View Full Version : Clothing Company 'Charity' SCAM...UK FOLK

01-Sep-2007, 08:39 PM
First up, if you got a leaflet asking for unwanted clothes for the victims of the Chernobyl disaster (no bag, unlike the British Heart Foundation which is legit), don't bother - it's a SCAM.

Basically, the scumbags behind it are using loopholes in the law to make money out of a terrible disaster. The wankers behind this particular one we got leafleted for are:


Even though they state on the leaflet they are "not a charity", to be just inside the law, it's a f*cking scam to con people who don't read the small print and those who haven't looked up on the internet about them. Give them a Googling and you'll find pages and emails from people complaining.


There is also a petition against these scams, please sign it:


So if you've been leafleted to give away unwanted clothes, DON'T, it's a scam. Stick with the charity bags of the British Heart Foundation, or Cancer Research or Oxfam or any of the other official charities.

How does this scam itself work? Well, they get these bags of clothes (you put them in a black bin bag, they don't have their own bags - a sure sign of a scam company) that people have donated believing they're going to a good cause, sift out the crap they can't sell, sell the stuff they can and from the money they make they give a nominal amount to whatever charity it is to stay within the law - the point being though, that they MAKE PROFIT out of the misery of others.

Please sign the petition I've linked to above, and please ignore or report it if you get one of these leaflets through your door.

major jay
01-Sep-2007, 11:38 PM
Say what?........Chernobyl happened twenty years ago.

02-Sep-2007, 10:45 AM
Over 21 years ago to be pedantic, but nuclear disasters have after effects for tens of thousands of years...even hundreds of thousands...the Chernobyl/Pripyat area won't be safe to properly live in for 100,000 years or something like that, if memory serves.

The "children of Chernobyl" were born to parents affected by massive doses of radiation. They suffer from physical disabilities to severe mental disabilities as well as being victims of various cancers, or having vastly increased chances of cancers. The people caught up in the accident were lied to by their government, the evacuation of Pripyat itself took days to happen.

The point is, these scamming bastards - BYRONSWELL LTD are taking a horrid event that has scarred this planet and its people, and they're making money off of it - hence my warning to you all, ignore the leaflet or report it and tell your neighbours too.

02-Sep-2007, 11:02 AM
Actually it will be safe to move into The Zone within 300 - 800 years. 100,000 is a bit of a exageration. :p

02-Sep-2007, 01:30 PM
Oh boo-hoo, I got a number mixed up related to Chernobyl. :rolleyes::eek: Point still is, nobody living today nor for the next several hundred years will know of a Chernobyl/Pripyat populated with people - will it ever be back to "normal"? Will it always have the stigma? For how long will the after effects last?

But 100,000 years was a number related to Chernobyl, I just wasn't paying attention when I responded, here's a quote from a BBC News article I googled up:

" In amongst the rubble are about 200 tons of radioactive fuel rods mixed up with fallen masonry and a kind of lava that was formed by the intense heat after the initial explosion.

All that will stay radioactive for 100,000 years, which, when you think of it, is far beyond any human time horizon."

That's why the number stuck in my head, hence the mix up, sheesh!

Anyway, I posted this up originally to alert any fellow Brits to the scam that's being run and how disgusting I think it is.

02-Sep-2007, 05:48 PM
Point still is, nobody living today nor for the next several hundred years will know of a Chernobyl/Pripyat

:rockbrow: Not even jimmy saville? he must be 400 already..

02-Sep-2007, 05:54 PM
I thought it was 600 years.

03-Sep-2007, 02:47 AM
Wow I can't believe people would try such a scam... you're making me wonder the legitimacy of the bins that suspiciously appeared outside the local shopping plaza that say 'donate clothes' and 'donate toys' etc... and yet dont have like Salvation Army written across them... Its horrible what people are willing to do but how is this possibly legal just because they say that they're not a charity?

And did anyone notice there's an Isle owned by the Brits called Pitcairn Isle? Like Bachs Auto Pitcairn... lil upset I can't sign the petition but i'm sure that a similar scam will pop up here in the states if it hasn't yet already and thanks for the heads up I shall personally be on the lookout...

03-Sep-2007, 03:47 AM
actually i saw this wildlife documentary about the animals that have retaken the towns in chernobyl and it said 100's if not thousands till humans can live there in a radiation free area. As the ground is still full of it, jsut dig up a shovel full of dirt and you unearth fresh doses of radioactive dust, eat a plant or animal form the area and it will have the radiation in its blood and so on and so forth.
yet amazingly the documentary showed a family of bears and a family of cats all living fine and even rare breed sof plants returning form extinction.
and whilst theres no mutants ,shame, the animals born 4 or 5 generations after the pets that were abandoned with the towns actually behave differently to the ways there species should, and not in a bad way like more violent, but birds with have different mating seasons, some worms that reproduce asexual are now becoming either male or female and seeking mates.
pretty interesting stuff really, like you saw an old building get struck by lighting and burn down and it got quickly retaken by nature. So whilst chernobyl wont be habitable for our species for centruies, natures allready taken it back, and its a shame that this peacufl no human zone had to come to be by our own nuclear power going...well, nuclear.

Still nice to no life does find a way:)

:rockbrow: Not even jimmy saville? he must be 400 already..

dude even back in tudor times he was asking henry the wahteveritwasatthattime: "do you like..sha-wady-waddy?":lol:

04-Sep-2007, 03:37 AM
aye, you can actually live in pripyat now, as long as you arent inside the sarcophagus, there are plenty of animals and people who refused to move living there right now.

there was a fascinating documentary about it & cellular reaction to steady, low amounts of radiation.

because weve only ever seen the effects of such exposure in extreme circumstances (such as nagasaki), we assume that the greater the radiation, the higher the mortality rate, but in fact once you get to a certain low level, animal/human cells develop protection against radiation, almost like the effects of a vaccination!

as such live thrives (ish) there. the total number of deaths from the incident is pretty low, yes lots of kids developed thyroid cancer but most survived.

but yeah, the people who are using it to do a cheap little scam are out of order.