View Full Version : Its never my fault...

25-Aug-2007, 02:37 AM

I saw a dog in a parked car about three weeks ago maybe four in 100+ degree weather outside of a local restaurant with the windows up and shut and the owner stuffing his face inside... before smashing his windows open with a crowbar I carry for self defense purposes I walked into the restaurant to announce the person had ten seconds to get into his car and go before I call the police and bash in his windows... the jerk got up turned on his car and locked his keys inside (must've had a spare set) and turned on the a/c but really wtf? Its like people who drive with their dogs in the bed of the truck on a major highway or any street... Yesterday I saw some teenage kid sitting in the open bed of a pickup truck with the back door of the truck open... what were his parents thinking?

I read a story similar that irked me just the same... some congressman or senator who backed his car over and killed young daughter or grandaughter when he was backing out of his driveway and then blamed car companies for not installing backup cameras in all cars... like it wasn't his fault...

I dont understand how people can be parents or relatives of children and not be more concerned about the safety of their kids. If I had a son or daughter i'd be forcing them to wear helmets or something just to protect them from all the stress ridden idiots who forget their kids are in the car and who dont have cameras to watch the ass end of their car...

When I was a kid sure it was a different time... back then... ten years ago... no cars had backup cameras ... we didn't do curfew... and kids just didn't get left in cars... my parents were stressed to the max what with their divorce and the fighting over who gets what sofa and no you dont get the condo... not to mention one of my parents is a fall down lush I mean I'm amazed with her constant drinking she never backed over me or my brother... despite my parents worst efforts they never killed us and I've never personally known someone who killed their child unintentionally... so I have little to no sympathy for those who did ... I think they need to be held accountable for their sheer stupidity and neglect...

or am I wrong? Are they the innocent victims in todays modern stressed to the max world where its easy to forget about kids? Is it the car companies faults for not putting a backup camera in every Kia POS so people dont drive over their kids?

25-Aug-2007, 05:29 AM
Nobody wants to claim personal responsibility anymore. They will always find a way to sue somebody while claiming nothing is their fault. It is one of the reasons video games and movies are being blamed for kids turning out bad, parents will not admit they suck at being parents and they can't raise their kids properly.

So they find somebody to sue. It is almost as ridiculous as the woman suing the makers of Starburst because the chewing hurt her jaw.... yet they are called "Starburst Fruit Chews."

Everybody wants to pass blame onto somebody else when it is their fault. There is no integrity left in this world.

25-Aug-2007, 11:08 AM

I saw a dog in a parked car about three weeks ago maybe four in 100+ degree weather outside of a local restaurant with the windows up and shut and the owner stuffing his face inside... before smashing his windows open with a crowbar I carry for self defense purposes I walked into the restaurant to announce the person had ten seconds to get into his car and go before I call the police and bash in his windows... the jerk got up turned on his car and locked his keys inside (must've had a spare set) and turned on the a/c but really wtf? Its like people who drive with their dogs in the bed of the truck on a major highway or any street... Yesterday I saw some teenage kid sitting in the open bed of a pickup truck with the back door of the truck open... what were his parents thinking?

I read a story similar that irked me just the same... some congressman or senator who backed his car over and killed young daughter or grandaughter when he was backing out of his driveway and then blamed car companies for not installing backup cameras in all cars... like it wasn't his fault...

I dont understand how people can be parents or relatives of children and not be more concerned about the safety of their kids. If I had a son or daughter i'd be forcing them to wear helmets or something just to protect them from all the stress ridden idiots who forget their kids are in the car and who dont have cameras to watch the ass end of their car...

When I was a kid sure it was a different time... back then... ten years ago... no cars had backup cameras ... we didn't do curfew... and kids just didn't get left in cars... my parents were stressed to the max what with their divorce and the fighting over who gets what sofa and no you dont get the condo... not to mention one of my parents is a fall down lush I mean I'm amazed with her constant drinking she never backed over me or my brother... despite my parents worst efforts they never killed us and I've never personally known someone who killed their child unintentionally... so I have little to no sympathy for those who did ... I think they need to be held accountable for their sheer stupidity and neglect...

or am I wrong? Are they the innocent victims in todays modern stressed to the max world where its easy to forget about kids? Is it the car companies faults for not putting a backup camera in every Kia POS so people dont drive over their kids?

you smashed his car window??!! you crazy fool!!

25-Aug-2007, 06:54 PM
you smashed his car window??!! you crazy fool!!

Its illegal for any living creature to be left in a car whether windows are down or not in the heat or extreme cool... for every car window I've smashed and its not a lot... I've never had to pay the damages.

OMG someone sued Starbucks because their chews made their jaw hurt? Wow that's like suing jawbreaker for chipping a tooth or something...

26-Aug-2007, 03:11 AM
If it was up to me to make up animal laws, personally id make them ALOT stricter then what they are right now

stricter a word?

26-Aug-2007, 03:17 AM
More strict... frankly I would too...

I used to see a dog everyday... a border collie with thick as hell hair... he had a 6 foot chain that kept him tethered to his dog house where he could only sit on the hot cement driveway, go into his dog house, or eat/drink his food/water... not a single 90 or 40 degree day went by where he was allowed off his leash, taken for a walk, allowed to walk on grass... I called animal control and they were like we can't do anything because he has a roof and food and water... wtf? Why even have a dog?

A local hotel here in Charleston... the maintenance guy took the stray cats and kittens that were living on the grounds there and caged them up and threw them into the trash dumpster which was later picked up and compacted... he let them get crushed to death the bastard... when I found out I tried to call the police, animal control, the spca... nothing that can be done...

A coworker of mine took in a stray cat that wound up having kittens since she never paid to neuter it... then tried to pawn off the kittens on people and when no one took in any she drowned them... wtf?

People sicken me...

26-Aug-2007, 08:00 PM
makes you wonder who are the intelligent beings and who are the animals...

26-Aug-2007, 11:06 PM
animals seemingly can't reason ...people can... unfortunately that's our flaw... we're too often wrong and unreasonable