View Full Version : Actor Bill Murray busted for DUI in a Golf Cart

22-Aug-2007, 03:39 PM
This is too funy, but not


22-Aug-2007, 03:48 PM
a golf cart? That's friggin ridiculous.

And they don't mention Ghostbusters at the end of the article?? I'm pissed...

22-Aug-2007, 04:37 PM

22-Aug-2007, 05:33 PM
At first I was all like pssshhh... who doesn't drink on the green? Then of course I read the article... driving a golf cart in downtown stockholm... not too bright is he... and I love how he tried to cite U.S. law like whenever we travel abroad we're only subject to our laws... what a dumbass... grr...

22-Aug-2007, 06:09 PM
I love how he tried to cite U.S. law like whenever we travel abroad we're only subject to our laws... what a dumbass... grr...

That's because he was drunk off his ass. *L*

22-Aug-2007, 09:26 PM
so stupid.

23-Aug-2007, 12:06 AM
At first I was all like pssshhh... who doesn't drink on the green? Then of course I read the article... driving a golf cart in downtown stockholm... not too bright is he... and I love how he tried to cite U.S. law like whenever we travel abroad we're only subject to our laws... what a dumbass... grr...

HEY HEY HEY! Mr. Bill Murray is one of the greatest comedians of the last century. He is not a dumbass. Murray is a God.:p

23-Aug-2007, 12:31 AM
HEY HEY HEY! Mr. Bill Murray is one of the greatest comedians of the last century. He is not a dumbass. Murray is a God.:p

And he and his gal made love like sea otters. THAT was a pretty good day. Why couldnt he live THAT day over...and over....and over.....

23-Aug-2007, 12:45 AM
HEY HEY HEY! Mr. Bill Murray is one of the greatest comedians of the last century. He is not a dumbass. Murray is a God.:p

all hail the Bill-ster. :D

23-Aug-2007, 12:56 AM
all hail the Bill-ster. :D

Three cheers for Murray!

Hip hip....

Anyway.......It's a Cinderella story..

23-Aug-2007, 01:04 AM
Yojimbo agrees with Bass and DJ: Bill Murray Rules, though maybe not so smart with his booze. Still rules though!

23-Aug-2007, 02:31 AM
HEY HEY HEY! Mr. Bill Murray is one of the greatest comedians of the last century. He is not a dumbass. Murray is a God.:p


'Nuff said on the matter.

23-Aug-2007, 05:46 AM
bill murray is legend, nothing more needs to be said, he deserves a statue for this:lol:

23-Aug-2007, 09:57 AM
haha, legend - bring on the Caddyshack-related spoofs of this incident! :cool:

23-Aug-2007, 10:44 AM
ooh, i aint watched that in a while.

*trundles off to dvd collection*

23-Aug-2007, 04:19 PM
Through the years, I heard many stories about movie stars getting
drunk and smashing up golf carts.
Bill Murray just had to get caught and hit the news lol
Actually he's a great comic,
loved him in Meatballs, Stripes, groundhog day

23-Aug-2007, 04:24 PM
If one more person mentions his great comedies and Ghostbusters isn't one of them, I'm going on a killing spree.


23-Aug-2007, 04:31 PM
oops Bass, I forgot Ghostbusters, hell yeah man that was a
classic one. "Who you gonna call?"

"He just slimed me" Bill Murray

23-Aug-2007, 04:41 PM
surely saying you forgot the ghostbusters is gonna just dig ya in deeper with him?:D

i remembered bassman, those films taught us proper mens room etiquite:


23-Aug-2007, 04:46 PM
:lol: Yeah.....he also told me how to masterbate.

"Grab your sticks"
"Heat em up"
"Make em haaard!"

"Throw it!"


23-Aug-2007, 04:49 PM
aye hes a fine contributor to humanity as a whole.:D

-did you see him on american chopper when they mad ehim a caddyshack bike though?, that dude looks like hes in a bad way with not to many years left in 'im, though looking like crap doesnt mean **** if you can still get a DUI for going on a golf crat bender.:lol:

23-Aug-2007, 04:53 PM
No, I haven't seen that. The last I saw of him in "Broken Flowers" he seemed sorta healthy....just old of course.

He's in Wes Anderson's next flick, "The Darjeeling Limited" being released this year. And the last I heard, Dan Aykroyd convinced him to be somewhat involved with a Ghostbusters III project. I can only hope....

23-Aug-2007, 05:11 PM
he was all white haired and red eyed and skinny, nothing like in lost intranslation, it was creepy to see a comedian look so ill, same thing happened with richard pyror, its like crying clowns, no one wants to see that.

23-Aug-2007, 05:51 PM
:lol: Yeah.....he also told me how to masterbate.

"Grab your sticks"
"Heat em up"
"Make em haaard!"

"Throw it!"


Masturbation 101 all rolled in to a PG film.

23-Aug-2007, 06:05 PM
hellsing - you always kinda worry when someone suddenly gets really washed out and thin, like look at Peter Boyle in the last season of Everybody Loves Raymond, couple of years after appearing on the last season looking shockingly thinner and kinda 'out of it', he was dead. :(

As for Ghostbusters, I couldn't believe how many rude jokes were in it. I'd watched it all my life, completely oblivious, all the way up to me being 22/23, and then I suddenly watched it again and BOOM - I saw all these jokes I never saw before. Duno why it took so long for me to lose the rose-tinted kid glasses over this flick, lol. Still bloody awesome, even better now that I understand the ghost in Ray's dream was giving his a suck job. :p

23-Aug-2007, 11:49 PM
If one more person mentions his great comedies and Ghostbusters isn't one of them, I'm going on a killing spree.

Ghostbusters was indeed a very funny movie, mainlydue to Bill Murray. I think Groundhog Day is his masterpiece though.

24-Aug-2007, 12:13 AM
Ghostbusters was indeed a very funny movie, mainlydue to Bill Murray. I think Groundhog Day is his masterpiece though.

Really liked him in "Steve Zissou and the Life Aquatic"

Some of his best work!

24-Aug-2007, 12:23 AM
Really liked him in "Steve Zissou and the Life Aquatic"

Some of his best work!

I liked him in Rushmore and in the Royal Tenebaums as well

24-Aug-2007, 12:21 PM
anyone else seen him in lost and translation, hes great in it but everytime i see it i miss the start, so stop watching it and wait to catch it again so ive yet to see it all the way through.

i hate when that happens, friggin' ****ty film 4 schedules....

*wanders off grumbling incoherently*

24-Aug-2007, 12:51 PM
They had this on the news this morning. My the newscaster cracked a joke about him looking for Gophers. :lol:

No matter what Bill Murray does, he can't do no wrong by me. The man is a true king of comedy, and has brought me countless hours of entertainment over the years. My faves being GB, CS, and GHD!

24-Aug-2007, 01:05 PM
"so what if he burnt down an orphanage, it attacked him first, its self defence.....hes ****ing bill murray!":lol:

24-Aug-2007, 01:29 PM
hes ****ing bill murray!":lol:

Exactly, and being Bill Murray you're allowed some oopsies in life

24-Aug-2007, 02:14 PM
broke a window oopsies, or killed a hooker in his trailer oopsies?:lol: