View Full Version : Films I hate

17-Aug-2007, 12:26 PM
I hate Gangsterfilms because there's never ever any originality within the genre. Very few gangsterfilms actually try something new. How many gangsterfilms follow this formula: The main character starts out low, slowly rises and finally reaches the peak. The last half-hour (usually the worst) of the film depicts his fall into disarray and misery. The next time I see a film like that I will kill someone. I also hate the ****ing italian stereotypes of tough guys in leather jackets with quirky names, or fat guys with sunglasses, a suit and a cigarre. You can just hear the untalented screenwriter sitting behind his desk, oazing with his own smug, useless self thinking he just wrote Citizen ****ing Kane, except the fact that the ridiculous dialoge can only be found in one place on this planet: In these kind of ****ty gangster films.

I hate american thrillers set in metropolises' because they're all the same. A killer is killing someone. They need help from an outsider to solve it (or they don't, the film plays out much the same anyway), turns out it's someone from someone's past. The climactic scene is ontop of a building and the bad guy loses. There's lots of chase scenes in alleys and across streets with cars, yet these never lead to anything. Morgan Freeman or Ashley Judd are starring in it. And yes, that includes Seven, that overrated piece of mediocre blandness!

Also, I hate Will Smith actionfilms. Because they always suck ass and Will Smith is such a ****ing worthless wisecracking actor that just annoys the hell out of me. Will Smith is at his epitome of black-stereotyping in Bad Boys 2 when he's accompanied by the "I used to be good" Martin Lawrence guy who's a top knotch worse than Will Smith. I, Robot sucked major donkey balls by the way. If I ever hear Will Smith say "Aw, HELL no!" one more time, I will KILL KILL KILL!!!

17-Aug-2007, 01:23 PM
I hate Gangsterfilms because there's never ever any originality within the genre. Very few gangsterfilms actually try something new. How many gangsterfilms follow this formula: The main character starts out low, slowly rises and finally reaches the peak. The last half-hour (usually the worst) of the film depicts his fall into disarray and misery. The next time I see a film like that I will kill someone. I also hate the ****ing italian stereotypes of tough guys in leather jackets with quirky names, or fat guys with sunglasses, a suit and a cigarre. You can just hear the untalented screenwriter sitting behind his desk, oazing with his own smug, useless self thinking he just wrote Citizen ****ing Kane, except the fact that the ridiculous dialoge can only be found in one place on this planet: In these kind of ****ty gangster films.

Two words: "The Departed":cool:

17-Aug-2007, 01:25 PM
Two words: "The Departed":cool:

You do realize The Departed is a remake of the 2002 Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs?....I bet you didnt know that maybe?

17-Aug-2007, 01:32 PM
You do realize The Departed is a remake of the 2002 Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs?....I bet you didnt know that maybe?

Actually..."Infernal Affairs" is three films. And yes, I knew that....but i'm an American, so I went with the American(and most likely better) version.:p

17-Aug-2007, 01:36 PM
Yeah, The Departed was good. Probably the best in many years. But Casino was just crap. Goodfellahs was alright, but it still followed the same concept and I'm not so sure I would like it as much now that I've seen it nine million times.

Infernal Affairs I have not seen, but would like too. But since it's a gangster film, I'm in no hurry.

17-Aug-2007, 01:40 PM
What about "Mean Streets", Ned? That's a good flick....but still kinda follows the basic premise.

All the films mentioned so far are Scorsese's.......

17-Aug-2007, 01:51 PM
independance day rules almost as much as metallica does

17-Aug-2007, 02:00 PM
Actually..."Infernal Affairs" is three films. And yes, I knew that....but i'm an American, so I went with the American(and most likely better) version.:p

If you knew that why would you use it as an example of an "original" Gangster movie?.....or where you using it as an example of an "nonitalian" gangster movie?...

17-Aug-2007, 02:09 PM
If you knew that why would you use it as an example of an "original" Gangster movie?.....or where you using it as an example of an "nonitalian" gangster movie?...

