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View Full Version : Scripts for Deadlands 1 & 2?

06-Sep-2007, 01:48 AM
Hi DJ:

Just got to watch the movie. Enjoyed it, but like many others here, would love to see a few things changed/improved on. I'm wondering...are the scripts for Deadlands and/or the sequel available in Word or PDF format? You mentioned in the interviews the different scripts. I, for one, would love to read the original, or the different ones. I found the story somewhat challenging to follow (i.e., why did they do this, that, etc.) during the movie, and am wondering what the script was like.

Looking forward to Escape. Don't think anyone has ever done folks trapped in a movie theater during a zombie outbreak. (Would have made some interesting scenes in either Dawn movie!)

06-Sep-2007, 11:38 AM
Hi Kennethos,

I am looking for the original PDF for Deadlands, it has been sometime since I looked at that script, but I know I have it the original draft laying around on a CDR somewhere. In the meantime I have attached the 4th revision for the short screenplay of TRAPPED (originally called The Escape) it is in zip format. This is the short screenplay which will be filmed and put in with the zombie anthology project I am involved with... as far as Trapped in its feature form... Well, that script stays under wraps for now, but does have these 25 pages in it.


06-Sep-2007, 01:55 PM
only read a little as im off out but i like it man, and im not just saying that in a sugar coating other members way, its really very good.

how exactly do you convert a document into a pdf file by the way?

06-Sep-2007, 02:14 PM
Use a program like ADOBE Acrobat. If you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your PC (Not the reader, full software) just right click on your word document and any document that is recognized by Adobe and choose make PDF.