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30-Aug-2007, 02:03 AM
tell me what you think:

Outside parimiter has 3 layers of fences, outer fence has high voltage, second fence is barbed wire and third fence is a solid steel wall with 15 foot iron fence.

Inside is 8 buildings of housing for up to 200 people. Greenhouses are placed in diffrent areas for food. Weapons are kept in storage rooms in the housing buildings. A supply of reinforced veichles and/or helicopters used for outside transportation.

There would also be severalt towers in the area patroling for any people trying to get in. Indoor Zombies would be exterminated using creamatoriums to burn the bodies.

30-Aug-2007, 02:45 AM
you forgot the moat.;)

30-Aug-2007, 07:17 AM
or just dig a deep pit around the outer walls, replace high volateg as it would suck up power and prolly not kill the zombie, and replace it with a smaller conrete wall...

have mine feilds all over the grounds (marked of course) with dead falls and other nasty traps.

and a super saiyen nearby would also rock the cazbah.

30-Aug-2007, 05:58 PM
Or build it on a moutain with the only access by helicopter.

30-Aug-2007, 10:04 PM
Also the 8 buildings should be placed in formations of four in a "circle". Each house should have it's exit/entrance facing no other open entrance. So in each formation of four houses have one that faces south, one north, one east and one west. That way, people will not run out into each other incase of a panic.

major jay
30-Aug-2007, 10:21 PM
The cellar is the safest place.

darth los
30-Aug-2007, 10:23 PM
tell me what you think:

Outside parimiter has 3 layers of fences, outer fence has high voltage, second fence is barbed wire and third fence is a solid steel wall with 15 foot iron fence.

Inside is 8 buildings of housing for up to 200 people. Greenhouses are placed in diffrent areas for food. Weapons are kept in storage rooms in the housing buildings. A supply of reinforced veichles and/or helicopters used for outside transportation.

There would also be severalt towers in the area patroling for any people trying to get in. Indoor Zombies would be exterminated using creamatoriums to burn the bodies.

I think the idea of having so many people in one place is only begging for trouble. It's only a matter of time before internal stryfe would ruin that place. If gar's movies have taught me anything it's that the less people there are the better. I think riley had it right where he wanted to find a place where there were no people. ( did i just say something good about land!?!) :stunned:

30-Aug-2007, 11:14 PM
the cellar is the un safest place

30-Aug-2007, 11:44 PM
Or build it on a moutain with the only access by helicopter.

But what if Flyboy gets killed?

31-Aug-2007, 12:00 AM
thats why you always teach fran to fly!

31-Aug-2007, 12:23 AM
The cellar is the safest place.

"the cellar's a deathtrap!":mad:

31-Aug-2007, 02:30 AM
the cellar is the un safest place

Unless its a bunker. Ever see that movie "Blast from the Past" with Christopher Walken?

31-Aug-2007, 04:15 AM
The cellar is the safest place.
You're Boss down there , I'm Boss up here.

31-Aug-2007, 07:28 AM
i still enjoy my idea...and the circle thing.

if you have the resources i'd try and emulate the defense of ancient carthage, cept with more guns and crap. and land mines.

may not kill em but would give plenty of warning, and would slow em down even more.

31-Aug-2007, 08:03 AM
you forgot the moat.;)


Um... silly question... how are you getting your power and how will you be building said metropolis? Technically there's no such thing as a perfect zombie metropolis because you'd have to build it after zombies begin to attack everyone and good luck with that... of course it is fun to dream...

Why 200 people? Why not 20 or 500? How would you keep them in line? Are they all hippies and pro co op? How do you select who's going to stay there? Are there plans for an underground tunneling project? What major city would it be closest to? What livestock will be in there? Where will you get the seeds from to grow food? Will there be a Chinese take-away because thats an essential IMHO? Are you going to grow grapes to make wine and hops for beer? Maybe tobacco for smokers? Will there be a jail? Who's the mayor?

Jussssssssssssssssssssst wondering...