It wasn't a film that followed the formula that Ned described in the first paragraph.

17-Aug-2007, 02:45 PM
All the films mentioned so far are Scorsese's.......

Truth be told, I forget alot of the titles of the films I've seen. But Blow was just as bad as the rest of them. It's not Scorcese.

17-Aug-2007, 03:17 PM
Truth be told, I forget alot of the titles of the films I've seen. But Blow was just as bad as the rest of them. It's not Scorcese.

yeah. Ironically enough, right after that film was finished, it's director's heart exploded because of coke. Seriously....

17-Aug-2007, 03:42 PM
independance day rules almost as much as metallica does
By that I guess you mean th first quarter was original and inspiring and the last 3 quarters was an embarrassing self indulgent unoriginal pile of sh!t?

Yeah, The Departed was good. Probably the best in many years. But Casino was just crap. Goodfellahs was alright, but it still followed the same concept and I'm not so sure I would like it as much now that I've seen it nine million times.

The departed was OK. Just OK. Ive seen it all before and I was disappointed. Casino sucked, imo. I had seen it all before. I thought Goodfellas was great. I liked the style and structure and had a nice twist to the genre. The acting was excellent.
I like alot of gangsters movies but then theres crap like Carlitos way. Ugg. I think the Godfather is totally overrated. The only part of the Godfather films I like is the DeNiro stuff that has Vito Corleone as a young man trying to make his way in the 1920s.

I am more into the eraly gangster movies like Public Enemy, Little Caeser and Scarface.

I dont hate the genre. I dont hate any genre. I dislike particular films or trends.

I hate american thrillers set in metropolises' because they're all the same. A killer is killing someone. They need help from an outsider to solve it (or they don't, the film plays out much the same anyway), turns out it's someone from someone's past. The climactic scene is ontop of a building and the bad guy loses. There's lots of chase scenes in alleys and across streets with cars, yet these never lead to anything. Morgan Freeman or Ashley Judd are starring in it. And yes, that includes Seven, that overrated piece of mediocre blandness!

Seven was deriviative as hell. It basically just mashed together every cliche/element of every Serial Killer book. Like the took the FBI profile manual and made a movie of it.
Theres a lot of formula crap out there. I generally avoid that kind of thriller and Action movies. I have liked very few action movies. The one liners, the philosophy of them, the lack of real characters. I dont find that kind of film entertaining at all.

17-Aug-2007, 03:54 PM
lol coma, well the last quarter of ID4 was a total ripoff of return of the jedi...

i hated transformers, harry potter, fast & the furious, resident evil, people seem to love them. godfather 1 disappointed me a bit but it's a good movie all the same.

i like blow although it is a bit smug and self consciously cool. goodfellas was great, although the sid vicious song at the end was a bad choice.

some gangster movies own, scarface, long good friday, city on fire, ichi the killer etc

and i thought seven ruled as a synthesis of every cop movie cliche. it's better than all the movies it rips off.

17-Aug-2007, 04:51 PM
i hated transformers, harry potter, fast & the furious, resident evil, people seem to love them. godfather 1 disappointed me a bit but it's a good movie all the same.
some gangster movies own, scarface, long good friday, city on fire, ichi the killer etc

Ichi The Killer and I Ichi are great. I dont like John Woos hong Kong shootem ups. They are one long gunshot.

As far as REs Evil I thought it sucked. Didnt make it halfway through.

Anything with VinDiesal Can bite my Ass. And I hate Car movies. That included , the immensely popular when I was a kid, Smokey and the BAndit. I know its TV, but A Team is the perfect example of the Lowest denominator of Action. Stripped to its stupidest

20-Aug-2007, 02:38 AM
Ned you sound like a man who knows what he's talking about!

I totally agree... gangster flicks all are the same... they're all so typical and generally have the exact same cast who play the same parts by different names...

