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17-Aug-2007, 01:08 PM

17-Aug-2007, 01:19 PM
And now begins the countdown until Warner Bros takes these down just like all the other sites on the net.....

These are leaked from the viral marketing campaign, so if you want them, you better save them now.

17-Aug-2007, 01:59 PM
you owe me a new pair of underwear

17-Aug-2007, 04:15 PM
Thanks!. A;ot of these look pretty good
That looks right out of the original Bob Kane/Bill Finger 1930s comics

20-Aug-2007, 02:39 AM
aw damn the pictures were removed... :( FOOEY!

22-Aug-2007, 04:56 PM
so has everyone seen the new joker pictures??


i must say i DID have high hopes for this movie. but now ohhh man. where do i start? this is one of the worst makeup jobs in modern films. especially with all the techniques they couldve used. belive me i know. i guess thier trying to match the dark knight series joker, but come on. my little sister could do a better jobs by throwing packages of randomly mixed kool aid at my face. i think the movie industry is just purposly aggitating people, especially fan boys. i really dont know what to say except this has really topped of my already awesome morning. someone please tell me i'm not alone. one word....


22-Aug-2007, 05:05 PM
so has everyone seen the new joker pictures??

i must say i DID have high hopes for this movie. but now ohhh man. where do i start? this is one of the worst makeup jobs in modern films. especially with all the techniques they couldve used. belive me i know. i guess thier trying to match the dark knight series joker, but come on. my little sister could do a better jobs by throwing packages of randomly mixed kool aid at my face. i think the movie industry is just purposly aggitating people, especially fan boys. i really dont know what to say except this has really topped of my already awesome morning. someone please tell me i'm not alone. one word....


Yeah, those are the same pictures this thread is about.

Alot of people seem to not like the new joker's look but I love it. First let me throw this out there....he isn't permanently white like Nicholson's. He paints his own face and according to most reports(as well as those photos) his make up starts wearing off and getting worse as the film progresses. (Maybe most of his scenes take place during 1-2 days?)

Like I said, I love the new look. They're doing something different, yet still honoring the original character. I think it makes him seem friggin nuts. Some dude puts on make up to cover his scarring and then runs about town killing people for no other reason than to (quoting the teaser) "watch the world burn".

Besides, is it the make up or the mental characteristics that make the part of The Joker? I think you'll be blown away next summer....

22-Aug-2007, 05:30 PM
Its going to be hard to see a joker that isn't played by Jack

22-Aug-2007, 06:28 PM
well, i understand that, and my mind isnt completly closed. but lets face it, this isnt the crow. the dark knight joker painted his face as we are discussing, which is why its being done. but i still think it should be old fashioned acid drop joker. i should have expected nothing less though. yeah thier trying something diff, its respectable, but does it look good? no way. its a mix of the make-up and personality that makes the joker joker. without his ghostly white body and red lips and green hair he's just another physcho. i'm sorry, but this one gets a big seal of dissapproval from me.

22-Aug-2007, 06:30 PM
OMG I didn't even think of the Crow but it totally reminds me of it... wow ...it looks clownish though and certainly we should be expecting more especially with the budget that this movie is dealing with...

22-Aug-2007, 06:43 PM
Its going to be hard to see a joker that isn't played by Jack

Jack Nicholson never played the joker that we see in the comics. Jack Nicholson played Jack Nicholson with make up on. I like what he did, but it wasn't what the character really is.

well, i understand that, and my mind isnt completly closed. but lets face it, this isnt the crow. the dark knight joker painted his face as we are discussing, which is why its being done. but i still think it should be old fashioned acid drop joker.

But think about it.....do you honestly thing the acid drop joker is realistic enough to fit into Nolan's "hyper reality"? I can't think of a substance that can turn one's hair green, lips red, and skin white all at once.

