View Full Version : UK folks...Alton towers!

24-Aug-2007, 09:56 PM
Who's been then?ive been before a long time ago as a kid when there wasnt much there,but i went again on monday & went on all the white knucklers (not really by choice,i was absolutely terrified of going on oblivion,panicking in the queue & muttering in a tourettes way when i got strapped into it & it set off) but i actually loved the coasters after i'd been on them all!especially air which is just like flying!nemesis is awesome,rita goes 0 - 100 in 3 seconds & pulls some serious G's,and oblivion is just plain scary but awesome at the same time!
heres Oblivion

its a sheer vertical drop from bloody high up into a deep black hole,and it dangles you over the edge for a few long seconds before suddenly dropping!
And this is air which once you get strapped in tilts forward so your hanging like this


it twists,loops,dives & corkscrews which in that position is an awesome ride!great day out there!

25-Aug-2007, 05:29 AM

there is no way in hell you could
ever get me on one of those things

i made the mistake of going on one of those
free fall rides once and i swear i saw that light
your supposed to see when you cross over

today i would die right on the thing and there would
be this 155lb slab of dead bulk straped to one
of those seats

im glad you liked it
and it sounds like you had a fun day
Im sure there are a lot of other people
here who like those death rides

but your evil for showing me pics of those

25-Aug-2007, 05:33 AM
It looks like a great ride. Too bad we don't have that one here in the US.

25-Aug-2007, 08:04 AM
ugh i live like a 60 minute drive from there and my freinds drag me there all the time.

IT SUCKS!, i cant stadn the place everything is over priced beyond belief, the rides are all either death traps or incredibly boring (que that stupid ghost one in the manor house, its just the haunting with a frikkin log!), in all i jsut dont like the place, i prefer draton manor myself.