And Will Smith movies also are worthless... he was great in Bad Boys but yeah... after that you've seen one you've seen them all... his best movie was by far the Pursuit of Happyness but unfortunately he doesn't exactly get offered worthwhile roles anyway...

Not really sure what metropolis thrillers you're talking about because I've never seen Sev7n yet... but I do hate Ashley Judd movies... she's the will smith of white women... its all the same role in different flicks...

Preach on man!

21-Aug-2007, 01:20 AM
I hate Gangsterfilms because there's never ever any originality within the genre. Very few gangsterfilms actually try something new. How many gangsterfilms follow this formula: The main character starts out low, slowly rises and finally reaches the peak. The last half-hour (usually the worst) of the film depicts his fall into disarray and misery. The next time I see a film like that I will kill someone. I also hate the ****ing italian stereotypes of tough guys in leather jackets with quirky names, or fat guys with sunglasses, a suit and a cigarre. You can just hear the untalented screenwriter sitting behind his desk, oazing with his own smug, useless self thinking he just wrote Citizen ****ing Kane, except the fact that the ridiculous dialoge can only be found in one place on this planet: In these kind of ****ty gangster films.

I hate american thrillers set in metropolises' because they're all the same. A killer is killing someone. They need help from an outsider to solve it (or they don't, the film plays out much the same anyway), turns out it's someone from someone's past. The climactic scene is ontop of a building and the bad guy loses. There's lots of chase scenes in alleys and across streets with cars, yet these never lead to anything. Morgan Freeman or Ashley Judd are starring in it. And yes, that includes Seven, that overrated piece of mediocre blandness!

Also, I hate Will Smith actionfilms. Because they always suck ass and Will Smith is such a ****ing worthless wisecracking actor that just annoys the hell out of me. Will Smith is at his epitome of black-stereotyping in Bad Boys 2 when he's accompanied by the "I used to be good" Martin Lawrence guy who's a top knotch worse than Will Smith. I, Robot sucked major donkey balls by the way. If I ever hear Will Smith say "Aw, HELL no!" one more time, I will KILL KILL KILL!!!

i agree with your last rant about will smith.in fact i agree with your intire rant ned.its true.

23-Aug-2007, 06:16 PM
What about "Mean Streets", Ned? That's a good flick....but still kinda follows the basic premise.

All the films mentioned so far are Scorsese's.......

Personally, I think that "Mean Streets" was one that did not fit the mold. Yes, it did have the premise that these guys were mobsters, but I thought that it did not follow the usual story arc that one would expect. Those guys were low level mobsters, and continued to be low level mobsters. People who didn't pay their protection money on time...were allowed more time because times were tough. There were other things that flew in the face of mobster cliche, and yes some mobster cliches followed too, but basically a worthy film. "Mean Streets" is an anti-goodfellas film. Strange that they both came from the same filmmaker, but scorcese is losing some of his magic in recent years.

But I wholeheartedly agree with Neds initial statements at the top of the thread. Hilarious observations about Will Smith and the like.

30-Aug-2007, 09:58 PM
I Am Legend will hopefully see the Will Smith of Enemy of the State return. You remember, the only Will Smith film ever made that was actually worth watching and where he actually acted? Good film. I'm hoping for the same with this film. Altough it could just turn into a I, Robot... Richard Matheson style.

30-Aug-2007, 10:07 PM
i hate movies where two cops, who are just about complete opposites, are put on the same case (rush hour, etc)

anything with ben stiller is about the same as the will smith crap.

most movies that are based on snl sketches go sour about thirty minutes into the film.

darth los
30-Aug-2007, 10:39 PM
I hate any film that stars queen latifah or whoopi goldberg. They just rub me the wrong way.

