View Full Version : Whatever happened to... TV shows that are gone...

23-Aug-2007, 07:52 PM
Starved... on FX? I loved that show but its gone now... I can only hope it comes back...

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction... sure I didn't know Johnathan Frakes was on Star Trek but damn was he great on this show... it was such fun!

Twilight Zone... not the old one thats still in syndication but the new one with Forrest Whittaker... where the hell did it go?

Keeping Up Appearances... I think its no longer being made but damn it was great... I miss it... and I miss it a lot...

Any shows anyone else misses?

23-Aug-2007, 10:37 PM
Starved... on FX? I loved that show but its gone now... I can only hope it comes back...

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction... sure I didn't know Johnathan Frakes was on Star Trek but damn was he great on this show... it was such fun!

Twilight Zone... not the old one thats still in syndication but the new one with Forrest Whittaker... where the hell did it go?

Keeping Up Appearances... I think its no longer being made but damn it was great... I miss it... and I miss it a lot...

Any shows anyone else misses?

I couldn't stand Twilight Zone with Whittaker. Sorry to disagree, but to each his own, right?

Not sure about the others you mentioned, but Keeping Up Appearances was totally hilarious and very much missed.

Along those lines, I really did like "Are You Being Served" from the early 70s. That was a hilarious BBC show too.

Stateside, I wonder what happened to "Hitch" (I think that is what it was called) that Azarzia vehicle where he is a psychiatrist. Hope that one comes back!

24-Aug-2007, 01:37 AM
Ohhhh yeahhh Are You Served was awesome... I loved the snippy gay guy and the old skeeze who kept changing her hair... she reminded me of the lady from Trinity Broadcasting Network that always changed her hair color... it was like a mood ring for hair... i'm pretty sure thats still on...

Keeping up Appearances is still on but I just need more of it! I've always wanted to see Sheridan... and Liz's husband...

24-Aug-2007, 02:36 AM
rocko's modern life

cant think of any more, bit tired

24-Aug-2007, 11:26 AM
"Night Visions" Henery Rollins hosted truely interesting and in most cases very scary stories. (two half hour shows per episode). The show was killer ... then it got killed.

24-Aug-2007, 12:16 PM
man theres loads that jsut dissappeared from back in the day.

what ever happened to are you afraid fo the dark, i lvoed that show when i was litle.
sorry miss Jay but i was allwasy an outer limits man myself.
huff, i know it got cancelled, just like carnivale' but they both rocked dagnabbit!
and whatever happened to anime on the sci-fi channel, till that new free anime channel on sky starts next month all there is is frikkin naruto and other teenybopper anime, granted im not looking to watch legend of the overfeind or some friggtarded **** like that but something a little less kiddy would be a nice change to naruto or....er nrauto on the +1 channel:rolleyes:

24-Aug-2007, 12:27 PM
I will be the uber geek here... I miss Knight Rider. I loved that show, one of these days I will shell out the $$$$ to buy a KITT replica.

24-Aug-2007, 03:15 PM
Arrested Development...

It still baffles me to this day as to why it's no longer on the air, the best comedy show -ever- (nobody else is allowed to have a different opinion on this one, because this isn't opinion, this is fact :p).

I guess Faux thought that the O'Reilly Factor was a better investment.

24-Aug-2007, 04:23 PM
man theres loads that jsut dissappeared from back in the day.

what ever happened to are you afraid fo the dark, i lvoed that show when i was litle.
sorry miss Jay but i was allwasy an outer limits man myself.
huff, i know it got cancelled, just like carnivale' but they both rocked dagnabbit!
and whatever happened to anime on the sci-fi channel, till that new free anime channel on sky starts next month all there is is frikkin naruto and other teenybopper anime, granted im not looking to watch legend of the overfeind or some friggtarded **** like that but something a little less kiddy would be a nice change to naruto or....er nrauto on the +1 channel:rolleyes:

I do miss Carnavale, some of the best TV, but did not know that Huff (not Hitch as I mistakenly wrote) was cancelled?

:::falls to knees on the sand and shakes head, waves arms at the sky:::
Arrgh! Goddamn you all to hell!!

24-Aug-2007, 04:57 PM
i hope fx doesnt do that with dexter to. thats the only show i watch on there besides reruns of family guy, kenny vs spenny and chappelles show.

24-Aug-2007, 04:58 PM
I miss Greg The Bunny. It had a short life on Fox, but I thought it was pretty damn funny.

Anyone seen the new show, "Californication"? Good stuff....

24-Aug-2007, 05:01 PM
I miss Greg The Bunny. It had a short life on Fox, but I thought it was pretty damn funny.

Total Classic. That show was GREAT:(

24-Aug-2007, 06:25 PM
man theres loads that jsut dissappeared from back in the day.

what ever happened to are you afraid fo the dark, i lvoed that show when i was litle.
sorry miss Jay but i was allwasy an outer limits man myself.
huff, i know it got cancelled, just like carnivale' but they both rocked dagnabbit!
and whatever happened to anime on the sci-fi channel, till that new free anime channel on sky starts next month all there is is frikkin naruto and other teenybopper anime, granted im not looking to watch legend of the overfeind or some friggtarded **** like that but something a little less kiddy would be a nice change to naruto or....er nrauto on the +1 channel:rolleyes:

I was toooooooooooootally going to say 'are you afraid of the dark' too... when I was a kid that show ruled... loved the one about how the phone lets people into your home though have no idea how it ended... they should break it out onto a series dvd...