03-Sep-2007, 11:09 PM
Sixteen foot deep square hole with a razor wire bed in place and a 36 foot high wall is put in place, starting at the base of the hole to prevent digging through the ground and invading in a groundhog style. Concrete is poured on the ground just in case they dig down deeper and go under the wall and into our homes or into the streets. We would use a office building of some kind of a large size to create apartments. On the roofs of each building would be many greenhouses for vegetation. If someone wanted into the city, we'd set up a kind of arch that someone shimmy's up. There would be a fence around the shimmy pole so if you slip, you don't fall in the pit of corpses. Every day there would be searches for survivors, once a week food raids in the sotres and such.

I was made for zombie survival. Out of my family, I think I would last the longest despite my age.

04-Sep-2007, 01:29 AM
Cute idea but what happens when you and every other raider has stripped the local stores bare? And most office buildings typically have a tremendous number of windows on the main levels... that's a security problem no?

Its fun to believe you could plant vegetation to live off of on the roof top of a building but entirely unrealalistic (about as far off as zombies walking the Earth) because most office buildings dont take up enough width and more and more buildings are being built with skylights to be greener. Not to mention the never ending chore of building the perspective greenhouse.

On a seperate note...

The Walking Dead made a great suggestion... they went into a gated housing development which I think was chained off to prevent people from going in there because as the sign said 'dead inside' or something like that... but when you take into consideration some developments they're actually a tremendously defenseable fortress...

for instance... in Tyler there's a grouping of homes which are barricaded together with a nearly 16 foot high brick/stucco fence and the number of homes within the walls is about maybe 100 at most... its a very tightly knit exclusive home place... and on the premises they have pool, spa, tennis courts... great for entertainment and staying in shape... and it prolly wouldn't be too hard to knock off any problematic survivors within the walls

there's a similar eden in California... a grouping of ultra exclusive apartments that has everything you could hope for including a private boat dock area and market...

but with either place there's lots of green spaces that you could use to grow food and the like... and if you're wise and dont use any exterior homes and avoid being heard or seen by living survivors and the dead alike... it could work out well...

04-Sep-2007, 06:23 AM
the best defense is to get a group of adeptus astartes to defend you.

04-Sep-2007, 12:29 PM
Even better find a oasis in the sahara, build a serious of trip wires for alert of anyone coming near your settle ment about a amile in each direction of it, secound line of of pits, mines and genrally loud traps for a secound alert system. Use sand stoone to build a 15-20ft high wall with walkways crossing the top for guard duty, and a moat say aboat 8 ft deep around it. Scouts travelling around the area no more then 6 miles in groups of three. Inside the compound no more then 50 people, a good mix of male and female. a workout camp, things like rowing machines and bikes that all connect to a generator. All people are required to spend a couple of hours a day on each of these. Also a wind generator and solar generator. Good seed stock so you could have many vegetables. A few rifles for those scouting and those on guard duty. No more then a thousand rounds of ammunition. and plenty of hand scythes, machettes, etc... a few cows for milk only and chickens for eggs. The meat would only be consumed in a emergency. and good growth of majiuana. Single TV and dvd player. A library full of technical manuals and science journals and if possible a librarty of ficyion.

04-Sep-2007, 01:19 PM
Even better find a oasis in the sahara, build a serious of trip wires for alert of anyone coming near your settle ment about a amile in each direction of it, secound line of of pits, mines and genrally loud traps for a secound alert system. Use sand stoone to build a 15-20ft high wall with walkways crossing the top for guard duty, and a moat say aboat 8 ft deep around it. Scouts travelling around the area no more then 6 miles in groups of three. Inside the compound no more then 50 people, a good mix of male and female. a workout camp, things like rowing machines and bikes that all connect to a generator. All people are required to spend a couple of hours a day on each of these. Also a wind generator and solar generator. Good seed stock so you could have many vegetables. A few rifles for those scouting and those on guard duty. No more then a thousand rounds of ammunition. and plenty of hand scythes, machettes, etc... a few cows for milk only and chickens for eggs. The meat would only be consumed in a emergency. and good growth of majiuana. Single TV and dvd player. A library full of technical manuals and science journals and if possible a librarty of ficyion.

