View Full Version : Why would teenage boys do Viagra?

25-Aug-2007, 07:27 PM
I'm just wondering... I mean virile young men dont really need it ...any thoughts?

25-Aug-2007, 07:45 PM
you never know some might have "problems"

25-Aug-2007, 07:47 PM
No its not that... i've never actually met a man with any 'problems' but I heard a brief tidbit of news saying that the new concern for parents of teenage boys is that they're doing viagra...

25-Aug-2007, 09:58 PM
maybe all the blood rushing to their member causes them to go dillusional and halluncinate.

anyone can turn anything (even something so innocent as viagra) into a hardcore drug problem.

i have yet to sample the delights of said drug however.

26-Aug-2007, 01:49 AM
well duh....it makes it better.....

Im sorry ....but isnt this just a self explanatory question...

26-Aug-2007, 01:49 AM
I knew a guy who tried it just to see how long the effects would last. I told him he was stupid.

26-Aug-2007, 01:54 AM
Well not being a pharmacist I have no idea what the effect of viagra would be beyond the natural accumption that it would uh... make sex possible when you're flaccid... not that it at all would enhance anything beyond that...

26-Aug-2007, 01:58 AM
Just look into it a bit....

If that was the only reason people take it....why the hell would it be popular for recreational use amongst women....

26-Aug-2007, 02:01 AM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second... you're saying women take it recreationally too? Nu-uh!

26-Aug-2007, 02:07 AM
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second... you're saying women take it recreationally too? Nu-uh!

Uuuhh yeah.....!......It increases blood flow to the genitals.....which increases sensitivity and pleasure.....duzaZees!

26-Aug-2007, 02:10 AM
Wow that makes sense not just because you said it but also because I was just reading an AOL article on increasing the joy you receive in the bedroom and it talked about just that ... though i'm not desperate enough to try taking it ... wow thats crazy...

26-Aug-2007, 03:03 AM
I thought it just made things more...."plump"..I know females also have a version of this pill too. I GUESS key word GUESS, if teens are going to take pills for this reason its better then exstacy

26-Aug-2007, 04:48 AM
how funny

I cant believe terran was the only one who knew why

26-Aug-2007, 06:28 AM
terran knows everything

26-Aug-2007, 06:40 AM
Blue Fairy. In the world of Orga, blue is the color of melancholy. Yet the services I provide will put a blush back on anyone's cheek. I will change the color of your fairy for you. She will scream out: 'Oh yes! Oh God! Oh, yes! Oh, God! Oh, God!' She will make you a real boy for I will make her a real woman and all will be right with the world because you held my hand and saved my brain so that once again my customers my ask for me by name: 'Gigolo Joe, what do you know?'

I have my moments

26-Aug-2007, 08:36 AM
when i was at a big get together with freinds someone got slipped a drink with a few pills in it and was in the bathroom for like 3 hours trying to make it go away, not funny then, but damn funny now.

yeah im goin'ta hell for jokes like this.:lol:

26-Aug-2007, 03:33 PM
No its not that... i've never actually met a man with any 'problems' but I heard a brief tidbit of news saying that the new concern for parents of teenage boys is that they're doing viagra...
\Every guy cant get a fully sometimes unless your a porn star and Im sure they have issues too. And why the hell would a fuy roll up to you and say
"Hey I have this embarrassing situation where I cant get a hardon sometimes?". Thats ridiculous and would NEVER happen.
A lot of guys wouldnt admit it to anyone. Some guys deny even beating off.

Viagra is like insurance. You dont have to worry about performing becasue if you got a pill in the pocket it's a sure thing.

Girls complain about a lot of guys popping off really fast (a problem Most teenage boys, and many other men, have) and it keeps you going for a really long time in that situaution

It is totally elementary.

28-Aug-2007, 01:52 AM
I am not ashamed to admit that if given the choice to take this recreationally for thrills I would certainly go for it. Why the hell not if it's side effects are a blue tinted view of the world and maybe the chance to have sex with my wife for three hours straight.

Stupid teenagers will huff gasoline, drink cough syrup or would even snort old kitty litter if they think it will get them off, so it's really no wonder that they would try this.

28-Aug-2007, 01:54 AM
who would intentionally snort old kitty litter and how much will they pay me for it?

Yojimbo... buy horny goat weed... it sounds madeup but its like the all natural solution ... for real its like 4 bucks and might not kill ya... live today die tommorow man

28-Aug-2007, 02:59 AM
buy horny goat weed... it sounds madeup but its like the all natural solution ..
Doesnt work except for a placebo effect possibly. Take it from someone who actually has a penis. Now Viagra, thats money in the bank. Though I rad that it can screw up your peripheral vision. For how long, I am not sure. What a wierd side effect.

28-Aug-2007, 03:00 AM
Doesnt work except for a placebo effect possibly. Take it from someone who actually has a penis. Now Viagra, thats money in the bank. Though I rad that it can screw up your peripheral vision. For how long, I am not sure. What a wierd side effect.

