin cream on so liberally I could have body surfed on concrete.

Anyway, in case anyone hasn't heard of having to wash certain clothes before you wear them - now you know. Sensitive skin (like mine) beware! :eek:

So yes - a sucky way to wake up, indeed.

i know how u feel,bro. i went to work itching for a month thinking it was my jeans and it ended up being the detergent i was using to wash my clothes. i was allergic to the perfume and dyes. for months i thought some chick i dated had given me somethin :lol: scared outta my mind i was

16-Aug-2007, 09:28 PM
Another word to the wise... beyond skin irritation if you dont wash new clothes before wearing them you can also suffer from severe vomiting spells as well... an itch can be dealt with but hurling can take its toll much longer...

So yeah... beware... though I often just buy clothes and wear them right away... but I've also paid the price... eeeeeuw

16-Aug-2007, 10:22 PM
I'd seen a report on TV just before going to bed as well, about an outbreak of Ecoli from freshly cut in-store meat from Morrison's super markets, saying the symptoms took 2 weeks to appear - and around 2 weeks ago we had such meat from a Morrison's supermarket, so I was convinced - at 5am in a sleepy stupor (while not knowing any of the symptoms of Ecoli) - that I suddenly had Ecoli. :lol:

Bloody shiite way to wake up in fact...although the Ecoli thing is obviously bollocks now, it was the dyes in my new jeans...and yeah, I've no idea what Ecoli does to you...but at 5am when I've just woken up you could tell me I was French and I'd believe you. :lol:

17-Aug-2007, 09:29 PM
So were the jeans from China?

17-Aug-2007, 10:03 PM
Absolutely no idea, I'll see what the label says...wouldn't be surprised, freaking everything comes from feckin' China.

17-Aug-2007, 10:11 PM
So were the jeans from China?

That was genious man!

18-Aug-2007, 12:09 AM
I saw something about this before on "mystery diagnosis" on the discovery health channel, but those kids went in a coma and everything! luck you minion.

18-Aug-2007, 01:04 PM
The saga continues...was on MSN last night around midnight and started itching a bit around the goolies zone where the irritation had been before, then a couple of hours later as I'm off to bed I have to slap on a shedload of E45 skin cream to calm the irritations down as they'd feckin' returned.

Then they spread a bit in the following 3 hours of kip, so up again at around 5 in the morning to splash on more E45. Fortunately when I woke up in the morning proper, the irritation had almost completely gone again - what caused it this time? Well, I had the jeans put in the wash, but a few other items went in with them. As the excess dye came gushing out, it obviously went into the other few items of clothing in the machine - as I'd already been subjected to the skin irritation, it was quick to re-attack.

What caused it? "Infected" (as I put it) undercrackers, which had been in the wash with the jeans which were getting their first wash. So the jeans are going to be washed at least once more - this time completely on their own - and the other items will be washed with some other items as the dilution should be fine by now...it was just the "second generation" effect so-to-speak of a pair of undercrackers being perfectly fine, then getting washed with the jeans and soaking up the diluted dye - but as there was so much dye to come off, it was enough to cause a second irritation, but this time it got even closer to my jubblies as I found out at 5am, with a massive itching welt on my nut sack...exactly what you want in the middle of the night, eh? :lol:

The affected skin is back to normal again, so here's hoping I won't be having anymore of this silly hassle again, because it's bloody annoying...and bloody itchy! :eek::rolleyes:


Oh, and what's more to add insult to injury, when I woke up at 5am again this morning my lower lip was swollen like a bitch. Either I bit myself in the middle of the night, or something bit me, but either way, my lower lip was big, puffy and jutted out being twice as big as my upper lip, rather than the normal same-size-as ratio.

Fortunately it's almost deflated back to normal now, but geez...what a fuss, eh? :rolleyes:

18-Aug-2007, 11:02 PM
Absolutely no idea, I'll see what the label says...wouldn't be surprised, freaking everything comes from feckin' China.