Don't forget a good supply of vitamins and supplements, to make up for not eating meat. Only a few rifles? Wouldn't it be better to have more weapons just in case? You could always been an armory and tightly control access.

04-Sep-2007, 07:54 PM
Cute idea? Like I previously said, large pit for them, wall that ascends past the hole and about 20 feet above the hole itself. The undead couldn't get in and would just fall in and stay put. How's about this for a redesign...

10 acre radius in farming area, dig a hole that surrounds the farmland about 16 ft deep and about 10 ft wide. Coat the walls and floor of the hole with concrete to prevent burrowing out, then after coating the grounds your farmland will be on with new dirt and such, you will be much higher up than the zombies can reach. Create a form of gate that would drop down for survivors so they may enter. This gate would lift, and drop and would retract via chains. Then build a tower of sorts from the woodlands nearby and create a civilization. Build a large greenhouse on the main grounds and a greenhouse on the tower top.

04-Sep-2007, 08:02 PM
Yeah... cute idea... but what are your means of transportation? You need to give yourself alternatives to typical land travel... by being on river you'd be able to water your crops and yourselves

All this is very subjective mind you because at what point of a zombie attack/outbreak are we? Is this the beginning? Have any major cities been taken over yet? Is the local news showing whats going on or is it so big its world news now? And how many people are helping you? Most people run from problems so you may be left high and dry save for your family and few friends...

04-Sep-2007, 08:35 PM
If it's a Romero situation, I'm going to be at either a Wal-Mart or I'm going to make me a shelter. I'm lucky, there aren't many people in my town and we're 30-40 minutes driving distance from any civilization. I'll be setting up shop and taking out any and every zombie with my uncles. I have 3 12 gauges, a 22 pistol, and 4 rifles, 3 with scopes. Also luckily for myself, there's a gun store up the road. I've got a big truck and a plow for it. This would be fun...

I'd rescue any and all friends, if they're infected, I feels bad.

04-Sep-2007, 09:07 PM
some of you guys should be military base / prison designers :/

04-Sep-2007, 10:17 PM
The ultimate hideout*:


*Kids not included.

04-Sep-2007, 10:29 PM
lol... kids not included...

Technically i'm not so sure if being in the middle of nowhere gives you much of an advantage over those who are within the cities because as we all saw in NOTLD and again in Dawn city folk are likely going to leave the city and head for the hills (hence the expression) once things go awry within their safety zone. You would have an advantage over the city slickers however because you'd know your way around town and could possibly get to any desirable locations first but* they may well get there first because bad things tend to happen in major metro areas and then branch out... however if it starts in the country then you'd have the upper hand...

04-Sep-2007, 11:47 PM
if the kids were included they would make great zombie bait. Afterall, whats more important, a dumb kid screaming for chocolate or a mammoth killing machine he jesus (me)?

i'd be the perfect zombie shelter, i would just kill everything that came near me duh.
and feed them children.

major jay
05-Sep-2007, 12:01 AM
The ultimate hideout*:


*Kids not included.

How about wood under the sink?

05-Sep-2007, 12:17 AM
LMAO I love it

05-Sep-2007, 02:44 AM
The ultimate hideout*:


*Kids not included.

It's even got a gas pump!!

major jay
05-Sep-2007, 09:19 PM
The ultimate hideout*:


*Kids not included.

It's even got a gas pump!!

Ha,ha.. so it does.

Hey moms and dads get you're little ghouls the new Zombie Action Playhouse. Playhouse comes with a makeup kit and a large supply of entrail shaped, gummi bear style, candies.

05-Sep-2007, 09:48 PM
The only problem would be possible disease contraction. That's why after the place is barricaded in and the zombies in the hospital are killed. My group would start on massive clean up. Everything needs to be scrubbed down and such. A hospital offers good protection, few windows on the main floor, thick doors, and lots of rooms to hide/live in.