30-Aug-2007, 10:43 PM
A good british gangster film easily urinates all over its american counterpart.I did enjoy casino & Goodfellas the first time i saw them though :) Snatch & lock,stock were great,but others such as get carter (NOT the wanky stallone remake) gangster no.1 ,dead mans shoes,the long good friday are also top british films of the genre.Just a shame they are mostly set in london though,considering the underworld is around in every part of the country,not just that septic pit down there!
Films i hate though,"romantic comedys" which on the most part are about as funny as cancer,crap horror films,especially "fashionable" mainstream ones such as jeepers creepers,the hills have eyes remakes etc.I also hate the current trend for remakes,barring a couple of exceptions they are all crap!i dont see why these pricks in hollywood seem to think they can make a better job than the original just because they have more flashy effects at their disposal,and i wish the trend would pass over quickly before they start making remakes of their own remakes or treading on & ruining even more hallowed ground!I hate all films based on computer games as well,one day they might crack it & make something half decent,but up to now all have failed miserably!And lastly i hate war films that dont actually show much war,i was quite disappointed with letters from iwo jima as they showed very little combat,it was all just talking while the fighting could be heard going on in the distance :rolleyes: i dont mind a good bit of dialogue in a war film,they do need it to humanise whats happening & to stir up emotions,but not when its 3 quarters of a film you were expecting some action from!

30-Aug-2007, 11:28 PM
i hate movies where two cops, who are just about complete opposites, are put on the same case (rush hour, etc)

I don't like the "Rush Hour" films either, but what do you think about the original/greatest(Lethal Weapon)?

31-Aug-2007, 12:20 AM
yeah, lethal weapon was cool, but from the success of that movie, and its sequels, there came the hellspawns such as rush hour, nothing to lose, etc.

that's another thing that pisses me off is when a movie is original and rocks, then all these crappy knock-offs come along...too many examples to list.

31-Aug-2007, 03:35 AM
I think Will Smith should be in an Italian American gangster movie.


31-Aug-2007, 03:58 AM
I think Will Smith should be in an Italian American gangster movie.

Helll no:moon:

31-Aug-2007, 10:38 AM
Lethal Weapon was not really a typical white guy teams up with black guy. I mean, Danny Glover plays his character with few-to-none hollywood stereotypes. He's just an average family father that happens to team up with a depressed, on-the-verge-of-breakdown Vietnam Vet. There's more depth in their relationship and it's nothing at all like the ones that followed where racial and cultural clichés play out most of their interaction.

31-Aug-2007, 03:14 PM
Lethal Weapon was not really a typical white guy teams up with black guy. I mean, Danny Glover plays his character with few-to-none hollywood stereotypes. He's just an average family father that happens to team up with a depressed, on-the-verge-of-breakdown Vietnam Vet. There's more depth in their relationship and it's nothing at all like the ones that followed where racial and cultural clichés play out most of their interaction.

Yeah, that's what i'm saying. "Lethal Weapon" was original and very well made, while all of it's followers came up short.

Speaking of....anyone remember the "Lethal Weapon" trailer?:lol:


31-Aug-2007, 03:38 PM

That trailer is so unashamedly 1980s, it's brilliant...crap, but brilliant. The movie itself is awesome though, classic.

And so that's where that music came from in Hot Fuzz...aaaaahhhhhh...:sneaky:

I have a few videos from the video shop, ex rental ones, that I bought in the 1990s, so it's hilarious looking at the trailers from the 1990s, and even 1980s on some of the older ones...compared to modern day trailers, trailers only a mere 15 years old just suck, now they're so slick...but they all look the same...hmmm.

31-Aug-2007, 07:03 PM
Lethal Weapon was not really a typical white guy teams up with black guy. I mean, Danny Glover plays his character with few-to-none hollywood stereotypes. He's just an average family father that happens to team up with a depressed, on-the-verge-of-breakdown Vietnam Vet. There's more depth in their relationship and it's nothing at all like the ones that followed where racial and cultural clichés play out most of their interaction.

Well put and entirely true... Lethal Weapon was great... 2 was good... the rest not so much...