Also Bangladesh, Lesotho, Vietnam. The Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic chain are a cornucopia of cheap labor clothing.

18-Aug-2007, 11:21 PM
Dude, when I first saw the title of your post it reminded me of something that happens to my calf muscle from time to time when I am asleep. I don't know if this is exclusive to me, or if it is a common problem, hence I am sharing this with you all:

I'll be in a blissful, deep sleep in my bed, dreaming of finding money on the ground, or a new zombie flick or whatever, and then suddenly I wake up in a major panic with a wicked nasty pain in my calf muscle which feels as it it has seized up into the worst cramp ever.

Upon touching my calf where it hurts, it feels like a hard red rubber ball (yeah, red!) has suddenly materialized inside of my calf muscle causing massive pain which takes what seems to me to be an eternity, but perhaps is only a few minutes or so to subside to a dull pain which stays with me for the next day, like a bruised muscle.

Some have told me this is a charley horse, but I don't know, could be an alien implant or something, you never know! :(

Don't know what is causing this, if it is just me, or maybe this is something that everyone gets. Hate being woken up like that.

19-Aug-2007, 12:01 PM
I've had that a few times, waking up and it's a massive bastard cramp.

I remember waking up one night at uni and it was just like you said, massive cramp in my calf, the muscle felt like a hard rubber ball. I literally had to pry my leg straight again it was so tightly flung back against my thigh. Killed like hell, another sucky way to wake up in the middle of the night, and aye, all the next day it was sore and stiff.

19-Aug-2007, 04:10 PM
Dude, when I first saw the title of your post it reminded me of something that happens to my calf muscle from time to time when I am asleep. I don't know if this is exclusive to me, or if it is a common problem, hence I am sharing this with you all:

I'll be in a blissful, deep sleep in my bed, dreaming of finding money on the ground, or a new zombie flick or whatever, and then suddenly I wake up in a major panic with a wicked nasty pain in my calf muscle which feels as it it has seized up into the worst cramp ever.

Upon touching my calf where it hurts, it feels like a hard red rubber ball (yeah, red!) has suddenly materialized inside of my calf muscle causing massive pain which takes what seems to me to be an eternity, but perhaps is only a few minutes or so to subside to a dull pain which stays with me for the next day, like a bruised muscle.

Some have told me this is a charley horse, but I don't know, could be an alien implant or something, you never know! :(

Don't know what is causing this, if it is just me, or maybe this is something that everyone gets. Hate being woken up like that.

i get this every once in a while.you wake up and you cant move your leg! the cramp is fookin awful too,and hurts like 2-3 days after.its lack of sodium in your blood.

19-Aug-2007, 06:45 PM
I've had that a few times, waking up and it's a massive bastard cramp.

I remember waking up one night at uni and it was just like you said, massive cramp in my calf, the muscle felt like a hard rubber ball. I literally had to pry my leg straight again it was so tightly flung back against my thigh. Killed like hell, another sucky way to wake up in the middle of the night, and aye, all the next day it was sore and stiff.

When that happens... try to stretch out your toes... usually helps the cramp stop and alleviate the remaining pain

19-Aug-2007, 09:30 PM
When that happens... try to stretch out your toes... usually helps the cramp stop and alleviate the remaining pain

Good tip. MJ. Thanks, I will try just that

20-Aug-2007, 01:42 AM
The saga continues...was on MSN last night around midnight and started itching a bit around the goolies zone where the irritation had been before, then a couple of hours later as I'm off to bed I have to slap on a shedload of E45 skin cream to calm the irritations down as they'd feckin' returned.

Then they spread a bit in the following 3 hours of kip, so up again at around 5 in the morning to splash on more E45. Fortunately when I woke up in the morning proper, the irritation had almost completely gone again - what caused it this time? Well, I had the jeans put in the wash, but a few other items went in with them. As the excess dye came gushing out, it obviously went into the other few items of clothing in the machine - as I'd already been subjected to the skin irritation, it was quick to re-attack.