Anti Corpse Fort

A wooden/cement based fort. A hole is dug around where I want the base to be set up and large logs are placed into the holes and are cemented in place. Towers with wooden pull up ladders and walkways to the roof of the main sanctuary are made if worst case scenario happens to come to pass. The walls would be about 20 feet high and made from the toughest wood. A greenhouse is put on the roof of the sanctuary and outside of it to grow many fruits and veggies. There would be a section that is created so the fort wouldn't be perfectly square, this section is for live stock. Who says I'm going to a vegetarian diet? Anyways, It'd be 3 acres by 3 acres.

05-Sep-2007, 09:49 PM
if you study it, it looks like a school house and gas station too, also possibly an ATM

06-Sep-2007, 01:55 AM
The only problem would be possible disease contraction. That's why after the place is barricaded in and the zombies in the hospital are killed. My group would start on massive clean up. Everything needs to be scrubbed down and such. A hospital offers good protection, few windows on the main floor, thick doors, and lots of rooms to hide/live in.

Anti Corpse Fort

A wooden/cement based fort. A hole is dug around where I want the base to be set up and large logs are placed into the holes and are cemented in place. Towers with wooden pull up ladders and walkways to the roof of the main sanctuary are made if worst case scenario happens to come to pass. The walls would be about 20 feet high and made from the toughest wood. A greenhouse is put on the roof of the sanctuary and outside of it to grow many fruits and veggies. There would be a section that is created so the fort wouldn't be perfectly square, this section is for live stock. Who says I'm going to a vegetarian diet? Anyways, It'd be 3 acres by 3 acres.

Nah, Hospital would be the worst place to be anywhere near the beginning of an outbreak. All the infected people would go there. It would be a slaughter house. And after a while it would be too pointless and too dangerous to even go near, much less clean out.

06-Sep-2007, 12:52 PM
Don't forget a good supply of vitamins and supplements, to make up for not eating meat. Only a few rifles? Wouldn't it be better to have more weapons just in case? You could always been an armory and tightly control access.

Suppliment of vitamins is a good idea. The reason for a shortage of rounds is that it stops the temptaion for over use, also they will only be used in emergencies due to the high noise value of such things would attract more attention then ness. If I have a large amount of ammo and weapons in controlled amounts it would make people want to dissent as they would want the right to self protection and would lose the idea of protection of the group.

Yeah... cute idea... but what are your means of transportation? You need to give yourself alternatives to typical land travel... by being on river you'd be able to water your crops and yourselves

All this is very subjective mind you because at what point of a zombie attack/outbreak are we? Is this the beginning? Have any major cities been taken over yet? Is the local news showing whats going on or is it so big its world news now? And how many people are helping you? Most people run from problems so you may be left high and dry save for your family and few friends...

Proper irrigation systems, also the fact that you are on an oasis would supply you with plenty of water for a few years atleast, as well as ways of collecting and storing the rain water (rare but when it happens it floods) and a system to clean the water. Transportation would be a couple of fueled busses as an escape route if ness so that most of the group could escape. and a few electric buggies for the scouts so they dont have to traverse to far on foot, and could aid escape attempts if ness. Water idea is great, you could raid villages etc... but you would have to limit the number of survivors and illness could dibilitate the crew quickly. Also raiders, pirates would have an easy time dispatching an inexperianced crew.

A small community of 50 or so would be best that would take into account most of my family and friends and it would have to be early on in the outbreak to be able to get hold of the supplies needed reletively easily. People that try to run out would have to be dealt with harshly, cant have a random running around with knowledge of where the fort is as dont need raiders getting a idea of the location. Iron fist rule I guess.

06-Sep-2007, 01:22 PM
The ultimate hideout*:


*Kids not included.

How they didnt have a gag about them in shaun of the dead i dont know, cus it seems every street has at least one of them in a garden, yet when your a kid they dont really appeal as anything other than privacy to draw swear words on the inner walls in peace, as kids do.;):lol:

06-Sep-2007, 01:31 PM
Suppliment of vitamins is a good idea. The reason for a shortage of rounds is that it stops the temptaion for over use, also they will only be used in emergencies due to the high noise value of such things would attract more attention then ness. If I have a large amount of ammo and weapons in controlled amounts it would make people want to dissent as they would want the right to self protection and would lose the idea of protection of the group.