I got the info on horny goat weed from a man with a penis thankyouverymuch!

28-Aug-2007, 04:07 AM
I got the info on horny goat weed from a man with a penis thankyouverymuch!

Well, if you believe everything you hear from a guy with a penis...


28-Aug-2007, 09:03 PM
Hey I'm just the middle person passing on information i'm not condoning it and i'm not forcing it... i'm just making a suggestion trying to do my part to help out my fellow people... :D

29-Aug-2007, 08:29 PM
\Every guy cant get a fully sometimes unless your a porn star and Im sure they have issues too.

dude, that might be a personal problem, cus speaking from experience ive yet to have a problem, just sayin':o

29-Aug-2007, 11:27 PM
maybe you're malfunctioning coma... I know there's a certain amount of time a man might need between sessions but still... see a doctor or try the goat weed dude

30-Aug-2007, 02:01 AM
dude, that might be a personal problem, cus speaking from experience ive yet to have a problem, just sayin':o
Dude, in the 20 years more than you that I've been f**king I have had more opportunities to succeed and fail. Thats just a goofy comment. I probably got laid more by the time I was 19 than you will by 30.
and beating off doesnt count

30-Aug-2007, 02:04 AM
now now gentlemen.

30-Aug-2007, 02:05 AM
maybe you're malfunctioning coma... I know there's a certain amount of time a man might need between sessions but still... see a doctor or try the goat weed dude
It is more the idea to go for hours whenever you want. and dont be retarded. You're reading too much into a post. I know you think you know everything, but you dont

That goat weed is supposed to be more of an aphrodisiac than a boner pill.

30-Aug-2007, 02:13 AM
dude, that might be a personal problem, cus speaking from experience ive yet to have a problem, just sayin':o

SNAP! Thats cold.

maybe you're malfunctioning coma... I know there's a certain amount of time a man might need between sessions but still... see a doctor or try the goat weed dude

Miss Jackson, I heard that goat weed is not for real. Not that I know from first hand experience, mind you.

People, people, people, a little sensitivity please, especially when making comments that can be interpreted -- rightly or wrongly --as a shot against a guy's manhood.

No one is exactly the same, and there will be times in every dude's life when the equipment might not work on demand. EVEN those of you who think that it will never happen to you. Stress can take it's toll, drugs or alcohol and sometimes make things difficult, and sometimes it just might not work just because it happens to be your unlucky day. AND, fact of life, body chemistry changes as you get older too. Women, for instance, apparently have less of a sex drive in their teens than they do in their 30s, whereas teen boys cannot control their hormones or staying power, but guys in their 30s might be able to go for hours or might not be able to function on demand as quickly as they might have been able to do in their 20s or for no reason at all as they did in their teens.

30-Aug-2007, 02:25 AM
SNAP! Thats cold.

Miss Jackson, I heard that goat weed is not for real. Not that I know from first hand experience, mind you.

People, people, people, a little sensitivity please, especially when making comments that can be interpreted -- rightly or wrongly --as a shot against a guy's manhood.

No one is exactly the same, and there will be times in every dude's life when the equipment might not work on demand. EVEN those of you who think that it will never happen to you. Stress can take it's toll, drugs or alcohol and sometimes make things difficult, and sometimes it just might not work just because it happens to be your unlucky day. AND, fact of life, body chemistry changes as you get older too. Women, for instance, apparently have less of a sex drive in their teens than they do in their 30s, whereas teen boys cannot control their hormones or staying power, but guys in their 30s might be able to go for hours or might not be able to function on demand as quickly as they might have been able to do in their 20s or for no reason at all as they did in their teens.
Thank you for being an adult and obviously you have actually used your penis:p. Some people cant handle a frank sexual discussion

30-Aug-2007, 02:45 AM
my god
this thing is still going on?

do you people ever go out?
they sell viagra at every club, rave or party
along with X, coke and every other drug
it is as common as budwieser at clubs

the real rage they sell is a small vial of
embalming fluid
that stuff puts viagra in the same category as tic tacs
and it works likes x as well and it lasts for almost 2 days

god people get out of the house
and have some illegal fun

is terran the only one who knows about these things?

30-Aug-2007, 06:52 AM
i'm 19 and sometimes i can't get it up, or it isn't at 100%...hasn't happened much but to say that it is a personal problem of comas is kinda mute. as said before, every guy will have problems with it (some earlier some later) but no one ever has 100% chance of popping full throbbing boners every time they get a sexual urge. Hence Viagra. It adds a huge level of confidence to a guy who is afraid they may have erection troubles, and as mentioned before, is just friggin awesome.

i've never used it btw, but if i were ever in a sexual rut i would definitley pop those little blue assholes.

30-Aug-2007, 03:24 PM
the real rage they sell is a small vial of
embalming fluid
that stuff puts viagra in the same category as tic tacs
and it works likes x as well and it lasts for almost 2 days

Dude, embalming fluid? Are you serious? I've heard of people dipping certain kinds of cigarettes in it and getting high off of the toxin, but for a Viagra kind of effect...hell, I do not know about that.