22-Aug-2007, 07:59 PM
yes, that is a very good point. i loved the teaser trailer. i thought ledger sounded awesome. i'm going to try and think about it like you are. it does kinda match. i guess its my initial reaction to call it a $hit make-up job since im in school :)

and yes, nicholson did his own take on the joker, but i liked it :D

22-Aug-2007, 08:39 PM
If this movie actually has the Joker ACTING like the joker and not soupy sales you naysayers are going to see the difference. He is not supposed to be funny. That Burton movie had absolutely NOTHING to do with the character as intended. His makeup is irrelevent. Spending a lot of money on makeup simply to do so is a totally hollywood idea. In this case its about WRITING and ACTING. If he acts demented realistically it will be effective.
Alot of you only know theat crappy show and the crappy 80s/90s franchise. Me, I like Neil Adams/Denny O neil and Frank Miller's take (and anyone else from 1968 on and pre 1941). The movies/TV barely resemble the character and the makers obviously have ZERO affection for it. The character didnt last 60 years becasue of Jack Nicolson. On the contrary.

22-Aug-2007, 09:30 PM
which is why i liked the teaser trailer. he sounds awesome. like a complete phsycho. i am quite framiliar with the character, and the background. my initial post was a lilttle hot headed due to irrelevant issues. i am a little more open minded now as i previously stated. i do still have high hopes, but im not retracting my statement as far as how lame the make-up is. it is lame. its not for the sake of hollywood that i wanna see something better, its for the principle of the character. when i look at the pictures i dont see the joker, i see heath ledger with watercolors all over his face. thats my point. batman looks awesome. the joker looks like a bad crow costume. maybe if i see a picture where he has just done his make-up it will be differant.

22-Aug-2007, 11:32 PM
If this movie actually has the Joker ACTING like the joker and not soupy sales you naysayers are going to see the difference. He is not supposed to be funny. That Burton movie had absolutely NOTHING to do with the character as intended. His makeup is irrelevent. Spending a lot of money on makeup simply to do so is a totally hollywood idea. In this case its about WRITING and ACTING. If he acts demented realistically it will be effective.
Alot of you only know theat crappy show and the crappy 80s/90s franchise. Me, I like Neil Adams/Denny O neil and Frank Miller's take (and anyone else from 1968 on and pre 1941). The movies/TV barely resemble the character and the makers obviously have ZERO affection for it. The character didnt last 60 years becasue of Jack Nicolson. On the contrary.

Rock on Brotha! High Five!

And Trance, I do understand where you're coming from being that you're studying make up and effects, but you have to look at it more as a character thing. The Joker isn't permanently painted in this film as he has been in past incarnations. This is a sick, demented f*cker that paints himself just to make people fear him even more(Like Bruce Wayne does - Awesome parallels showing up there).

And just for something else to wet your appetite.....The Scarecrow will be returning in this film and his fear toxin will most likely be returning as well. I can't even being to imagine how creepy the Joker's makeup will look when someone is on that stuff...ya know?

If you were some random joe that got your jollys out of mass murder, would you be very good with make up? That's the way the Nolan Bros are looking at it, I would think. I guess we will all know next summer. Either way, Christopher Nolan's films have never let me down and I hope this one stays with that pattern.

23-Aug-2007, 12:37 AM
Jack Nicholson never played the joker that we see in the comics. Jack Nicholson played Jack Nicholson with make up on. I like what he did, but it wasn't what the character really is.


I never read the comics (suprise suprise I know...) and at the time Batman came out I wasn't really a TV watcher so I didn't really know Jack Nicholsons acting style but now that I look back on it you're so right... it was him in half drag almost playing himself...

23-Aug-2007, 03:46 AM
Rock on Brotha! High Five!

If you were some random joe that got your jollys out of mass murder, would you be very good with make up? That's the way the Nolan Bros are looking at it, I would think.
I guess they might think the3 suspension of disbelief would be too high. That may seem ironic for a Superhero movie, but they kept the first one reasonably down to earth (batman begins that is). As far as messy makeup, unbalanced people often smear makeup on their faces. My friends Mom did that. Caked eye makeup and crooked smeared lipstick. She was obviously ill and,sadly, it had a very creepy effect. In her case unintentional.

