View Full Version : Oh my!! (might be good Doctor Who news!!!)

20-Aug-2007, 01:42 PM
Iconic British actress Joan Collins has reportedly signed up to play a time-travelling villain in the forthcoming season of Doctor Who.

The News of the World claims that 74-year-old Collins, best known for her role as Alexis Carrington Colby in the soap Dynasty, has already signed up for the role of The Doctor's arch nemesis The Rani, a scheming Gallifreyan scientist who appeared twice in the classic series.

The tabloid quotes an insider in the show as saying: "The Doctor Who team are delighted they've managed to sign Joan. It's a real coup. [She's] perfect for the role... like Alexis Colby with a sonic screwdriver."

The Rani was originally portrayed by Kate O'Mara in 1985's 'The Mark of the Rani' opposite Colin McCoy and in Sylvester McCoy's debut story 'Time and the Rani' in 1987. O'Mara, who reprised the role in a 1993 Children In Need special, also played Collins' younger sister Cassandra in Dynasty.


There will be a multi doctor episode in Series 4!!!!

Come on!!!

20-Aug-2007, 01:52 PM
^ somewere davis is jerkin himself of at reactions like yours.

dont know owt about the rani other than she was in the show before i was born, still multi doctor ep would be good.

20-Aug-2007, 02:00 PM
ok, eww...

I think a multi doc episode will be great... Davidson, Baker, Mcoy, McGann, and Eccleston... should be interesting...

also, it would explain the hand that picks up the ring at the end of the final ep of series three if it was the Rani... what a b**** she was!

20-Aug-2007, 02:06 PM
i think that was pretty much a given.

20-Aug-2007, 05:47 PM
hehe, Rani eh?

My Dad predicted that at the end of the the 3rd (new) series.

I hope they don't rely on celeb appearances too much, that's dangerous ground to be walking on, it gets gimmicky and turns up the parody dial too high potentially...

Still though - multiple Doctor episode - noiiice, that's what I was wanting. Hopefully his past selves (well, some anyway - the ones ALIVE) all hook up at some point in a double parter, that'd be awesome - episode gold potential right there, mateys.

20-Aug-2007, 06:48 PM
But how are they going to do it if Gallifrey is destroyed? The last time I checked (and I'm pretty sure I'm right...) The Time Lords are the only ones who can allow the Doctor to cross his own time-stream and meet his former selves....

I just wanna know what would be so serious that would cause the doctor to get his former selves involved and do they know about the destruction of Gallifrey???

I presume so

20-Aug-2007, 07:04 PM
What if he just travels back in time or whatever to a time when he was out and about doing something already - like...he travels to a time and finds himself battling something he already battled before, and ends up fighting beside himself in a previous generation?

Confusing stuff, I'm into Doctor Who, used to watch it as a kid...but I'm far from a Who nerd, that's for sure, so I learn all the niggly nuances from you chaps.

21-Aug-2007, 02:28 AM
the doctor could go back and meet his former selves, but it would cause problems like those seen in the episode "father's day".

bring on a bloody multi doctor story. rtd needs to butter me up after that last episode :dead:

21-Aug-2007, 02:39 AM
they should just have him meet another time lord, a completely new one, that way new fans of dr who dont need to look up backstories and stuff, plus it would be cool to see him be like counterbalanced with another time lord acting as the straight man/woman to all the docotrs wierd quirkyness.

21-Aug-2007, 10:12 AM
Kids today don't even need to look back now, it can be appreciated without knowing all the back stories, besides, deliberately doing it is dumbing down and pandering to idiots. :D

23-Aug-2007, 06:17 PM
Then when Ranis gone the Meddling Monk cackles and picks up the....

Actually the christmas special could feature the Ninth doctor he said he was on the Titanic in 'Rose' and 'End of the World'.

23-Aug-2007, 06:18 PM
Then when Ranis gone the Meddling Monk cackles and picks up the....

Actually the christmas special could feature the Ninth doctor he said he was on the Titanic in 'Rose' and 'End of the World'.
Which is exactly what I was thinking. :)

That'd be awesome! :D