But admittedly I'm married and a little out of touch with the crazy life so being rather unhip I'm sure there is plenty I know not.

30-Aug-2007, 06:03 PM
ive heard of kids "smoking" embalming fluid, dont know the effect but I wouldnt do it

30-Aug-2007, 06:08 PM
do you all mean pcp by any chance? it's a slang term for pcp.

30-Aug-2007, 06:11 PM
do you all mean pcp by any chance? it's a slang term for pcp.
people sometimes use it interchangably but it's not the same.

30-Aug-2007, 07:38 PM
my god
this thing is still going on?

do you people ever go out?
they sell viagra at every club, rave or party
along with X, coke and every other drug
it is as common as budwieser at clubs

the real rage they sell is a small vial of
embalming fluid
that stuff puts viagra in the same category as tic tacs
and it works likes x as well and it lasts for almost 2 days

god people get out of the house
and have some illegal fun

is terran the only one who knows about these things?

Where the heck do they get embalming fluid? Terran would know! I just can't conceive of the sheer stupidity of doing anything with embalming fluid beyond embalming a person... wtf? Who smokes that?

30-Aug-2007, 08:18 PM
I have to admit I was not entirely sure about this because I was never too interested in PCP so I never looked that far into it.....
but I did a little looking around now and this is what seems to be occuring with this PCP/"Embalming Fluid" thing.....

sections within this responce are cut'npasted from other's writing I kindof compliled a lot of information into one responce. I put this disclaimer to note that there are sections here not from my own writing
The "embalming fluid" that mortician's use is generally diluted formaldehyde. So PCP is not embalming fluid. There is no PCP in embalming fluid. PCP cannot be derived from embalming fluid. Formaldehyde and PCP are not chemically related. There is little reason to believe that formaldehyde would produce any pleasant or desireable effects when smoked.

"Embalming fluid" as far as I can figure out is an old slang term for PCP, otherwise known as phencyclidine.

The confusion appears to come simply because somewhere along the line PCP picked up the slang name "embalming fluid". Since the confusion began, it is entirely possible, even likely, that some people have smoked formaldehyde soaked cannabis or tobacco, thinking they were getting the same "Embalming Fluid" (PCP) that they had smoked before.

It appears that people are confusing this with real embalming fluid and placing it on their drugs (Weed Ciggerettes Pills). And if you look into it it is a ridiculously retarded idea.....
Even if it did increase the psychoactivity (which so far I cant find any reliable information on), formaldehyde (the most common embalming fluid) is quite reactive and completely toxic. Formaldehyde is a suspected carcinogen linked to nasal and lung cancer, and with possible links to brain cancer and leukemia and should not be smoked. Smelling it can cause nausea and vomitting. Injestion can cause headache, nausea, vomitting, liver damage, etc. It seems kindof silly to ingest any such toxic substance, including placing it onto a plant matter you intend to smoke when it doesnt even appear to intensify any of the desired effects....

30-Aug-2007, 08:22 PM
people sometimes use it interchangably but it's not the same.

PCP (angel dust) was big among the homeboys in my old neighborhood, but that was a liquid tranquilizer, sometimes the form which could be stolen from a vetenarian clinic. They would dip cigarrettes into these, sometimes Shermans, and would call this "Sherms" or "Coolies"

This, I do know, is different from embalming fluid which the homeboys also used to get high on by dipping joints and they refer to that as "Wet" or dipped. The homies and real hard up folks often steal this from funeral homes (As a funeral director, I have received queries from the local PD when they catch someone with stolen bottles of this noxious stuff. ) but this can also be purchased from science supply shops as it is the pretty much the same fluid that they preserve frogs and fetal pigs in for dissection. If you have ever dissected a frog in high school biology, you probably would recognize the smell. It is also very similar chemically to alcohol (forget which scientific name, but I mean the drinkable one) and it is said that serious alcoholics have been known to drink this along with listerine. (Bela Lugosi was said to have cut his cocktails with it!)

These same cholos from my neighborhood who do wet and pcp also get high on huffing paint, glue and gasoline fumes and also do smack, so they aren't all too concerned about losing brain cells by smoking formaldahyde, which seems gnarly as far as I am concerned since formaldahyde has got to be one of the most unpleasant chemical smells ever!

Why would anyone go through all that trouble and risk when pot is all but legal in California, and fairly easy to get is beyond me, but I digress.

The effects of both (Formaldahyde & PCP) are marginally similar from what the homies say, but I never heard that this could be used for erectile dysfunction or prolonging sex in any way. Not saying that it won't work, mind you (who knows?) but just that I have never heard of it.

Chic Freak
30-Aug-2007, 10:57 PM
Now Viagra, thats money in the bank. Though I rad that it can screw up your peripheral vision. For how long, I am not sure. What a wierd side effect.

Maybe so it's so you don't get distracted from all the sexing :P

31-Aug-2007, 04:03 AM
Maybe so it's so you don't get distracted from all the sexing :P
Like horse blinders:)