The essence of Batman is that the protagonist is just as disturbed as the antagonists, but in an only slightly different way. In his own comics He doesnt even fight Super villan types that much. He rarely flat out winsand usually deals with regular evil and corrupt types. I dont think anyone wh actually likes the Character likes that Burton movie much.

23-Aug-2007, 04:28 AM
The essence of Batman is that the protagonist is just as disturbed as the antagonists, but in an only slightly different way. In his own comics He doesnt even fight Super villan types that much.

Exactly. Just like everyone else I won't know until either the movie or the dvd release, but I have a feeling that Nolan is trying to make him the ying to Batman's yang. They're really the same character in a sense. Nolan has that connection to characters where he understands who they are and what motivates them to do what they do. He knows the character.

One of the little interviews I've read, Nolan's Brother(who helped write the script) stated that after all the research he did, he couldn't get the character of "The Joker" out of his head for months. To me, that gives total faith that the creators of this series know what clay they have in their hands to mold.

23-Aug-2007, 03:20 PM
So people aren't happy with the Joker's makeup? Quityerbitchinbitches!. I mean, wait till the movie comes out. I will bet that Heath Ledger's Joker would eat Jack Nicholson's for lunch. Remember how many people were trashing Batman Begins during production? That movie kicked ass.

As far as Burton's version goes, I didn't care for it. I thought Michael Keaton was surprisingly good, but the rest of the movie was ridiculous. I just saw it again over the weekend and the plot elements, special effects and overall story was absurd. They made no sense and the campiness factor was downright cheesy. Zaps a gangster to skeleton with a big red and white button hidden in his hand? Huh??

I'm not of the mindset that I think the comic is the bible for the character. The Joker in the comic is meant to work in 4-color panels, not necessarily in movie format. If Ledger makes him scary and memorable, he will have succeeded.

05-Sep-2007, 04:58 PM
I'm not of the mindset that I think the comic is the bible for the character. The Joker in the comic is meant to work in 4-color panels, not necessarily in movie format. If Ledger makes him scary and memorable, he will have succeeded.

Well....in this case, the comics are the bible to the creators of this movie. I've read/seen reports from scenes that are virtually identical to such classic joker comics as "Batman #1", "The Killing Joke", and "The Long Halloween".

With this on top of how great of an actor Ledger is....it should by far be the best incarnation of the character we've seen on screen.

05-Sep-2007, 09:13 PM
So people aren't happy with the Joker's makeup? Quityerbitchinbitches!. I mean, wait till the movie comes out. I will bet that Heath Ledger's Joker would eat Jack Nicholson's for lunch. Remember how many people were trashing Batman Begins during production? That movie kicked ass.

It's like how people were reacting to seeing the new Batmobile. They couldn't stop crying over how it was too different from what they were expecting to see and then when the movie came out they couldn't stop praising it. I really have nothing but confidence in this next one and the anticipation is killing me. And the good thing is I don't have that highly nervous anticipation that preceeded the Matrix Reloaded.

05-Sep-2007, 09:36 PM
The problem with Tim Burton is he never got over getting Jack Nicholson.

JN did not play the Jocker... as people said ... he played JN in make-up. That is the problem with JN, he never really does play anyone else.

This Joker is pure insanity ... laughing to himself over his own sick jokes....

I for one can not wait ...

06-Sep-2007, 01:27 PM
JN did not play the Jocker... as people said ... he played JN in make-up. That is the problem with JN, he never really does play anyone else.

Same goes for Burton, really. Although his two films were good and the best we had until Nolan came along, they were still nothing but Tim Burton films with Batman in them rather than a Batman film directed by Tim Burton.

