View Full Version : Wasnt Lair supposed to be a big PS3 item?

06-Sep-2007, 03:03 AM
If I remember when PS3 fans would list upcoming games that were going to be awsome for their system it seemed like they would always list Lair as one of them......

Well anyways its been reviewed and it appears that it sucks... Gamespot gave it a 4.5!.....
Heres the review


06-Sep-2007, 03:25 AM
the ONLY thign that can get it to sell is if they did a final fantasy 7 remake with advent children graphics like that tech demo.
Thing is square denied it saying it was nothing more. yet there final compilation projct with all those spin offs is meant to last till the 20th anniversary in 2017 i can see it happening, itd sell me a ps3, 'specially if they did advent children as a game as well.

06-Sep-2007, 07:10 PM
the ONLY thign that can get it to sell is if they did a final fantasy 7 remake with advent children graphics like that tech demo.
Thing is square denied it saying it was nothing more. yet there final compilation projct with all those spin offs is meant to last till the 20th anniversary in 2017 i can see it happening, itd sell me a ps3, 'specially if they did advent children as a game as well.

same here,final fantasy 7 is the most deep,meaningful,downright awesome game ive ever played!i actually really gave a crap about the characters & story,i explored the entire game world,the slums of midgar made me feel sorry for those living there,the CGI style sequences were breathtaking!the part when weapon attacks junon harbour had my jaw on the floor!no other game since has drawn me in that much,whether its because im older & dont have as much imagination,im not sure,but it was a really special game that,i clocked up 120 hours on it at a time i was meant to be revising for my GCSE's :lol:

06-Sep-2007, 08:06 PM
Ah, Final Fantasy VII. You won't find a game with a more split camp of lovers and haters. I happen to think its a good game, but highly overrated. Final Fantasy III (or VI, if you look at it that way) for SNES is where its at. IX, on the other hand, is an underrated gem of a game. I think it came along too late in Playstation's life span for people to notice.

darth los
06-Sep-2007, 08:40 PM
yeah, lair was supposed to be the reward for the patience those loyal to sony have exhibited until now. You'll still hear fanboys touting those familiar talking points, "just be patient, good games are on the way." :lol: The holiday season is fast approaching. If this is the best that sony can do it doesn't look good for them. Their next big thing is supposed to be heavenly sword. Even if it is a blockbuster, it takes more than one good game to sell a console. "resistence" should have taught them that lesson.

07-Sep-2007, 11:39 AM
Final Fantasy VII would have been good... if it weren't an RPG. Sorry, but I just can't get into games in which every two feet you step you get magically sucked into a battle that is exactly the same as the one before and the thousands to follow it.

07-Sep-2007, 11:49 AM
^ then chck out final fantasy 12, thats done away with youll probably dig that one.

but yeah 6,8 and X are my personal favourites, x's extremely underrated i think. im replaying it again lately (just got to mount gagazet) and its such a great game, one of the best ps2 games and i dont get that its suposedly so undderated because people didnt like the sphere grid, but id take that in 13 over that crude license grid any day, i spent 2 hours just fighting cactus' at the start to get van to cover half of his license grid before you even get a second party member.:rolleyes: same as in final fantasy 5.

darth los
07-Sep-2007, 05:12 PM
Final Fantasy VII would have been good... if it weren't an RPG. Sorry, but I just can't get into games in which every two feet you step you get magically sucked into a battle that is exactly the same as the one before and the thousands to follow it.

I thought i was the only one bothered by that battle system. That's one of the reasons why kotor kicks arse.