24-Aug-2007, 06:28 PM
i doubt it would be well recieved, i caught an episode a while back at like 4am on nickelodeon and it just did NOT stand the test of time, at least eeire india still stands up fairly well, anyone remember that?, i rmeember watching it when i was little and they copped out adn suddenly to overcome the characters getting older they switched into another dimension to conitnue the show.

just like ****ing star trek:lol:

24-Aug-2007, 06:48 PM
Eerie Indiana was AWESOME... loved the episode about the family next door and the kids slept in tupperware containers to stay the same age forever...

Which reminds me...

I miss camp anawana... aka salute your shorts...

and hey duuuude

24-Aug-2007, 08:06 PM
Eerie Indiana and Salute Your Shorts...those were two good shows for me to watch after school. Ah, the memories. What I never understood though was how did people watch Power Rangers? That started about the same time Eerie was going off the air and I just thought it was stupid and so were all my friends for watching it. At least when that happened I started watching Dawn of the Dead, so I guess it worked out well for me.

24-Aug-2007, 11:00 PM
Fact or Fiction was a good show.
There are a lot of shows that I
use to love to watch that have
just died out, but most are from
the eighties.

I use to love the V mini series, and
then the TV series that came out,
but was very disappointed when it
got the can

25-Aug-2007, 12:37 AM
Yeah I dont get the Power Rangers... they took off when I was a youngin' and I remember trying to watch an episode and just going... i'm too smart for this isht...

25-Aug-2007, 01:38 AM
I miss Greg The Bunny. It had a short life on Fox, but I thought it was pretty damn funny.

Anyone seen the new show, "Californication"? Good stuff....

I was surprised by Californication because I had expected that I would hate it, but actually it was pretty decent.

25-Aug-2007, 08:01 AM
Yeah I dont get the Power Rangers... they took off when I was a youngin' and I remember trying to watch an episode and just going... i'm too smart for this isht...

i loved the origional power rangers when i was younger back when it was all just a japanese show with the bits when they were out of there costumes reenacted with american kids, ah it brings back memories of me and my brother getting ranger costumes and seriously beating the crap out fo each other way back when;)

25-Aug-2007, 03:35 PM
Eerie Indiana was AWESOME... loved the episode about the family next door and the kids slept in tupperware containers to stay the same age forever...

Which reminds me...

I miss camp anawana... aka salute your shorts...

and hey duuuude

at the end when the twins have aged, its the twins who are in gremlins 2, and the mental hospital guard who gets poked in the eye in terminator 2.


13-Feb-2012, 08:31 PM
i watch nothing that is on major network TV today -ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX are all banned from my presence. the only tv i will watch on things are the science channel, discovery, military history, etc. that and guilty pleasure things that are on syfy and chiller.

i don't follow any show week to week. can't do that. fucking bores me after a month or so- even the mighty X-Files lost me after season 4. only the star trek shows and the mighty babylon 5 have held my interest for more than a few weeks.

i like the old, the obscure. night gallery, fantastic journey, the logan's run tv show, planet earth, supernatural (1977 BBC version), boris karloff's thriller, both alfred hitchcock shows, the old outer limits.

13-Feb-2012, 11:25 PM
Ohhhh yeahhh Are You Served was awesome... I loved the snippy gay guy and the old skeeze who kept changing her hair... she reminded me of the lady from Trinity Broadcasting Network that always changed her hair color... it was like a mood ring for hair... i'm pretty sure thats still on...

Are You Being Served is the only brit show that I have really liked since I first saw it on the local pbs station. I guess it was because the characters reminded me so much of the people at the places I worked at.

They did do a spin off show called Are You Being Served Again that took place some years later after the crew at Grace Brothers had retired and were running a country inn. IIRC it only had Mr Humphries, Captain Peacock, Mrs Slocombe, Ms Brahms, and Mr Rumbold. It was ok, but it didn't capture the fun of the original show.

The show had such a big following in the U.S. that pbs did a live audience special where they had 2 of the surviving cast members, Molly Sudgen and John Inman, telling stories about the show and taking questions and answers.

14-Feb-2012, 09:33 AM
Ohhhh yeahhh Are You Served was awesome... I loved the snippy gay guy and the old skeeze who kept changing her hair... she reminded me of the lady from Trinity Broadcasting Network that always changed her hair color... it was like a mood ring for hair... i'm pretty sure thats still on...

Keeping up Appearances is still on but I just need more of it! I've always wanted to see Sheridan... and Liz's husband...

lol you're talking about two really old shows there...Are you being Served (correct title or is the US show called Are you served?) ended in the bloody 70s and Keeping Up Appearances hasn't been on anything but repeats since the mid-90s.

Patricia Routledge was a genius in that show though, it really was a great comedy. I don't think you ever get to meet Sheridan, but there might be one episode where he pops up if memory serves me...but probably not. Those sort of ongoing jokes were always made legendary by what you didn't see.

As for axed shows that shouldn't have been axed - how about, from the US, "Dead Like Me" - that was a cool show!

Other show we enjoyed but didn't get US exposure from what we know, was a reality gameshow called Spy - where they train people up in espionage and get them to do covert "missions" in day to day life - it was really good fun and very awkward.