Proper irrigation systems, also the fact that you are on an oasis would supply you with plenty of water for a few years atleast, as well as ways of collecting and storing the rain water (rare but when it happens it floods) and a system to clean the water. Transportation would be a couple of fueled busses as an escape route if ness so that most of the group could escape. and a few electric buggies for the scouts so they dont have to traverse to far on foot, and could aid escape attempts if ness. Water idea is great, you could raid villages etc... but you would have to limit the number of survivors and illness could dibilitate the crew quickly. Also raiders, pirates would have an easy time dispatching an inexperianced crew.

A small community of 50 or so would be best that would take into account most of my family and friends and it would have to be early on in the outbreak to be able to get hold of the supplies needed reletively easily. People that try to run out would have to be dealt with harshly, cant have a random running around with knowledge of where the fort is as dont need raiders getting a idea of the location. Iron fist rule I guess.

Sounds like a good set up, but do to circumstances I think it would be difficult to get everything you need....including personnel with the right work mentality. I think world of the place would spread after a while, and it might turn into the seige-situation that's portrayed in Mad Max/The Road Warrior.

06-Sep-2007, 01:54 PM
Sounds like a good set up, but do to circumstances I think it would be difficult to get everything you need....including personnel with the right work mentality. I think world of the place would spread after a while, and it might turn into the seige-situation that's portrayed in Mad Max/The Road Warrior.

I have little faith in humanity, also I believe that everyone would have there own point of view on how to best survive. so there are risks of work ethics etc... but saying that there is just as much chance that people will all fall into line. also thats why no one should be able to leave (a ness evil) and there would be no radios or radio contact. Silence would have to be maintained on the compound and surroundings with nothing above a normal talking level. noise to as great a degree as possible would have to be kept in specially soundproofed areas. difficult but possible.

06-Sep-2007, 07:05 PM
I have little faith in humanity, also I believe that everyone would have there own point of view on how to best survive. so there are risks of work ethics etc... but saying that there is just as much chance that people will all fall into line. also thats why no one should be able to leave (a ness evil) and there would be no radios or radio contact. Silence would have to be maintained on the compound and surroundings with nothing above a normal talking level. noise to as great a degree as possible would have to be kept in specially soundproofed areas. difficult but possible.

I'll have to see it to believe it, I'll head in your direction when things start going to hell.

06-Sep-2007, 10:48 PM
I'd still try my hand at the big wood/concrete anticorpse fort. I'll have to build a diorama or something of it. Gets me some dried out sticks and stuff and go to town. I think the concrete/wood would hold up well. For extra insurance however, I'd put in a type of disk at the end of a pole. Put the disk part down into the hole and bury it, leaving the pipe exposed about 6 inches up. I think I'd survive a long time, long enough to see a helicopter pick me up or a jet pass by for a air strike. All I know is that if the zombie thing was going on, I'd build a bomb shelter beneath the surface.

07-Sep-2007, 03:40 AM
The problem with any subterranean shelter is that its not so easy to escape that and your escape abilities are easily foiled (see Undead and NOTLD) ... sure maybe you have some kind of periscope but it could easily be obliterated and then you'd be sailing blind basically... underground shelters are caskets in disguise

07-Sep-2007, 08:41 AM
I'd still try my hand at the big wood/concrete anticorpse fort. I'll have to build a diorama or something of it. Gets me some dried out sticks and stuff and go to town. I think the concrete/wood would hold up well. For extra insurance however, I'd put in a type of disk at the end of a pole. Put the disk part down into the hole and bury it, leaving the pipe exposed about 6 inches up. I think I'd survive a long time, long enough to see a helicopter pick me up or a jet pass by for a air strike. All I know is that if the zombie thing was going on, I'd build a bomb shelter beneath the surface.