What caused it? "Infected" (as I put it) undercrackers, which had been in the wash with the jeans which were getting their first wash. So the jeans are going to be washed at least once more - this time completely on their own - and the other items will be washed with some other items as the dilution should be fine by now...it was just the "second generation" effect so-to-speak of a pair of undercrackers being perfectly fine, then getting washed with the jeans and soaking up the diluted dye - but as there was so much dye to come off, it was enough to cause a second irritation, but this time it got even closer to my jubblies as I found out at 5am, with a massive itching welt on my nut sack...exactly what you want in the middle of the night, eh? :lol:

The affected skin is back to normal again, so here's hoping I won't be having anymore of this silly hassle again, because it's bloody annoying...and bloody itchy! :eek::rolleyes:


Oh, and what's more to add insult to injury, when I woke up at 5am again this morning my lower lip was swollen like a bitch. Either I bit myself in the middle of the night, or something bit me, but either way, my lower lip was big, puffy and jutted out being twice as big as my upper lip, rather than the normal same-size-as ratio.

Fortunately it's almost deflated back to normal now, but geez...what a fuss, eh? :rolleyes:

At this point I would wash anything those jeans might have been laying on and your bedding as well. Do this quickly or you'll wake up at 5am and your man bits will be laying on the floor, damn jeans

20-Aug-2007, 02:16 AM
At this point I would wash anything those jeans might have been laying on and your bedding as well. Do this quickly or you'll wake up at 5am and your man bits will be laying on the floor, damn jeans

I'm not sure why but that just made a vision of the movie Cabin Fever pop into my head... for the love of god MZ hop to it! You dont want to end up like Jordan Ladd... eeeeeeeeeeeuw :barf:

20-Aug-2007, 10:57 AM
I'm not sure why but that just made a vision of the movie Cabin Fever pop into my head... for the love of god MZ hop to it! You dont want to end up like Jordan Ladd... eeeeeeeeeeeuw :barf:
At least Jordon Ladd got a fingering out of it! :lol:

Don't worry, washed the jeans twice more - even MORE dye came flooding out (jesus, HOW MUCH was in there to begin with?!?!) Sent a complaint to the seller, so we'll hopefully hear back, perhaps get money back or at least a freaking voucher - it's the least they could do - you'd think they'd be scared of being sued, lol.

Anyway, changed all the bedding as well, ain't had any problems since, been wearing exclusively old undercrackers that ain't been worn let alone washed in months (they're not dirty, they're clean - not washed cos they ain't been worn I mean :p)

Gonna see if we can find out where they were made and with what chemicals/dyes so we can look them up. But damn, must be something unusual, I've never ever had an allergic reaction to clothing, not even when I've worn stuff straight 'off the rack' unwashed.

20-Aug-2007, 12:28 PM
I can't remember the name of the TV show, but there was a show that involved a myustery illness that hit two kids who had nothing in common except their choice in clothing.

Turns out the jeans had been in a delivery truck with some pesticide and it had leaked on the box that both pairs of jeans had been in.

I have also heard that some overseas manufacturers treat their clothing with furmaldihide (sp?) to bugs out of the shipments.

Bottom line... always was the clothing you buy before you ware it. And not just clothing... sheets... anything that is going to come in contact with your body.

Its a hassle some times, but better a little hassle than poisoning yourself or giving yourself a bad rash.

20-Aug-2007, 01:15 PM
See and this is the thing, I never knew you should wash clothes before wearing them for the first time, now I do, but it's annoying that I only know because of suffering the effects of not washing new clothes.

But formaldehyde ... I mean WTF?! I thought that was just supposed to be for dead bodies, not blinkin' CLOTHES! Although it's even in cigarettes, so bloody nora!

I duno what kind of dye this was, but they must have used an exceptional amount as my Mum was saying she'd never seen such an amount of dye to flood out (even on the second wash) from a pair of jeans (I've had very little experience washing clothes, so it's all new to me, haha)...hopefully I can find out what was used as a dye or whatever to see if I can Google up some info on them.