View Full Version : don't you hate it when you forget things?

30-Aug-2007, 06:44 AM
I think this should be in general discussion not the lounge 1st off.
Over the past week, i have noticed a troubling trend in my mindset: I seem to be forgetting things much more abruptly and commonly then ever before. Honestly, i cannot even remember getting to work today, or the 8 hours i put in, or going home. All i remember is waking up for ten, smelling stinky old people, break, and eating a baconater at wendies (which is delictible btw, i would suggest anyone here trys one at least once). I don't get much sleep either, so i guess you can chock it up to that (I've gotten about 8 hours in 4 days or so)
My spelling, grasp of grammar, endurance, appetite, and general meness are more or less gone. I've also become grouchy as hell. Is it because i haven't eaten anything in 2 days? or over working? stress? I dunno, but it's a pain in the ass.

Oh, and i keep getting error messages on my computer....F**k you too Vista, f**k you too....

so, anyone have any expeirences they'd like to share about something like this? Am I suffering from some sort of disease or something?

30-Aug-2007, 03:30 PM
some type of mold spores can do that to you

30-Aug-2007, 03:53 PM
I had big troubles with sleeping a few years back and most of what you described happened to me. I went to the doctor, he gave me some meds, and next thing I know I'm sleeping like a rock. After the meds were gone, I kept getting sleep somehow.

If it's not that big of a deal to where you want to go to the doctor, I would say have a few drinks before you go to bed. That usually seems to help. If it is the sleep that's making all this happen, anyway....

30-Aug-2007, 07:47 PM
Funny you should say that... My sleep has been outa whack this week because i've been having to work insane hours like from 2am to 4am and then later from 11am to 12pm and such... so my only sleep is whatever I can steal between jobs... but like... the past couple of months I keep forgetting stuff that should be obvious... I keep asking my bf when he gets off work when its every single day at 5pm ... I forget to bring groceries into the house... I was in the shower a while ago put on shaving gel and forgot to shave... and when I do work I occasionally forget what the heck i'm doing and eff up...

I've been talking to my friend who's a doctor about it and he suggested to me that it could be assosciated with my depression or the medication i'm on for it if of course its not my serious sleep deprivation. But that's just for me...

He's changing my prescription and i've cancelled all my appointments for the next week since i'm moving and need all my faculties functioning for the long haul 15 hours to Texas...

31-Aug-2007, 04:09 AM
I think this should be in general discussion not the lounge 1st off.
Over the past week, i have noticed a troubling trend in my mindset: I seem to be forgetting things much more abruptly and commonly then ever before. Honestly, i cannot even remember getting to work today, or the 8 hours i put in, or going home. All i remember is waking up for ten, smelling stinky old people, break, and eating a baconater at wendies (which is delictible btw, i would suggest anyone here trys one at least once). I don't get much sleep either, so i guess you can chock it up to that (I've gotten about 8 hours in 4 days or so)
My spelling, grasp of grammar, endurance, appetite, and general meness are more or less gone. I've also become grouchy as hell. Is it because i haven't eaten anything in 2 days? or over working? stress? I dunno, but it's a pain in the ass.

Oh, and i keep getting error messages on my computer....F**k you too Vista, f**k you too....

so, anyone have any expeirences they'd like to share about something like this? Am I suffering from some sort of disease or something?
Its probably related to anxiety and depression. If you're going through a rough patch your sleep gets disrupted so even if you sleep it's not really like sleeping. It goes on long enough you lose all focus. I bet a shrink would tell you that. Its possible to get so despondent you dont even feel depressed, just all wrong. Maybe some sleeping pills would do the trick for a while. Just a guess on my part becasue Im no professional. Other times if you are on meds for a while a stop suddenly that can cause all kinds of wierd stuff.

01-Sep-2007, 04:48 AM

i quit taking my anti depressents over 6 months ago, weren't working so i just cut em off. didn't have any side effects cept i'd wake up covered in sweat everynight for a few days.

i think that may be it tho, wat you (coma) and missjack are chattin bout.

oh, and we have some mold in our ****ty apartment, so maybe a comination of everything.

01-Sep-2007, 04:52 AM
hey man healthcares free in your country go get some!

01-Sep-2007, 04:56 AM
nah, been to the mental health ward in the hospital more then enough in the past year lol.

02-Sep-2007, 05:53 AM
Turning this on its head - I'm amazed how your brain remembers things. What I find particularly amazing is how you try to remember something and can't at the time, but go away and an hour later when you're doing something else, and the thing you were trying to remember has long since left your (conscious) mind, the answer just pops into your head from now where!

It's almost like a PC where you set off a search and the process sits there all by itself in the background and pops up with the answer later on.

Kind of wierd (& unnerving) how there is obviously some sort of process going on in your head for hour(s) that you are completely unaware of...

03-Sep-2007, 02:35 AM
It is crazy when you remember something way after when you needed to! Maybe its like finding something in the last place you think of looking... the mind is so strangely fascinating...

03-Sep-2007, 07:09 PM
if your british, you might have cjd a brain deterioation makes your brain go like a sponge from the mad cow diesese we hear so much about.do you eat beef burgers?? (very unlikley to conract cjd from burgers), or a blood transfusion? which has a very high likelyhood of contracting it from this.i know its a little dramatic but never the less could be possible.:rockbrow:

04-Sep-2007, 01:40 AM
I remember a lady who tried to accuse our store of selling mad cow infected beef... she kept quizzing me on what part of the cow "X" steak came from trying to find something as far from the brain as possible... and ended up picking flank steak before sincerely accusing the store of purposefully selling mad cow infected beef... to which I replied with the utmost of sarcasm... of course we're trying to sell you infected beef... we want to kill our customers so we can declare bankruptcy... but shhh dont tell anyone... I couldn't believe she bought the steak though...

I just had a friend of mine go to London and she was like freaking out because she gained weight because she felt she could only eat Pasta without meat in it because she didn' want to catch mad cow... I felt like saying it beats the stupid cow disease you have now... the odds of her getting MCD is like her contracting HIV/AIDS... wtf?

Again the power of the mind is mystifying...

I'm especially intrigued by placebo effects of drugs...

04-Sep-2007, 04:26 AM
I used to have a messed up sleep cycle. due to various personal reasons, and problems with others i had essentially volunteered to make my own. It gave me similiar problems as to what you're describing.

I countered it with sleep in transit, either on the bus or on the ferry. Or wherever i could grab ten or twenty minutes of shut eye. Countered the physical side of the fatigue anyway. For the mental aspect i carried around a pocket sized moleskin reporters flip book. I'd jot notes, observations, and sentences to jog my memory when i needed to. The rest i let my body do on auto pilot... I dont really recommend that. It became a habit, and looks alittle weird when you're standing on a street corner scribiling in a little black note book...

What i'd really suggest doing, other than taking a night cap or two. Is find yourself two days, and spend them in bed. Be lazy, and you'll shut down mentally, sleep follows (most of the time). Two days of good sleep and you should be back to normal. If not, see a doctor.