But where would the plane/coptor take you. In this kind of situation I think the requirement would have to be self sustaining tribe. Small in number and well nurished, healthy of mind and body. Constant training and entertainment and social structure.

I'll have to see it to believe it, I'll head in your direction when things start going to hell.

:-) you would be more then welcome, If you are willing to work hard and make things work. I rule with an iron fist. Personnally I hope this never happens. I wouldn't want to see myself in rulership, its tyrannical and I quite like society the way it is going as a whole.

08-Sep-2007, 02:38 PM
I'd have no real rules except these.

1) If you can't shoot, you're farming
2) Freedom of Speech is somewhat restricted because I don't want to hear hate speeches or complaining about the size of the room you get. Larger families need the larger rooms.
3) Stealing food from someone or from the greenhouse means you're going to be getting the pit treatment.

The pit treatment is when we throw you under the fence and into a small tunnel and block it off for three days time. There's a grate that runs along the tunnel that's pretty sturdy and cannot be ripped out. You'll be seeing alot of dead people for three days, you'll be smelling things you wish you didn't have to, see things no man should.

09-Sep-2007, 12:46 AM
Call me a little crazy but isn't seeing the dead walk and eat the flesh of the living seeing something no man should have to?

09-Sep-2007, 03:41 AM
You have a point, but this would scare someone ****less, wouldn't you agree? I mean...seeing one face to face, inches from you...it gets under your skin.

09-Sep-2007, 11:37 PM
To be perfectly honest I can't really say that it would bother me too much... its actual people and their malevolent ways that would frighten me more. Beyond simple tasks zombies just aren't that cunning and therefore less scary. And in a zombie world i'd be more concerned about fellow survivors...


What better for a zombie survival hideout than a ring around your camp of zombies? It's like filling your moat with crocodiles in order for someone to enter who doesn't belong there they'd likely have to knock off a few zombies and thus you'd hear and/or see them coming!

10-Sep-2007, 04:51 AM
3) Stealing food from someone or from the greenhouse means you're going to be getting the pit treatment.

The pit treatment is when we throw you under the fence and into a small tunnel and block it off for three days time. There's a grate that runs along the tunnel that's pretty sturdy and cannot be ripped out. You'll be seeing alot of dead people for three days, you'll be smelling things you wish you didn't have to, see things no man should.

Ummmm. . . screw that. I'm sure your hideout is nice and all, But I think I'll take my chances somewhere else. :moon:

19-Sep-2007, 01:51 AM
Wish I had joined last week, when this was fresh.

I keep seeing all these "build a fortress" deals. Well, HOW are you going to do that? Yank some hollow interior doors out of a mobile home? Absolutely no.

If you want to go the "fortress" route, you need to take yourself to Home Depot or Lowe's. There, you find everything you need: lumber, steel, concrete, every power tool known to mankind, generators, you name it. If you don't have a fortress, you build one...and you build one where everything you need is already on-site.

19-Sep-2007, 01:57 AM
good point. I'll build my fortress around a Home Depot. They even sell those mini Zombie fortresses we have seen the pictures for. Ahhh. . closure. :D

20-Sep-2007, 11:35 PM
Yeah but if you build a fortress around Home Depot it's may be virtually indestructible but uh... few problems... it will be hot in there and you will need electricity... you will need plumbing... you will need a method of transportation and judging by where most Home Depot/Lowes are you'll have to make your way through a mob of ghouls... and you're going to need a place to grow food and raise livestock and well... a rooftop is only good for so much and its only good enough for people who know how to cultivate it and turn it into a field...

just a thought...

21-Sep-2007, 12:00 AM
Electricity is no problem. You have dozens of generator, which run on gasoline. The parking lot in the plaza is a goldmine of gasoline; literally thousands of gallons, sitting in the abandoned vehicles.

Food is no problem, either. Every one of these places is in a plaza; they aren't alone. You can usually throw a football from the Home Depot...to a supermarket. Thousands of cans of soup, tuna, beef stew...you name it. Enough non-refrigerated food to feed dozens of people for years on end.