ESPECIALLY "Batman Returns". The Penguin puked up black blood because he's "cold blooded"....WTF?. Burton really took alot of liberties with the second film to make it more of his dark style, but it was really the reason why it was his last Batman film.

I'm just glad WB had the common sense to fire Shumacher after "Batman & Robin"(even though they were the ones that requested he make it more campy). In fact, after B&R Shumacher proposed to make a film of the comic "Batman: Year One", but WB declined.

31-Oct-2007, 08:58 PM
So, as a gift to fans on Halloween, the marketing folks at WB set up a scavenger hunt at whysoserious.com. After a scavenger hunt lasting all day and happening in many of the largest cities around the country.....the fans get a picture of Joker. It's a cool picture and all, but we were hoping for a trailer with footage.:mad:

Anyway, here's the pic(how can you not like this Joker?!?) and if you go to whysoserious.com, you can hear a small audio clip from the film. It also takes you to a new page that promises something else for tomorrow and damn do I hope it's a teaser...


27-Nov-2007, 03:31 PM
New Empire Magazine cover....


Wizard Magazine

04-Dec-2007, 09:38 PM
Theatrical Teaser Poster. Yay.


05-Dec-2007, 05:43 AM
Theatrical Teaser Poster. Yay.


Dang, you beat me to the post!

06-Dec-2007, 04:17 PM
they filmed this movie where my gf works....

At home I have a police cordon with GOTHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT on it - its just less than a metre long I think...taken from the set....

I'm happy to sell it to any hardcore batman fans here!!! :)

06-Dec-2007, 04:31 PM
they filmed this movie where my gf works....

At home I have a police cordon with GOTHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT on it - its just less than a metre long I think...taken from the set....

I'm happy to sell it to any hardcore batman fans here!!! :)

You mean he's wearing a vest that says GPD? Those can be found all over the net, man.

I want to know where to get that poster, though. I'm thinking of putting it on a disc and taking it to a poster/frame store and have them make it into a poster. It would look great next to my Batman and Batman Begins posters....

09-Dec-2007, 07:38 AM
He said a police cordon, as in police tape they use to cordon off the area at a crime scene. I think you did the same thing I did and read it as Gordon lol.

10-Dec-2007, 03:08 PM
Yes, a police cordon!! Here's a pic of it!


10-Dec-2007, 03:46 PM
He said a police cordon, as in police tape they use to cordon off the area at a crime scene. I think you did the same thing I did and read it as Gordon lol.

Yeah....I did.

That's a nifty little peace of cinematic history there, Symphonicx.

While I'm here.....heres a great look at the new bat suit. It looks a bit busy, but I'm sure it will all be explained. (and batman can actually turn just his head rather than his whole body)

The trailer is being released this week as is the prologue in front of I Am Legend in IMAX.

10-Dec-2007, 05:49 PM
that bat suit looks pretty cool, but i think that unless it functions for flexibility purposes, the abdominal section is a little excessive....oh well, just as long as it doesn't come with bat-nipples.:rolleyes:

14-Dec-2007, 12:08 PM
Well....here it is. It's bootleg, so if you would rather wait to see it with I Am Legend or whenever it's released on the net, don't watch it.

The Dark Knight Trailer. Ledger is going to kick so much ass as the Joker.


"To them, you're just a freak.....like me! AHAHAHA" - legendary

Warner Brothers may have it taken down, so i'm not sure how long it will last.

Also, there are some new posters, you can find the two that were released onlineHERE (http://joblo.com/dark-knight-posters). There is also one that's not on the net yet. It was taken at a theater I believe. TRUE Joker:

Suck on that, Nicholson.:lol:

02-Apr-2008, 08:21 PM
So there's some new pics floating around. They could be considered kinda spoilerish, but nothing that ruins the film, I would think. So that's why I put them in spoiler tags.

This only make me even MORE excited about this film.:hyper: It's obivously not going to be one for the kiddies...