At least, that's how the ones in my area are set up. At my local Lowe's, there is not only a Publix supermarket, but a Wal-Mart. All within a hundred-yard radius.

21-Sep-2007, 12:17 AM
At least, that's how the ones in my area are set up. At my local Lowe's, there is not only a Publix supermarket, but a Wal-Mart. All within a hundred-yard radius.

I live in an area with a similar set up with a grocery store and a car dealership across the street from the Home Depot. I can just imagine the chaos as hundreds of people have the same idea at once.

Amusingly enough for right now my own home (if food was procured) would be ideal for quite some time. We just bought a fixer upper house so I've got loads of lumber, bricks, cement, tools, etc... That and I finally moved out of the city, thank God.

21-Sep-2007, 12:27 AM
Yeah but are you taking into consideration that lowes and the like are located in highly populated parts of town and thus overflowing with zombies? Its not like you can grab a lowes flat bed and hop over when ever you need something...

21-Sep-2007, 12:34 AM
I think we're all operating under the assumption that we'd be "digging in" very early in the...whatever it is..."outbreak?"... "crisis?"...at any rate, while there are still very few walkers, and it's still mostly panicking "live ones".

The key is to get things squared away from the outset; if we're talking about going anywhere, or doing any kind of "finding shelter" after the deadhead takeover is in full swing, then we're all SOL. There would be no way.

21-Sep-2007, 12:42 AM
Yeah but how are you more informed than the rest of the population? Every day i'm amazed at how many people are at any given place during the day aside from the people who work there... are they out of work? Out of school? Pretending to be disabled? Wtf? And take into consideration what happens just when **** begins to hit the fan... looters etc... they all will begin to strike, homes, individuals, businesses... you wouldn't be the first person with a bright idea y'know?

21-Sep-2007, 01:19 AM
That's true. That's another reason why I'd choose the Home Depot/Lowe's route:

You see, people are usually greedy and stupid. You'll have looters, and people running down the streets with DVD players in their arms. What will they be raiding? For the most part, worthless places, like Best Buy or Circuit City. Jewlry stores, and so forth. In their infinite stupidity, most looters (we see them every time there's some kind of riot) go for things they think are "valuable".

Now, not too many are going to try to rob Lowe's. The only thing a place like that carries, are work supplies. The average looter is a lazy, stupid person who avoids anything "work"-related like the plague. Therefore, they'll have little interest. Especially when there's a jeweler, and an electronics superstore in the same plaza. Places like work supply stores and bookstores will be all but ignored.

The closest they will come, is to raid the supermarkets. Even then, I believe they'd only get around to that when they get hungry. And by then, they'll have been eaten, anyhow.

Plus, the looters won't be as thick as you may imagine. The mass majority will just have headless chicken syndrome. Those will be the "individuals" that the looter-types go after. But, the looters will be vastly outnumbered.

21-Sep-2007, 01:37 AM
:rolleyes: it's difficult to convey sarcasm on here. ;)

21-Sep-2007, 05:05 PM
People are still going to loot home depot in mobs... once the police and news programs begin to warn people to stay indoors and lock their windows the NRA advocates of the world and 'fortifiers' are going to begin stockpiling things to defend their homestead from attack... And those are actually the people to concern most about because they're the type with a small arsenal of weapons at home and with the ability to use them well... and they're going to be grouping in large numbers together when they loot the stores... loot or possibly even pay for it but whatever the situation dictates they will be there...

21-Sep-2007, 08:34 PM
It's nice to say that you are going to take over a Trader Joes, or a Target Super Store, but in reality practically everyone is going to be killing each other over that space. Zombies (or a flood, or aftershocks from the big one) are going to be the least of your worries.

And bear in mind that when it all comes down that it is not just going to be criminal types, or gang members, or dudes wearing black hats that are going to be looting and killing others for food and supplies and Plasma Screen Digital Televisions. People are going to be looting and killing for their own survival and the survival of their families. Just think about how far you would go to ensure your own loved ones' survival! Wouldn't you shoot someone over a pallet of canned goods if your grandmother or your child was starving? And even if you say you wouldn't, can you predict what your neighbors would do if faced with a similar situation?

It's not going to be Dawn of the Dead 1978 where you will come across an intact, fully stocked shopping mall, just waiting like a virgin on her wedding bed just waiting pristine and untouched for you to come along and violate. Come now, how realistic is that? I love GAR's DOTD just like all of you, but it takes quite a bit of suspending disbelief to swallow that scenario.

I think it would be better to head for the mountains and find a nice isolated cabin. Or even better yet, buy a nice isolated cabin right now before the dead start rising (or we have an earthquake, or riot, or the Lakers win the championship) stock that cabin with supplies-- food, medicine, fuel, map out a number of routes to get up there as quickly as possible, and bone up on vital knowledge (farming, food prep, hunting, fishing, medical) Maybe the survivalist movement of the 70's and 80's wasn't as crazy as it seemed!

The key is to get things squared away from the outset; if we're talking about going anywhere, or doing any kind of "finding shelter" after the deadhead takeover is in full swing, then we're all SOL. There would be no way.


I'd have no real rules except these.

1) If you can't shoot, you're farming
2) Freedom of Speech is somewhat restricted because I don't want to hear hate speeches or complaining about the size of the room you get. Larger families need the larger rooms.
3) Stealing food from someone or from the greenhouse means you're going to be getting the pit treatment.

The pit treatment is when we throw you under the fence and into a small tunnel and block it off for three days time. There's a grate that runs along the tunnel that's pretty sturdy and cannot be ripped out. You'll be seeing alot of dead people for three days, you'll be smelling things you wish you didn't have to, see things no man should.

Saddam would approve. If he was still alive.

21-Sep-2007, 09:12 PM
Mmmm I would so take over a trader joes... and who's to say Saddam isn't still alive? Like Elvis and JFK... or perhaps they're cyogenized in some cryogenic facility in New Mexico...

In any event...

During major disasters (that's what i'll call a zombie outbreak, hurricanes, etc) most people are unprepared and thus run amok. The people not concerned by the disaster take advantage of the situation and loot stores. Those who are taking a part in the mad dash for emergency supplies will be raiding stores. And then there's going to be those who can't leave their homes at all and just sit there twiddling their thumbs while the world around them crumbles. While we sit here and plan survival possibilities we must take into consideration we aren't all mad geniouses and the only ones with these ideas... we're just the only ones planning on doing it in a possible zombie outbreak but odds are no matter where we are if it happens... we wont be the only ones with that bright idea...

Kinda reminds me of the whole Ben/Cooper NOTLD thing and then the entire movie The Trigger Effect...

24-Sep-2007, 10:04 PM
Bam! (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=070924072636.vfa1kw6m&show_article=1&image=large) Great for short term, wait-it-out scenarios and I'm sure with some modification and topside conversions this could work juuuust fine for longer habitation ;).

Bad news is if a major power decides to nuke us during the outbreak, your front door may still be archived as a major target :dead:

25-Sep-2007, 04:29 AM
Bam! (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=070924072636.vfa1kw6m&show_article=1&image=large) Great for short term, wait-it-out scenarios and I'm sure with some modification and topside conversions this could work juuuust fine for longer habitation ;).

Bad news is if a major power decides to nuke us during the outbreak, your front door may still be archived as a major target :dead:

Ah, if only I was a billionaire. I think if I had enough money, I'd put a house on top of it to conceal its existence. Then I'd erase every trace of its history on my 56 acres.

I read about a housing development built on top of a former Nike Missile facility in the northeast not long ago. One guy built his house around the same kind of elevator we see in Day'. With the correct preparations, he might be ok if **** hit the fan.

02-Oct-2007, 01:02 AM
Mmmm I would so take over a trader joes... and who's to say Saddam isn't still alive?

Yeah, gotta admit, I would love to take over a Trader Joes just to say that I did.

Touche! I stand corrected on Saddam (and Elvis and JFK for that matter too)